What happened to all of the doom and gloom economic threads?

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Ok, that's a good one. :D:D
I know

Easter Egg Hunt and ObamaCare discussions,


IRS Official Sarah Hall Ingram Who Headed Division Targeting Conservatives Recorded 165 White House Visits…

Between Ingram and former IRS commissioner Douglas Shulman they visited the White House over 300 times… and nobody said anything about what was going on in the tax-exempt division (that Ingram headed)?

Via Daily Caller:

Sarah Hall Ingram, the IRS official currently in charge of overseeing the agency’s implementation of Obamacare, has logged 165 recorded visits to the White House 165 times since 2011, according to an analysis of White House visitor records compiled by the Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity.

Ingram headed the IRS’ tax-exempt division in 2010 when the scandal-ridden agency began improperly targeting the tax-exempt nonprofit status of conservative groups.

Despite logging 165 visits, Ingram’s meetings never overlapped with those of former IRS commissioner Douglas Shulman, who, as The Daily Caller reported, has appeared in the White House visitor logs 157 times since September 15, 2009. [...]

Ingram visited with President Obama six times, according to White House visitor logs. All of Ingram’s 165 recorded visits involved meetings with White House staff.

Considering that Ingram and Shulman never visited the White House together, the two IRS officials have been responsible for more than 300 public visits since the beginning of the Obama administration.
I know

Easter Egg Hunt and ObamaCare discussions,


IRS Official Sarah Hall Ingram Who Headed Division Targeting Conservatives Recorded 165 White House Visits…


it cannot be said

ObamaCo was NOT involved in the targeting

we also heard S Cutter was in the meetings

Not true, vette thinks that Obama care will result in less health care, and what is provided will be inferior health care. Federal bureaucrats and federal judges deciding who gets care will result in the most fucked up allocation of resources imaginable.

Come see me when you have been denied coverage due to a pre existing condition.
Why? I would have had insurance before I had a condition. I've paid for my own heath insurance all of my life. I have never walked into an insurance office and said, hey I crashed my car two days ago and now I want you to cover me.:rolleyes:

It has to so with moving across state lines and such. A little too complicated for your simple mind.
Why? I would have had insurance before I had a condition. I've paid for my own heath insurance all of my life. I have never walked into an insurance office and said, hey I crashed my car two days ago and now I want you to cover me.:rolleyes:

That concept is lost on libs. :D
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