What happened to all of the doom and gloom economic threads?

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World Entering 'Dangerous New Phase': Lagarde

Christine Lagarde, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, warned that the global economy is entering a "dangerous new phase" on Friday, ahead of the G7 summit in Marseilles, France.

She warned that both advanced and emerging economies faced key economic challenges, and that governments must "act now" to stop further contagion.

"Policymakers should stand ready, as needed, to take more action to support the recovery, including through unconventional measures," Lagarde said.

"The world is collectively suffering from a crisis of confidence, in the face of a deteriorating economic outlook and rising concerns about the health of sovereigns and banks."

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Worship at the feet of your statist mummy...

...you friggin' socialists.
You may want to improve your production equipment and reduce employee overhead at the same time, in order to produce a more attractive product for the consumer. Businesses are not necessarily in business to hire people, they are there to satisfy a demand in the most efficient manner, at the lowest price.

I'm glad that you can openly admit that continuing huge tax breaks for corporations ISN'T going to create jobs.
Only in Bizarro World, you piece of shit.

You understand what I wrote, though, don't you, schmendrik?

I don't even "view post" with that waste of air anymore. He's never got a single thing of substance or interest to say. He's like koalabear, but worse.
I don't even "view post" with that waste of air anymore. He's never got a single thing of substance or interest to say. He's like koalabear, but worse.

True. He's on ignore and I only see his shit when other people quote him. I was doing pretty good with almost a month of not being concerned, but I just felt like giving him a finger for his pathetic fail.
I don't even "view post" with that waste of air anymore. He's never got a single thing of substance or interest to say. He's like koalabear, but worse.

True. He's on ignore and I only see his shit when other people quote him. I was doing pretty good with almost a month of not being concerned, but I just felt like giving him a finger for his pathetic fail.

It's the earth where people don't shit on each other in order to get over, just to get the brass ring at the end of the ride. The earth that could've been, but most likely ain't never gonna happen.

I don't have that much faith in him to be honest... He's cowtowed to the right since he got into office, just like clinton, and he's completely forgotten his base...

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Worship at the feet of your statist mummy...

...you friggin' socialists.

I didn't bother to read the entire story on the link, so I didn't get to the part where the other world leaders will be looking to Obama for guidance.

What's that? You say that's not part of the story, that the world leaders essentially think Obama's an idiot?
I didn't bother to read the entire story on the link, so I didn't get to the part where the other world leaders will be looking to Obama for guidance.

What's that? You say that's not part of the story, that the world leaders essentially think Obama's an idiot?

It's great when you can put your opinion into something to make it anecdotally sound like something different than what it actually says in order to suit your own purpose, huh? Especially when you don't bother reading it to begin with.
Futures fall as Obama's jobs plan draws skepticism
The president pushes a $447 billion stimulus package. European markets falter as leaders discuss the debt crisis. Bank of America may cut 40,000 jobs.

11,128.25Down-167.56 -1.48% Real time

By the ringing of the closing bell, ABC Radio News was reporting the market drop, but making sure they added this one line...,

This drop is due to Europe's problems, not the Obama jobs plan.

;) ;)

I smell panic...


This reminds me of his Health Care Plan, he didn't have a plan, but he demanded Nancy pass a bill, so she dusted off the Apollo Alliance plan and forced it through, Obama had no idea what was in it, all he cared about was that she cooked the books enough for the CBO that on the face of it, the plan matched his rhetoric...

Now he's demanding that Boehner Wright him a second (smaller *Krugman shudder*) stimulus, only the Democrats will no longer use that word and if the Boehner plan does not match his rhetoric, for he has no written plan even though he demanded a dozen times that it be passed, :irony:, then he's going to scream OBSTRUCTION! It's not MY fault...

Sideshow Barry Barker 2012 Says: "It's NOT the economy, Stupid!" It's the Birthers! The Tea Party! SARAH PALIN!

”’Shovel-ready’ was not as shovel-ready as we expected.” (Laughter)
Ooh, baseless implications that Buffett is killing jobs. That really shows how intelligent you are.

Oh so now you're against corporations restructuring when they need to adjust during hard times?

What a stupid post.

You ignored the other posts and settled on this one.

You're unable to back up your fallacies. In this post, I was just showing you how the good guy is actually the hated Gordon Gecko, not making the point you are trying to ascribe to me...

All you have is angry ad hominem.

All Obama is doing is halving his failed plan (the one Krugman said should have been doubled), and knowing that it will fail, trying a slightly more diffuse blaming of Bush by blaming the Republicans, who, in actuality, he got elected by his boorish behavior during the health care and stimulus I "debates..."

... a bit one-sided those debates, no compromise, we won, don't tell us how to hold the mop, don't ask for the car keys, we're going to be adding 500,000 jobs a month by next summer, the Summer of Recovery."

And yet, here we are, once again watching an Obama speech negatively affect the economy because actual entrepreneurs get what degenerate stock gamblers refuse to see, a macro-economy, not a micro-economy.

This reminds me of his Health Care Plan, he didn't have a plan, but he demanded Nancy pass a bill, so she dusted off the Apollo Alliance plan and forced it through, Obama had no idea what was in it, all he cared about was that she cooked the books enough for the CBO that on the face of it, the plan matched his rhetoric...

exactly ... there is no plan ... but everybody is at fault for not agreeing to pass it without seeing any of the details.

"We Have to Pass the Bill So That You Can Find Out What Is In It"
- Nancy Pelosi


Shame they lost their majority in the House ... now they can't jam through this shit again.
Again, merc, we implore you, download some Bastiat and examine the nature of the Broken Window fallacies you cling to when if comes to government "stimulus."

