What happened to all of the doom and gloom economic threads?

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We need a higher birthrate in this country....maybe we can give the next "stimulus" a different definition.
the only thing about the economy you know, is when you go out and purchase new computers so that you can play games.

when will you get a real job?

glad that you still support the obama. stimulus part 1 was a fail. the obama wants to do the same thing. are you insane or obama?

the obama is a one term failure.

Dear Vette,


Welcome aboard, comrade.
I'm glad that you can openly admit that continuing huge tax breaks for corporations ISN'T going to create jobs.

So what will? Had a discussion with a guy last weekend, he insisted that infrastructure programs were there way to go....what a moron
This day just fucking sucks...

I had a huge post typed out and lost it in a satellite outage due to weather...

Fuck fuck fuck fuck...

Okay, twice in a row, at least I c&p'd my response to word...

So, I'll just post this to address merc's LOVE of the OBAMA TAX CUTS...

Leaked reports leading up to the speech suggested a $300 billion plan — already way too big. But $450 billion? At a time of massive deficits and debt? And a downgrade? How is this going to be paid for? That’s what many folks want to know. Obama didn’t tell us.
In very round numbers, the package comes to $250 billion of temporary payroll tax cuts of one kind or another, with another $200 billion in new spending on infrastructure, unemployment benefits, and direct aid to state and local governments. But didn’t we learn from Obama Stimulus One that more government spending doesn’t grow the economy or reduce unemployment?

And while more than half of the president’s new package is called “tax cuts,” the reality is that these are temporary tax cuts. Even though tax rates are reduced for both employers and employees, it’s just for one year.

That blunts the true incentive impact of the tax cuts. Businesses like to look ahead at least three to five years for their employment planning. And they’re already worried about the tax and regulatory mandate costs of Obamacare, which has become a great deterrent to job creation. But nobody makes clear business decisions based on temporary one-year tax cuts. That’s not the way business works.

The only true incentive effects come from permanent, economy-wide reductions in tax rates. And that’s what’s been missing all along from Team Obama’s thinking.

For example, it is quite possible that some new jobs will be created in election-year 2012 as a result of the temporary payroll tax cuts. But those jobs will be borrowed from 2013, when the economy risks expiring as the temporary tax cuts go away.

So this becomes a very expensive exercise, one that will yield very little or nothing in the way of permanent job creation or economic growth.
Larry Kudlow

The example I was using about stealing from the future to cover the mistakes (be they corporate, union, or government) of the present had to do with the automakers slump some years back and their answer, instead of better and cheaper products, was 0% financing and rebates, which admittedly, did accelerate some future sales, after which the slump showed signs of continuing so they continued to accelerate sales; cash for clunkers was based upon the same economic fallacy, that you can bring future activity into the present and not affect future activity, and this is the fundamental flaw to all of Obama's economic thinking, well, that and class warfare and the looting of capital from the "rich" in which to perform his accelerations...
This day just fucking sucks...

I had a huge post typed out and lost it in a satellite outage due to weather...

Fuck fuck fuck fuck...

Okay, twice in a row, at least I c&p'd my response to word...

So, I'll just post this to address merc's LOVE of the OBAMA TAX CUTS...

Larry Kudlow

The example I was using about stealing from the future to cover the mistakes (be they corporate, union, or government) of the present had to do with the automakers slump some years back and their answer, instead of better and cheaper products, was 0% financing and rebates, which admittedly, did accelerate some future sales, after which the slump showed signs of continuing so they continued to accelerate sales; cash for clunkers was based upon the same economic fallacy, that you can bring future activity into the present and not affect future activity, and this is the fundamental flaw to all of Obama's economic thinking, well, that and class warfare and the looting of capital from the "rich" in which to perform his accelerations...

Yes, the "Wiley E. Obama....Supergenious" approach. Don't you think the ears bear some resemblance?
Obama wants action on his $450 billion dollar "plan" by November...

...you know, the "plan" he says will be paid for but actually isn't yet.


...he dumps the problem of actually paying for his "plan" into other people's laps (what else could any sane human expect from a socialist?).

Supercommittee's job may grow by trillions

How many times did Obama say the congress must pass his bill in the speech? Thirteen, fourteen?

Repetition (technically "callbacks") are a very effective form of propaganda....particularly towards children. Kudos to our President for knowing his audience.
Repetition (technically "callbacks") are a very effective form of propaganda....particularly towards children. Kudos to our President for knowing his audience.

you support union acting like children and see no issues if the thugs destroy property.

you lost your seat at the big boy table
His "community" has no money.

true, after all the obama has never created anything. the only thing that he has done, that didn't suck down tax payer money, was that obama book.

no wonder the obama and those that support the regime want other people's money. they lack the skills required to create value and wealth
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