What happened to all of the doom and gloom economic threads?

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Reports on jobless claims, existing-home sales and manufacturing in the mid-Atlantic region suggested the robust start to 2012 seems to have lost momentum.
One group is voluntarily unemployed and do not collect unemployment. The other group is unemployed against their will, would like to be employed, need to be employed, and have collected the maximum unemployment benefits and still can't find a job, so they give up hope and quit looking.

Let me rephrase. What government metric makes a distinction between those voluntarily unemployed and those who are simply unemployed? It sure as shit sounds like your quoting the U6 but the U6 doesn't make a distinction between my father and my brother. Both are unemployed, both were in the job market as of 2008 one is retired and one's in college. Which chart should I be looking for that separates them?
Thank you. You aren't however doing my homework. You're doing yours. When you make a claim it's up to you to back it up, not up to me to figure out what your talking about and confirm or deny it. :D
If I was quoting the U6, the rate would be 15% plus. It's all here son, charts arithmetic, etc.:


I'm getting real tired of doing your homework for you.

You're just insisting on using the U6 for your politics though. You don't really think someone working 40+ hours per week in two part-time jobs should be counted as unemployed. Or that a kid quitting his job to go to college counts as unemployed.

Or that someone who's overqualified for their job should count as having no job at all. Surely that kind of thing should be tracked but it's absurd to say these people aren't working at all.
When you make a claim it's up to you to back it up, not up to me to figure out what your talking about and confirm or deny it. :D

Oh, Vette has always said whenever he makes a baseless claim it's your job to back him up. And if you actually go research his point and show him he's wrong, well then get ready for a shower of comments about your butthole.
To be fair I don't see a lot of sources being cited here from anybody especially not without being asked and he was polite enough to bring his citation.
To be fair I don't see a lot of sources being cited here from anybody especially not without being asked and he was polite enough to bring his citation.

You see "sources" all the time. The NRO, WND, Pajamas, Breitbart, American Thinker. It's all there clearly linked for you :)
In a February 2012 fund-raising appearance, President Barack Obama expressed his desire to keep America’s assembly lines humming. “I want to make sure the next generation of manufacturing isn’t taking root just in Asia or Europe,” he told a crowd of supporters. “I want it taking root in factories in Detroit and Pittsburgh and Cleveland and California.…I want to reward companies that are investing here in the United States and creating jobs all throughout this country.” Perhaps because the president was speaking in San Francisco, where most of the local factories had long ago been converted into luxury condos for venture capitalists and software designers, he was short on specifics. Or maybe he just couldn’t think of any American manufacturing industries that still seemed salvageable.

Two weeks earlier, however, a federal agency had released a report that suggested at least one component of the manufacturing sector was not only still making stuff in Detroit, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, California, and thousands of other places in America, but making more of it than it had in decades. According to the “Annual Firearms Production and Export Report” from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE), American manufacturers produced 5,459,240 handguns, rifles, shotguns, and miscellaneous ordnance in 2010. (To comply with the Trade Secrets Act, the BATFE waits one year to publish these data; numbers for 2010 therefore are not published until January 2012.) It was the second year in a row the industry had attained numbers not seen since the glory days of the late Carter administration.

A little more than a decade ago, the domestic firearms industry was staggering like a villain on the wrong side of Dirty Harry’s .44 Magnum. “The future has never been more uncertain for America’s oldest manufacturing industry,” a Businessweek cover story reported in 1999. Flat sales, the specter of more stringent regulation, and dozens of lawsuits filed by cities and counties seeking damages for the costs associated with gun violence threatened to destroy a uniquely American business. U.S. companies were going bankrupt, foreign competitors were claiming a bigger piece of the action, and even industry executives were expecting the market to “steadily shrink over the long term.”

Yet here it is, 13 years later, well into America’s great manufacturing exodus and the post-financial-crisis economic slump, and the domestic firearms industry is enjoying near-record productivity. According to Smith & Wesson, one of just two U.S. gun manufacturers that are publicly traded and thus publish their sales figures, the company ended its 2011 fiscal year with a backlog of $187 million in orders after enjoying “record fourth quarter sales and units shipped.” Meanwhile, Sturm, Ruger & Co. is on a quest to become the first U.S. gun manufacturer to build and ship 1 million units in a single year. In May 2011, the company announced its intention to donate $1 to the National Rifle Association (NRA) for every firearm it sold from April 2011 through March 2012. At the end of nine months, in January 2012, it had donated $871,000 and seemed well on its way to meeting its goal.

One possible reason for the surge in gun making: feminism. According to Bloomberg News, approximately 250,000 women have served in combat zones in Afghanistan and Iraq during the last decade, and when they complete their service they are “returning with a familiarity of firearms their mothers never had.”


