What is the least helpful feedback you have ever got?


Word maker upperer
Aug 13, 2022
For me it was today. Anonymous of course:

Please note: the abbreviated name from the name ‘Honey’ is more commonly spelled ‘Hon’, not ‘Hun’. Furthermore, names should be capitalized. You use ‘hun’ when the better, correct spelling is ‘Hon’.

I now see where I have been going wrong as a writer and a human being. The path to self-improvement is clear.

I’m so sorry, hun, that I discombobulated you. It won’t happen again. Oops!

I have to say the passive aggressive use of please was particularly fine.

In second place was the “editor” a few months back whose first (and pretty much only) suggestion was to have two spaces after a period.

And I don’t get is why someone felt the above was a good use of their time, let alone mine.

Can you beat this? I suspect the answer is likely to be yes.

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For me it was today. Anonymous of course:

I now see where I have been going wrong as a writer and a human being. The path to self-improvement is clear.

I’m so sorry, hun, that I discombobulated you. It won’t happen again. Oops!

I have to say the passive aggressive use of please was particularly fine.

In second place was the “editor” a few months back whose first (and pretty much only) suggestion was to have two spaces after a period.

All I don’t get is why someone felt the above was a good use of their time, let alone mine.

Can you beat this? I suspect the answer is likely to be yes.

Is this a trick question?

by 26thNC on 01/14/2023

Cuck pimps for his whore on Valentines Day. How touching.
by Anonymous user on 01/14/2023

by Anonymous user on 01/14/2023

Just another sicko person with the illusion of being an erotic author. In reality just another pile of fecal material.
by hindsight2020 on 01/15/2023

Please stop.
by Anonymous user on 02/15/2023

Wow! Even for a fictional story on a porn site, this was simply awful.

And these are just samples from ONE of my stories!
Is this a trick question?

by 26thNC on 01/14/2023

Cuck pimps for his whore on Valentines Day. How touching.
by Anonymous user on 01/14/2023

by Anonymous user on 01/14/2023

Just another sicko person with the illusion of being an erotic author. In reality just another pile of fecal material.
by hindsight2020 on 01/15/2023

Please stop.
by Anonymous user on 02/15/2023

Wow! Even for a fictional story on a porn site, this was simply awful.

And these are just samples from ONE of my stories!
You win!

Is this a trick question?

by 26thNC on 01/14/2023

Cuck pimps for his whore on Valentines Day. How touching.
by Anonymous user on 01/14/2023

by Anonymous user on 01/14/2023

Just another sicko person with the illusion of being an erotic author. In reality just another pile of fecal material.
by hindsight2020 on 01/15/2023

Please stop.
by Anonymous user on 02/15/2023

Wow! Even for a fictional story on a porn site, this was simply awful.

And these are just samples from ONE of my stories!
I’m really sorry, but “please stop” has me giggling and I can’t, well… stop 🤭🤭🤭🤭

I wrote about a fictional sex resort in the hills of Tennessee in 1962. I'm left wondering exactly who is reading erotic fiction looking for "plausibility"? But hey, at least I got an "A".

But the biggest problem was the time/,place setting. I could see, with a modest strain on credibility, a place like this in southern California during the relatively freewheeling Caryer years--maybe. But remote Tennessee in 1962? Zero chance. That whole atmosphere re: sex in the US at the time was far too repressed in general. Furthermore, Tennessee is the buckle of the Bible Belt, so that no matter how discreet the operation was, it would never have flown. No way you could keep a place like this quiet, either: the locals who do things like trades work will see things and talk. Next thing you know, the sheriff and his boys arrive and close it down.
"A" for effort but not very plausible at all.
In second place was the “editor” a few months back whose first (and pretty much only) suggestion was to have two spaces after a period.
I don't understand why this triggers people so hard. It's from an older style guide, but it's not an indicator of anything else. It's not a moral failing to use two spaces after a period.

In fact, I have two spaces after my periods, but you can't see them because HTML ignores extra whitespace.
I don't understand why this triggers people so hard. It's from an older style guide, but it's not an indicator of anything else. It's not a moral failing to use two spaces after a period.

In fact, I have two spaces after my periods, but you can't see them because HTML ignores extra whitespace.
It triggers people when someone (who definitely doesn’t just want to get in your panties) claims to be able to help improve your writing and their only suggestion is this.

It triggers people when someone (who definitely doesn’t just want to get in your panties) claims to be able to help improve your writing and their only suggestion is this.
I get that, and I apologize for jumping on your post to rant. If that was their only suggestion, they suck at editing.
Is this a trick question?

by 26thNC on 01/14/2023

Cuck pimps for his whore on Valentines Day. How touching.
by Anonymous user on 01/14/2023

by Anonymous user on 01/14/2023

Just another sicko person with the illusion of being an erotic author. In reality just another pile of fecal material.
by hindsight2020 on 01/15/2023

Please stop.
by Anonymous user on 02/15/2023

Wow! Even for a fictional story on a porn site, this was simply awful.

And these are just samples from ONE of my stories!
Each time I come back to this thread I get a fit of giggles. It’s really very embarrassing.

I don't understand why this triggers people so hard. It's from an older style guide, but it's not an indicator of anything else. It's not a moral failing to use two spaces after a period.

In fact, I have two spaces after my periods, but you can't see them because HTML ignores extra whitespace.
And given that Lit suppresses the second space, it's also completely irrelevant. Typists, what can you do?
I do bring out the grammar police. Case in point,

The past tense of “thrust” is . . . Thrust. While some contemporary dictionaries may give “thrusted” as an alternative past tense they also contain “ain’t” and “YOLO” so how can they be trusted?
“Thrusted” simply sounds inelegant and amateurish.

