What happened to all of the doom and gloom economic threads?

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Dear diaper sized ass wedge, the "fraud" is in all of the able bodied lazy mofos on the fucking program, and the fraudulent President pushing the fraudulent giveaway.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

The irony, of course, is a guy like you who sponges off the government lecturing others on "giveaways".

Your lack of self-awareness is both funny as hell and alarming.
Dear diaper sized ass wedge, the "fraud" is in all of the able bodied lazy mofos on the fucking program, and the fraudulent President pushing the fraudulent giveaway.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

So it's not a lack of jobs? And the recession started in 2008 in anticipation of Obama pushing giveaways? Man he's either the greatest leader in recent history or you're completely full of shit.

Agreed, the FSMA was centrist Clinton attempting to mollify the stooge libertarians and their discredited "less regulation equals moar profits!". This in turn led to those toxic derivatives created in Dubya's first term that were sold to gullible grandmothers. That's the biggest stain on Clinton's legacy....and Funny or Die's presidential summit parody captures it perfectly when "President Obama" rips "President Clinton", who dismissively says "hey..it was the times!"

The CRA is just boilerplate fringe-right Derp. They can't take any responsibility for the Bush Recession...EVER....so the CRA is just about the only bogeyman they have.

Well there is somethign, something I can't quite figure out that makes the CRA particularly alluring to them as a place to lay the blame.
I'm sorry that you feel the need to make things up, and I have no clue what you're talking about, since you've been on ignore for a long time.

Obama hasn't done anything worse than Reagan has... yet you demonize one, and canonize the other. That speaks more about you, than it does about them.

Bush got us into this recession... If you want to pretend it started in January of 2009, that's fine, but it's not reality.

What part did I make up?
I see your taken a page from fat fucks playbook claim people are on ignore with the truth about you comes out:cool:
So you're saying in 5 years Obama unable to stop the recession? If that's the case we need remove him from office.
Well there is somethign, something I can't quite figure out that makes the CRA particularly alluring to them as a place to lay the blame.

Agreed, I've watched the fringe right latch on to certain issues (fast 'n furious, but..but..benghazi and the IRS nontroversy come to mind) but they eventually lose interest. They've somehow internalized the CRA as "the" cause of the Bush Recession as some sort of holy mantra, most likely because it positively impacted colored folks, who are of course undeserving of the blessings of Liberty and Justice in America.
So it's not a lack of jobs? And the recession started in 2008 in anticipation of Obama pushing giveaways? Man he's either the greatest leader in recent history or you're completely full of shit.

Well there is somethign, something I can't quite figure out that makes the CRA particularly alluring to them as a place to lay the blame.

I would go with option 2.

They hate the CRA mostly because it helps poor people.
Your pathological envy of the self sufficient isn't alarming at all, it's well known that no liberal likes to be reminded of his gross inadequacies and lack of achievement. :rolleyes:

I'll make you a deal: Swear on your granddaughter's soul that you (or your doctors) don't get any check (paper or direct deposit) from the government each month and I'll apologize.

Your move. :)
What part did I make up?
I see your taken a page from fat fucks playbook claim people are on ignore with the truth about you comes out:cool:
So you're saying in 5 years Obama unable to stop the recession? If that's the case we need remove him from office.

Uhh, newsflash genius.... the recession has been over for a while.
You assume that he reads and comprehends better than he writes.


See, if you were not such a fucking moron...things might make more sense to you. however, you are an idiot.

you have no idea what happened before 2008. why? because you are a consumer of welfare.

then, you have no idea why the bubbles collapsed. why? because you and all the left wing fucking idiots were too busy consuming the welfare.

ps - you make a lot of typo's and spelling mistakes. but hey, you are a a fucking idiot.

So it's not a lack of jobs? And the recession started in 2008 in anticipation of Obama pushing giveaways? Man he's either the greatest leader in recent history or you're completely full of shit.

Well there is somethign, something I can't quite figure out that makes the CRA particularly alluring to them as a place to lay the blame.
obama plans are working, as everyone is talking about how great the economy is. in addition to that, more and more American's are coming out of retirement and going off welfare as jobs due to market demand.

never before in history, have jobs been offering salaries are high as they are today ....
The workforce participation rate declined every single year Bush and the Republicans were in power. If you weren't outraged about it then, then you can't be outraged about it now. Clearly Republican economic policies have no positive impact on the rate.

I'm worried about today, not the Bush era.....I'm focused on the policies this current administration is putting in place, or not putting in place. Comparing and contrasting is for losers and a waste of time...
Fuck off, how would I know the personal business of my doctor?:rolleyes:

You don't know who pays your doctor bills? You know damned well what I was referring to, mooch. Medicare/Medicaid doesn't reimburse YOU, they pay your doctor directly.

Note how he's trying to weasel out of answering, folks.

You'd think he'd relish a chance to get an actual apology from me.
I'm worried about today, not the Bush era.....I'm focused on the policies this current administration is putting in place, or not putting in place. Comparing and contrasting is for losers and a waste of time...

...and you'll continue to be concerned about the shrinking workforce, until January 20th, 2017, unless Hillary Clinton is elected President, in which case your near-constant fixation on the workforce percentage rate will continue until January 20th, 2021.

I will give you credit for at least admitting your outrage is situational, that puts you head and shoulders above the likes of the Vettemooch and the koalamooch.
See, if you were not such a fucking moron...things might make more sense to you. however, you are an idiot.

you have no idea what happened before 2008. why? because you are a consumer of welfare.

then, you have no idea why the bubbles collapsed. why? because you and all the left wing fucking idiots were too busy consuming the welfare.

ps - you make a lot of typo's and spelling mistakes. but hey, you are a a fucking idiot.

You have a very terrible lack of understanding of things Jenin.
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