What I Wrote And Why - My RolloJTomasi stories

I know you've got a hundred and one caveats saying this doesn't prove anything, nevertheless, I'm still not sure what this 'proves'.

There's so much variance in the baseline scores of the various categories and it's generally well acknowledged that series that start hot tend to say hot as only the people who like them keep reading. So, and you say so yourself, comparing a whole series set in Novels and Novella one of, from my understanding, the least controversial categories against your main profiles smorgasboard of categories and individual works doesn't mean a whole lot.

For what it's worth, I understand the whole 'fan club' thing. I've had a whole bunch of stories that were previously hot drop out of hottness recently and a run of 13 stories where 7 are rated 4.4x and none have been rated hot. I went to having a 50% hotness across all stories to 33% in the space of the past four months or so. And a nagging voice says people are out to get me. And it is certainly a fact that we all get those 1-bombs.

On top of that, all 4 published stories under my gay alt got easy H ratings. Since moving them under my main alt, one dropped out of hotness and the new Gay story I published under my main account did significantly worse. Is it a result of a 'fan club' or regular 'fans' not liking the new content? Possibly, but on reflection I had to admit that the newest story was the weakest of the five.

Regarding the whole 'female advantage' thing. I used to believe that casually. As a guy, I quite like the thrill of having access to 'a woman's fantasies' and wouldn't be surprised at a the average guy just being that little bit nicer. I've come to learn that there are some weird and angry people on Lit and that 'a woman writing the wrong thing' is likely to get an extra salvo of those 1-bombs and those are the votes that make all the difference.

Finally, you seem to be testing two contradicatory things at the same time. Whether or not you get voted higher because you are a woman, and whether or not you get voted lower because some group of people dislike you, EmilyMiller. Both, either or neither of those things might be true but trying to test both at the same time seems like foolishness, especially when the final results are pretty darn close anyway.
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I'm a little surprised you outed yourself do quickly; I'd be curious the comparisons over more time and a wider variety of genres.

But I get it. An interesting experiment that you felt ran it's course.

It's funny; if I have a "fan club" down voting me, I'm unaware of them. Sure, my stories get hit by the One Bombs from time to time, but I have no measurable data. it's very random.

Gender bias? Forum personality/ personality bias? No idea. But I can absolutely see how being a fun, flirty and vocal personality along with sometimes butting heads on a controversial subject can lead to people with petty agendas down voting your stuff.

I'm glad you're taking it all in stride now :)
I'd say that if you have a lot of people that fan club your writing with 1's or 5's, it means as a writer you're noticeable enough to get that kind of attention from people. You can't have fans without being noticeable, and as they say, if you have haters you know you're doing something right.
I'm glad you're taking it all in stride now :)
That’s the main take away. I know it’s just me, but sometimes I need to do some work to get my head straight.

I’m a kinda let the chips fall girl nowadays. Wasn’t always so.

I'd say that if you have a lot of people that fan club your writing with 1's or 5's, it means as a writer you're noticeable enough to get that kind of attention from people. You can't have fans without being noticeable, and as they say, if you have haters you know you're doing something right.
I think that’s a good perspective. J-shaped curve, right?

Just an aside, last night my Rollo stories had both a weighted and unweighted average rating of 4.70, higher than the 4.67 - 4.68 I calculated for the article. Which makes the gap even more clear, even when adjusting for category (with @8letters help)

Also many of my EmilyMiller stories have been swept, so what we are looking at is the residue not caught by a sweep. I.e. with much of the most egregious malicious voting already expunged.

As another general aside, I find it highly amusing that an attempt to deal vaguely sensibly with partial data (something that happens all the time with stats IRL) gets critiqued, despite it being laced with appropriate caveats. And yet, people who just pull stuff out of their ass are seldom subjected to the same level of scrutiny. Of course I hold myself to a higher level than those who just make convenient garbage up, but it would be nice to see all claims subjected to the same level of review.

As another general aside, I find it highly amusing that an attempt to deal vaguely sensibly with partial data (something that happens all the time with stats IRL) gets critiqued, despite it being laced with appropriate caveats. And yet, people who just pull stuff out of their ass are seldom subjected to the same level of scrutiny. Of course I hold myself to a higher level than those who just make convenient garbage up, but it would be nice to see all claims subjected to the same level of review.


We live in a world where people believe vaccines contain nanobots and windmills cause cancer.

People don't actually review data anymore.
People don't actually review data anymore.
And people certainly don’t know how to interpret it.

It’s funny that I’ve had people say “this doesn’t prove anything,” when I stated several times that this was not my objective.

Wrt the second hypothesis, the data gathered does not support it. I don’t claim it refutes it, merely that it casts doubt on and already dubious assertion.

If someone can point to any data consistent with hypothesis 2, I’d be happy to accept their conclusions. I won’t hold my breath however.

It's funny; if I have a "fan club" down voting me, I'm unaware of them. Sure, my stories get hit by the One Bombs from time to time, but I have no measurable data. it's very random.
The 'fan club' phenom is very real. My highest rated story has been taking .03 - .05 point swings with and after every sweep ever since it got its W and it has over 1100 votes. Kudos to Laurel for doing the sweeps, but I don't see any solution to the existence or behavior of the 'fan clubs.'
The 'fan club' phenom is very real. My highest rated story has been taking .03 - .05 point swings with and after every sweep ever since it got its W and it has over 1100 votes. Kudos to Laurel for doing the sweeps, but I don't see any solution to the existence or behavior of the 'fan clubs.'
Comp winners get trashed all the time. What the Aussies call tall poppy syndrome.