Other factors behind the boom include the widespread adoption of right-to-carry laws, which require that carry permits be issued to people who meet a short list of objective criteria; two key Supreme Court decisions that found the Second Amendment protects an individual right to arms against federal and state infringement; and an expanding array of products. “A little over a quarter century ago the majority of Americans owning or carrying a handgun had far fewer choices than today,” the February 2012 issue of Combat Handguns notes, “and the majority deferred to the same guns being carried by FBI agents and police detectives. Now, Smith & Wesson alone produces 166 different models of handguns—and 46 of these have been introduced in just the last two years.” On a similar note, new products accounted for 32 percent of Sturm, Ruger’s sales in the first nine months of 2011.


So far President Obama has not championed this industrial resurgence on his watch. But many in the firearms industry are happy to give him credit. Indeed, while Newt Gingrich has tried to brand Obama “the food stamps president,” it would be equally fitting to call him “the firearms president.” In 2004, when a 10-year federal ban against so-called assault weapons expired, the industry enjoyed only a mild uptick in production numbers. When Obama took office in January 2009 and almost immediately started floating the notion of resurrecting the ban, that mild uptick turned into an explosion, as consumers raced to purchase guns while they still could. One industry news service, Outdoor Wire, dubbed the president “Gun Salesman of the Year.”


There, now we can be friends. We have said something positive about President Obama's efforts to revive the economy...
Obama and his wackos are the best thing to ever happen to the American gun industry. That's probably the only sector of American industry he did stimulate positively.

That wasn't Obama, who hasn't even addressed gun control.

That was the Whack-job "Obama's gunna take ur guns! Horde ammo and as many guns as your bunker will hold!" morons, nutbags like you, and the NRA spreading fear of something that will never happen.
That wasn't Obama, who hasn't even addressed gun control.

That was the Whack-job "Obama's gunna take ur guns! Horde ammo and as many guns as your bunker will hold!" morons, nutbags like you, and the NRA spreading fear of something that will never happen.

You don't understand. In lots of places guns are sold out because of paranoid angry white men, basically Vette clones, everywhere. And if they're sold out, you can't get them. It's brilliant really. Obama's gun control plot is to let so many guns be sold that the industry can't keep up, thus controlling gun sales!
Hmm. Not bad at all.
That wasn't Obama, who hasn't even addressed gun control.

That was the Whack-job "Obama's gunna take ur guns! Horde ammo and as many guns as your bunker will hold!" morons, nutbags like you, and the NRA spreading fear of something that will never happen.

MOTroll slobber aisle 13!
When the CBO obviously LIED about NIGGERCARE, we all saw NIGGERPOONZANDI scream at us and said


What will NIGGERPOONZANDI say now?

(I think he will pretend he wont see this)

CBO: Obama’s 2013 Budget Will Hurt the Economy — Obama: Not Fast Enough

(The Hill) — The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said Friday that President Obama’s 2013 budget will hurt the economy in the long term, arguing the larger deficits it would produce would reduce the amount of capital available to businesses.

After five years, the CBO says, the Obama proposals would reduce economic output by between 0.5 percent and 2.2 percent.

Larger deficits caused by the budget would cause the government to issue more bonds, sucking up private capital to finance its debts and thereby reducing the funds businesses could use to expand and hire, the CBO said. An increased tax on capital gains included in the president’s plan would also tend to reduce private capital, it says.

The 2013 Obama budget proposes continuing the Bush tax rates for the middle class and enacting elements of a short-term Jobs Act stimulus. In the near term, actions such as these could increase growth by as much as 1.4 percent, CBO says.

The new CBO report complements a March estimate that Obama’s budget would add $3.5 trillion to deficits over 10 years compared to current law. That report did not try to capture any effects on economic growth
When the CBO obviously LIED about NIGGERCARE, we all saw NIGGERPOONZANDI scream at us and said


What will NIGGERPOONZANDI say now?

(I think he will pretend he wont see this)

CBO: Obama’s 2013 Budget Will Hurt the Economy — Obama: Not Fast Enough

(The Hill) — The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said Friday that President Obama’s 2013 budget will hurt the economy in the long term, arguing the larger deficits it would produce would reduce the amount of capital available to businesses.

After five years, the CBO says, the Obama proposals would reduce economic output by between 0.5 percent and 2.2 percent.

Larger deficits caused by the budget would cause the government to issue more bonds, sucking up private capital to finance its debts and thereby reducing the funds businesses could use to expand and hire, the CBO said. An increased tax on capital gains included in the president’s plan would also tend to reduce private capital, it says.

The 2013 Obama budget proposes continuing the Bush tax rates for the middle class and enacting elements of a short-term Jobs Act stimulus. In the near term, actions such as these could increase growth by as much as 1.4 percent, CBO says.

The new CBO report complements a March estimate that Obama’s budget would add $3.5 trillion to deficits over 10 years compared to current law. That report did not try to capture any effects on economic growth

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