Well, I confess, I'm inelegant and amateurish.
For me it was today. Anonymous of course:

I now see where I have been going wrong as a writer and a human being. The path to self-improvement is clear.

I’m so sorry, hun, that I discombobulated you. It won’t happen again. Oops!

I have to say the passive aggressive use of please was particularly fine.

In second place was the “editor” a few months back whose first (and pretty much only) suggestion was to have two spaces after a period.

All I don’t get is why someone felt the above was a good use of their time, let alone mine.

Can you beat this? I suspect the answer is likely to be yes.

I had an "anonymous" limped dicked, baby carrot sporting, moldy, diseased riddled, douche nozzle say this to me,

"Do the world a favor and kill yourself. Your family would be better off without you around."

Of course, I reported it to Laurel.
I don't know if anything came about from it.
Oh, that's an easy one. The guy who told me I should stop writing and never write anything again because I was so terrible at writing.
I had an "anonymous" limped dicked, baby carrot sporting, moldy, diseased riddled, douche nozzle say this to me,

"Do the world a favor and kill yourself. Your family would be better off without you around."

Of course, I reported it to Laurel.
I don't know if anything came about from it.

Did you ever see the movie The Thing, from 1982? At the end of the movie the monster confronts the Kurt Russell character and is about to attack him and roars at him, and Russell's character says, "Fuck you, too," right before he throws the dynamite. Seems like the right response, figuratively at least, in this case, too.
I had an "anonymous" limped dicked, baby carrot sporting, moldy, diseased riddled, douche nozzle say this to me,

"Do the world a favor and kill yourself. Your family would be better off without you around."

Of course, I reported it to Laurel.
I don't know if anything came about from it.
I never deleted any comments. But I had one comment on a story about a year ago which disappeared after about two weeks.

The recommendation was: "EAT SHIT AND DIE!"

I think Laurel must have seen it, and just thought it a little inappropriate.
Not much can be done about an anon comment, since there's no account to council. What a jerk, though.
I can't stand these "anonymous" comments. I wish that didn't exist, so we could see these cowards.
I never deleted any comments. But I had one comment on a story about a year ago which disappeared after about two weeks.

The recommendation was: "EAT SHIT AND DIE!"

I think Laurel must have seen it, and just thought it a little inappropriate.
I made sure that Laurel saw it first, before I deleted it.
I delete comments like that all the time.
I don't mind comments that are critical or if someone says they don't like my stories, but when its vulgar like that I do.
Did you ever see the movie The Thing, from 1982? At the end of the movie the monster confronts the Kurt Russell character and is about to attack him and roars at him, and Russell's character says, "Fuck you, too," right before he throws the dynamite. Seems like the right response, figuratively at least, in this case, too.
I think that I've seen that movie, but do not quote me.
I'll look it up on AP and NF later.
Conversely, I delete abusive comments after a suitable wait in case they come back looking for an immediate reaction, which is what "they" want. That crap doesn't do me any good nor does it for anybody else. I'll leave the "...say, what?" silly stuff like the "two spaces" comment alone as amusement.

As an aside about "two spaces", OMG, is that such an anachronism. I wrote tons of typesetting conversion programs back in the day to undo the damage by secretaries on word processors doing two spaces, along with lower-case 'L' for '1' and other typographic abominations. There was also a typesetting convention converting two spaces to a "thin" (1/2 an "en" space) and a "space band" (regular justification space). I forget what it was called - "French spacing" comes to mind, tho'. That had to be nearly 50 years ago. Wow.
You mean, aside from the incoherent, rambling, profane rants with haphazard spelling, worse grammar and a plethora of exclamation marks, the ones filled with scatological, hate-filled contempt and clear evidence of both inbreeding and substance abuse?


Well, I suppose it might have been, “I won’t be reading any more of your stories!”

Dude! You wound me!
Okay, I'll be honest, I haven't gotten nearly as rough of comments as some of the stuff described above, but I will mention the few funny or unhelpful comments I've gotten.

On my most recent story, I had someone give me a mostly positive review, followed by:
"The scenario was very enticing, but I was a bit let down by the sex scenes, I'm not sure why"
Friend, if you don't know why, then I certainly don't. :LOL:

A villain in one of my stories mistreats several women, and I had a reader claim that I was using my writing as an excuse to abuse women. I think it was author Daniel Handler who said, "I fail to understand how to write villains who do not do villainous things." (paraphrased)

I had one reader (who is apparently well known for leaving rude comments) say that:
"Mediocre isn't an insulting enough name for you. A better name would be ShitAuthor"
That was unnecessarily mean, but also kinda funny. lol

But the one that takes the cake for me personally, was the first comment I ever received on Literotica. A reader said that he would never read the rest of my story, or anything else I wrote, because I confused "shudder" with "shutter"

He was 100% correct. I had fucked that up, and I only had myself to blame... but that said, how often do you write the word shudder or shutter in your everyday life? Was it worth writing a comment, just to let me know that he wouldn't read any more of my story? I guess so.
I'm particularly enamored of the guy who told me that a story with numerous sci-fi elements didn't belong in Sci-Fi/Fantasy. Since he wasn't anonymous (shocking!) I called him out with a list of said elements. He admitted he'd only skimmed the piece. To the surprise of absolutely no one, his bitch boiled down to not wanting to see certain sexual content that he felt was better suited to other categories. I gave him the two-dollar version of why that's one of the dumbest possible things you can complain about vis-a-vis a category that isn't explicitly about sex on a sex stories site.

An infinity-way tie for second place is "ANAL MEANS GAY SO FUCK YOUR GAY STORY IN ITS GAY ASS," except, you know, never quite that clever.

Is there anything more annoying than a loud, dumb, horny bigot? They're singularities of human deficiency.