What is a good thread to talk about anything?


Mar 13, 2003
There are so many threads in The Playground board. What is a good one to get in and chat about everyday things? Anyone have any suggestions?
vic25 said:
There are so many threads in The Playground board. What is a good one to get in and chat about everyday things? Anyone have any suggestions?

Depends what your interest is in Lit i.e. age your state probably has a thread,that is good the over 40 thread is good and the older men thread as the girls make us welcome but I,m old so....
ah welcome to Lit any help you need just yell
greetings Bachlum Chaam
vic25 said:
There are so many threads in The Playground board. What is a good one to get in and chat about everyday things? Anyone have any suggestions?

Welcome to Lit, Vic!:) (would that be short for Viceroy, I wonder)

For once, Bachlum's advice, above, might be worth taking into account.:)
vic25 said:
There are so many threads in The Playground board. What is a good one to get in and chat about everyday things? Anyone have any suggestions?

My *kitchen thread* Momma's kitchen is always open to any new people...nice bunch in there and we gab about anything and everything...
Re: Re: What is a good thread to talk about anything?

wildrose70 said:
My *kitchen thread* Momma's kitchen is always open to any new people...nice bunch in there and we gab about anything and everything...

Wildroses thread is v good too,thnx for your approval Stark have a good one my friend
greetings Bachlum Chaam