What happened to all of the doom and gloom economic threads?

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Morning Round-Up:

Treasury exiting GM over the next 12 months - expects to lose $10B

ADP report ~135K jobs - lower than expected.

AAPL lost patent case.
Bloomberg Poll: Americans Don’t Think Obama Is Being Honest About IRS Scandal By 47% To 40% Margin…

Via TPM:

A pair of new polls indicated that Americans are questioning President Barack Obama’s honesty in the wake of the Internal Revenue Service targeting scandal.

The latest Bloomberg National Poll released Tuesday evening showed that 47 percent of Americans don’t believe Obama’s claim that he wasn’t aware the IRS was targeting conservative groups for additional scrutiny, while 40 percent believe he is telling the truth.
NBC Poll: 55% Say IRS Scandal Raises Doubts About Obama’s Honesty And Integrity…

You could fit Obama’s honesty and integrity on the tip of a pin.

Via TPM:

An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released early Wednesday showed that 55 percent of Americans believe the agency’s improper targeting raises doubts about the Obama administration’s honesty and integrity. But the same NBC/WSJ poll found that only 33 percent believe Obama is “totally” or “mainly” responsible for the targeting. It also showed the President’s approval rating holding steady since the previous NBC/WSJ poll in April.
NBC/WSJ Poll: Obama’s Approval Rating Among Independents Implodes To Only 29%…

Crash and burn.
Im playin golf and having par tayz, who care bout you MOFO's

Fed's Beige Book again reports moderate growth............

By Greg Robb WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) - The U.S. economy is still growing at a "modest to moderate"............despite FED printing $$$ and trillions spent pace seen so far this year, with only a few scattered reports of weakness stemming from federal government budget cuts, the Federal Reserve said Wednesday. The so-called Beige Book released by the Fed, covering the period from early April to late May, seems very close to the tone of the last two Beige Books. The Dallas Fed was the only outlier of the 12 Fed districts, reporting "strong" economic growth.............Cause there is a REPOH THERE............but we gotta talk RACIST ROCKS, cause DUMZ needa talk ISSUES, like RACIST ROCKS Sequestration was only mentioned in cutbacks in defense spending in the Boston and Richmond districts. Atlanta reported that budget cuts had not hurt the hospitality industry
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