What happened to all of the doom and gloom economic threads?

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Why did you ignore the link to the NYT where it was stated that the economy appears to be slowing down?


Why did you read extremist blogs?

You don't understand. In lots of places guns are sold out because of paranoid angry white men, basically Vette clones, everywhere. And if they're sold out, you can't get them. It's brilliant really. Obama's gun control plot is to let so many guns be sold that the industry can't keep up, thus controlling gun sales!

THIS? is what the best of Liberal education tends to?

Can we have a beer summit?
Do wipe the spittle off your chin son...:rolleyes:

This is a variant on "Fear (based on the election of President Obama) of Change" did not, in the least bit, lead to the fall of the Stock Exchanges...

;) ;)

It was all Bush. (Don't even mention Pelosi and Reid [the radical cultist]!)
Jesus Christ! Merc "Rumpledforeskin" 14 would have better luck trying to spin straw into gold than bullshit into truth. Give it up clown, we've read your book.:rolleyes:

Remember Iraq? Desert Storm?

The halt for logistics was a defeat!

We're just guilty of jumping on a halt for logistics!

:D :D :D
You don't understand. In lots of places guns are sold out because of paranoid angry white men, basically Vette clones, everywhere. And if they're sold out, you can't get them. It's brilliant really. Obama's gun control plot is to let so many guns be sold that the industry can't keep up, thus controlling gun sales!
racist douchebag
Jesus Christ! Merc "Rumpledforeskin" 14 would have better luck trying to spin straw into gold than bullshit into truth. Give it up clown, we've read your book.:rolleyes::D

There you go again in true Vette homoerotic style, talking about my cock. Sorry to disappoint you but I'm not into dudes.
You jamming your knee into your chin every time you jump to the defense of the gay lifestyle when you perceive a slight is getting boring as well.:rolleyes:

It took every ounce of willpower in your being to keep this from being another homoerotic comment, didn't it?
When the economy was improving, I was the first to break the news from Kudlow...

Now, listen again...

Obama’s 2.5 Percent Stall
By Larry Kudlow, NRO
April 20, 2012 5:00 P.M.

Wall Street headlines are full of fears of a springtime stall for the already subpar economic recovery. And if that weren’t bad enough for Obama’s reelection chances, a spate of new polls show Mitt Romney’s economic-approval ratings are far outdistancing the president’s.

Even while the headline surveys basically show an Obama-Romney tossup, it will be very difficult for Obama to pull out a victory this fall. Traditionally, incumbents who poll below 50 percent are in trouble. And with Obama consistently in the mid-40s, he has a tough uphill climb ahead.

Of course, a subpar recovery has kept the president’s reelection hopes in doubt for some time. Former Bush economist Ed Lazear calls it the worst recovery in history. Okay. That may be a partisan shot. But actually, the data points bear this out.

At roughly 2.5 percent growth, the Obama recovery is way below the 4.5 percent average since World War II. And within Obama’s 2.5 percent economy, polling data show high voter anxiety over gas prices, home values, and the ability to pay mortgages. Voters even worry that they won’t be able to afford to send their kids to college.

The unemployment rate may have come down to 8.3 percent. But the problem for several years is that discouraged workers have been dropping out of the labor force. So real-world unemployment is considerably higher than the official stats.

And if all this weren’t bad enough for the president, recent economic numbers are going in the wrong direction: Initial jobless claims have increased about 6 percent. Existing homes sales and housing starts have fallen the last two months. Manufacturing, which has been a very positive story (assisted by rock-bottom natural-gas prices from the shale revolution), actually fell last month. And while retail sales continue to be a bright spot, incomes after inflation — including high gas and food prices — may not be keeping up.

Perhaps the most optimistic statistic is the Index of Leading Economic Indicators. This measure has increased six straight months and stands at its highest level in four years, a good sign that the 2.5 percent trendline growth rate will continue without a double dip. But it’s still only 2.5 percent growth.

Even busybody has stopped his warnings of impending improvement...

;) ;)
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