And, just so you do not forget, I blasted the Bush-Pelosi stimulus with the same arguments.

What you do is to steal future gain,
To politically avoid pain.
exactly ... there is no plan ... but everybody is at fault for not agreeing to pass it without seeing any of the details.

"We Have to Pass the Bill So That You Can Find Out What Is In It"
- Nancy Pelosi


Shame they lost their majority in the House ... now they can't jam through this shit again.

And the regulatory environment and uncertainty of those reckless actions are why we have no growth, it's basic Human Action and it was understood before Mises, von Humboldt and Bastiat...
The want of confidence in the public councils damps every useful undertaking, the success and profit of which may depend on a continuance of existing arrangements. What prudent merchant will hazard his fortunes in any new branch of commerce when he knows not but that his plans may be rendered unlawful before they can be executed? What farmer or manufacturer will lay himself out for the encouragement given to any particular cultivation or establishment, when he can have no assurance that his preparatory labors and advances will not render him a victim to an inconstant government?
Madison, Federalist 62.
True again.

Data Shows that the Stimulus Package Was a Waste of Money

To put it kindly, the stimulus package that President Barack Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi rushed through Congress at the beginning of his presidency has been a flop. It is not just that the $789 billion package has not had the effect the White House promised it would; it's that it may actually have been counterproductive, actually lengthening the recession by effectively taking money out of the private economy, where it could have been used to create jobs and for investment purposes. Instead it has been parceled out by the government, which has been unable to track where it has gone or what impact it has really had on job creation. And that has led to any number of fallacious statements by senior administration officials about jobs "created or saved."

There is really no way to assess the number of jobs "saved," which has been the principle rallying cry of the White House over the last few months. Moreover, as data released Friday by the Republicans on the House Committee on Ways and Means makes clear, payroll employment has declined in every state except North Dakota and in the District of Columbia in the nine months since the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act has been law. Likewise the national unemployment rate, which Obama promised would not exceed 8 percent if the stimulus became law, has reached a 25-year high of over 10 percent.

As the table below indicates, in no state has anything like the promised job creation occurred. In Alabama, for example, the White House estimated that the stimulus package would generate 52,000 jobs by the end of calendar 2010. Yet the government's own figures show the state has lost a net 30,700 jobs through the end of November 2009. In Illinois, which sent Barack Obama to Washington back in November 2004, the White House estimated a net increase of 148,000 jobs but the state has lost more than 150,000 thus far.

In California, the home state of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the prediction was that 396,000 new jobs would be created by the end of next year. So far it has lost just over 340,000. In Nevada, where Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is in the fight of his political life as far as his 2010 re-election bid is concerned, the estimates predicted 34,000 new jobs would be created. So far this year, since the stimulus has been enacted, it has lost more than 50,000.


All told, the nation has lost 2.6 million jobs since the "shovel ready" stimulus dollars started to flow, rather than create the promised 3.5 million, putting the Obama administration 6.1 million jobs in the hole. That's a lot of jobs to make up in twelve months, and at a pace that would outstrip even the Reagan Recovery, which ultimately created 20 million new jobs by the end of his eight-year presidency.

It is now abundantly clear, even as rumors of a third stimulus package continue to circulate, that a new approach to job creation is needed.
Obama Using “Jobs” Plan to Pay for Campaigning

This is really so annoying. Obama is campaigning on your dime again.

Ostensibly, he’s headed out into the hinterland to “discuss the bipartisan proposals to grow the economy and create jobs as part of the American Jobs Act he unveiled in an address to a joint session of Congress on Thursday,” as the White House puts it.

But really he’s using this new “jobs” bill as an excuse to campaign in key swing states. Since the travel is billed as “official business,” taxpayers pick up the tab. So all expenses get added to the national debt.

The SOJA – or the Save Obama’s Job Act, aka The American Jobs Act – now serves two main purposes: to put Republicans on the spot to support the bill or risk being stigmatized by Obama as job killers; and to help the president reach voters. It’s effect on the economy will be marginal at best.

Today, Obama appeared in Virginia, flying to Richmond, the “Dixie” part of the state where he needs votes to add to the majorities he’ll likely get in Northern Virginia, which is demographically part of the Northeast.

On Tuesday he’s off to Columbus, Ohio, supposedly again to urge congressional action on his proposals.

And, the White House just announced, he’ll be in the Raleigh-Durham area Wednesday,

Virginia + Ohio + North Carolina = 46 electoral votes Obama desperately needs in states where the presidential hand to hand combat will be brutal.

Liar liar pants on fire,


We were "saved" just like those 500 BILLION JOBS that would have been lost in a DEPRESSION!

YOU idiots just want a DEPRESSION to make Obama look "BAD..."
Meanwhile, in Wat's World, Hurricane Irene may be stimulating Wat's economy enough so that Wat can hire a guy, thereby creating . . . a job!!!

I should be president.
Meanwhile, in Wat's World, Hurricane Irene may be stimulating Wat's economy enough so that Wat can hire a guy, thereby creating . . . a job!!!

I should be president.

But had Irene not passed, Wat might have bought a new suit...

Now, for want of Wat, a tailor may have to be let go.
But had Irene not passed, Wat might have bought a new suit...

Now, for want of Wat, a tailor may have to be let go.

Actually, it's much closer to, Wat might have risked being put out of Chez Wat, so I am stealing the contract work of the boarder-uppers . . . who are probably out with chain saws charging $200 to cut up $50 worth of debris . . . to haul it home for the winter.

What kind of firewood? Free firewood?? Obama firewood????
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