Again, thanks to @StillStunned for this idea.

The Writing of my RolloJTomasi stories
In which I admit to a brief experiment with a alt, and acquire some Zen-like balance

ADVISORY: Contains adding up, multiplying, and - 😱 - sometimes even division.

Emily, just wondering, where did you get the Rollo Tomassi name? (I've seen it spelled with two "S's"). The first time I saw it, it was being used by a YouTube "red-pill" channel. I figured that was his real name. (He is very verbose at times, with very long videos.) Than when I looked it up, Rollo Tomassi is from a piece of dialogue in L.A. Confidential. Thus he is hiding his identity although his face is in the videos. (He's a "prolific" writer too, if you look him up on Amazon.)

So is there a third level to all this that I'm missing?
Comp winners get trashed all the time. What the Aussies call tall poppy syndrome.

Yup. I've seen the cumulative effect across several of my stories as they've dropped by similar amounts. Some of that could be just averaging over time, but some of it happens so fast and is too dramatic to be a naturally occurring phenomenon. Kinda think anything 2 or more points from the mode should require a comment.
Emily, just wondering, where did you get the Rollo Tomassi name? (I've seen it spelled with two "S's"). The first time I saw it, it was being used by a YouTube "red-pill" channel. I figured that was his real name. (He is very verbose at times, with very long videos.) Than when I looked it up, Rollo Tomassi is from a piece of dialogue in L.A. Confidential. Thus he is hiding his identity although his face is in the videos. (He's a "prolific" writer too, if you look him up on Amazon.)

So is there a third level to all this that I'm missing?
It’s from L.A. Confidential (love that movie) as you say - I used one “s,” which may well be wrong 😬.

Also, Rollo’s While There Is Hope series is kinda L.A. Confidential adjacent - two cops battling against police corruption at a high level. My story is also kinda modern noir.

Yup. I've seen the cumulative effect across several of my stories as they've dropped by similar amounts. Some of that could be just averaging over time, but some of it happens so fast and is too dramatic to be a naturally occurring phenomenon. Kinda think anything 2 or more points from the mode should require a comment.
It will never change.

The 'fan club' phenom is very real. My highest rated story has been taking .03 - .05 point swings with and after every sweep ever since it got its W and it has over 1100 votes. Kudos to Laurel for doing the sweeps, but I don't see any solution to the existence or behavior of the 'fan clubs.'

I think it's best when someone goes into a story with somewhat lower expectations and is pleasantly surprised.

An introduction like "This is an amazing first place story" already has a number of people crossing their arms and saying, "Oh really? We'll see about that."

I know I'm guilty of that, too. I'll see some famous series really hyped up so I'll give it a read and my takeaway will be something like "Mistborn was kinda meh" when I might have enjoyed it more if I went in with lower expectations.
I think it's best when someone goes into a story with somewhat lower expectations and is pleasantly surprised.

An introduction like "This is an amazing first place story" already has a number of people crossing their arms and saying, "Oh really? We'll see about that."

I know I'm guilty of that, too. I'll see some famous series really hyped up so I'll give it a read and my takeaway will be something like "Mistborn was kinda meh" when I might have enjoyed it more if I went in with lower expectations.

I have found myself skipping H stories in the new list for this reason.

I am also slightly sceptical when a new story gets an H in a few hours, but that be as mine have pretty low views!
It’s from L.A. Confidential (love that movie) as you say - I used one “s,” which may well be wrong 😬.

Also, Rollo’s While There Is Hope series is kinda L.A. Confidential adjacent - two cops battling against police corruption at a high level. My story is also kinda modern noir.

I missed it when I saw the movie. Apparently, it's supposed to be a made-up, generic kind of name like John Q. Public. Yet I wonder where the screenwriters got it from.
I have found myself skipping H stories in the new list for this reason.

I am also slightly sceptical when a new story gets an H in a few hours, but that be as mine have pretty low views!

I don't have enough experience here to know how much of a difference followers makes. Id assume quite a bit.

But like Emily said, it also sounds like a double edged sword. You get people who want to knock you down a peg or idk maybe otherwise faithful readers want to nudge you back into writing the kind of stories they like.
I think it's best when someone goes into a story with somewhat lower expectations and is pleasantly surprised.

An introduction like "This is an amazing first place story" already has a number of people crossing their arms and saying, "Oh really? We'll see about that."

I know I'm guilty of that, too. I'll see some famous series really hyped up so I'll give it a read and my takeaway will be something like "Mistborn was kinda meh" when I might have enjoyed it more if I went in with lower expectations.
Hadn't thought of that. I was pretty stoked when I updated my signature calling out my award. Never thought of the braggadocio factor. Thanks for calling me on it.
This is also the same, for me, with photography. You see "award winning" photos and just go... "yeah? really?" A few years back I went to a wildlife photography show and was very underwhelmed.

I also find myself wondering why some people add one of mine as a favourite on flickr... it's usually one I an not fussed about.

It's all in the eye of others, you just happen to be the eye that wrote it/pressed the shutter