What happened to all of the doom and gloom economic threads?

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Yeah, I know, the Prof is WHTE and RACIST and never read MOODY's


Google Professor Warns: Obama Leading America On A “Crash Course” Towards Economic Disaster…

(BBC) — The professor who helped Google’s founders get the company off the ground has warned that President Obama is leading the United States on a “crash course” towards economic disaster.

David Cheriton, who taught Sergey Brin and Larry Page at Stanford University in California and became a billionaire as Google grew, said that America’s innovators and investors were being driven overseas in search of opportunity.
japan's factory output rose by 5.7% - the largest increase since 1953.

Maybe Hussein Obama should nuke the nukes so we can have an economic recovery!

Hey, HO! said we are doing so bad cause of Japan..............OOPS!
Sure I'd tell a marine. They'd thank their lucky stars for socialism because they'd be horribly screwed without it. They likely wouldn't have enlisted in the first place if it wasn't for socialism.


A world in which you have no civil rights, must obey authority, must dress (and GROOM) according to a specific code, must live where you are told to live, and are required to carry weapons...,

Yeah, Socialism...

Yeah, I know, the Prof is WHTE and RACIST and never read MOODY's


Google Professor Warns: Obama Leading America On A “Crash Course” Towards Economic Disaster…

(BBC) — The professor who helped Google’s founders get the company off the ground has warned that President Obama is leading the United States on a “crash course” towards economic disaster.

David Cheriton, who taught Sergey Brin and Larry Page at Stanford University in California and became a billionaire as Google grew, said that America’s innovators and investors were being driven overseas in search of opportunity.

NOT "Independent!"

Warren Mosler is blowing my fragile eggshell mind. I have this feeling that he is the Kemp/Waninski of a new paradigm.
*sniff* *sniff*

My alma mater...

Center for Full Employment And Price Stability?

That must be in one of those little houses the University owns...
Elucidate kind sir...

Check out his "7 Innocent Frauds of Economic Policy", it's free online. Explains it way better than I could. Basically he's saying that only politics limits spending and that pretty much all of the rules of thumb driving the ways we think about Federal government spending ("the government taxes in order to get money to spend") are backwards.

I keep trying to find the catch. I guess it would be that the moral hazard now enjoyed by top bankers could spread to the entire populace.
Hedge funds?

Modern Monetary Policy? We already know how fiat money is created...

Mosler Automotive? A high-end job exporter??? Hmmm...
Check out his "7 Innocent Frauds of Economic Policy", it's free online. Explains it way better than I could. Basically he's saying that only politics limits spending and that pretty much all of the rules of thumb driving the ways we think about Federal government spending ("the government taxes in order to get money to spend") are backwards.

I keep trying to find the catch. I guess it would be that the moral hazard now enjoyed by top bankers could spread to the entire populace.

Try Vienna circa 1920...

Sounds a lot like the magic multiplication of unemployment checks.

So, obviously, if nobody works, we would have Nirvana, Eden, and ironically full employment???

I'll look for the list of seven, but first, I have something fun to do...
Warren Mosler is blowing my fragile eggshell mind. I have this feeling that he is the Kemp/Waninski of a new paradigm.

He can shove his national 30 MPH speed limit up his arse along with several more of his ideas about fuel taxes and such.
Try Vienna circa 1920...

Sounds a lot like the magic multiplication of unemployment checks.

So, obviously, if nobody works, we would have Nirvana, Eden, and ironically full employment???

I'll look for the list of seven, but first, I have something fun to do...

As I understand it, taxes are the driver of the economic system. The way you avoid everyone just sitting around and collecting dole and living large on government scrip is to require the payment of taxes, which obliges citizens to obtain government scrip to pay them, which obliges them to create useful goods and services.

I do agree, it seems like this could go haywire and cause people to lose faith in the shared hallucination of our money system. That's what is so interesting about this to me , though. The banking elites (Paulson) are already operating on this paradigm...and they want the rest of us to believe that we are still on a gold standard, the govt has to borrow/tax to spend, the fed budget is a household budget writ large, etc.
I'm just reading the beginning and the glowing reviews of his peers at UMKC, a noted bastion of Economics, respected worldwide and often seen mentioned in the news...

;) ;)

Nothing in there speaks to Human Action...

I'll have to fully read it later, man do I hate the .pdf format, after I paint me some porch...
Try Vienna circa 1920...

Sounds a lot like the magic multiplication of unemployment checks.

So, obviously, if nobody works, we would have Nirvana, Eden, and ironically full employment???

I'll look for the list of seven, but first, I have something fun to do...

Obama could put everyone to work tomorrow, with a Living Wage, if he created enough committees and boards and panels, like he does for lawyers.
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