What happened to all of the doom and gloom economic threads?

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I'm sorry that the truth hurts. Only you can take responsible for yourself. Only you can get off your ass, and make something out of the remainder of your life.

I'm only here to help you!

With what, your shitty writing?

Get off welfare Jen, and move to a state that allows gay marriage, so that you can find a sugar daddy.
With what, your shitty writing?

Get off welfare Jen, and move to a state that allows gay marriage, so that you can find a sugar daddy.

ah, you are another one of those that needs help. Sorry that the things I say hurt you. but you need to man up, and stop living off entitlements and become a real man. time to stop being a sorry loser
Wrong, you little cheerleading bitch.

I don't, haven't and never will ship your shitty old white male privilege. That's all it's about. And I have read enough of your whiny wallflower crap since I started posting on here to know how you get when your convenience is taken away from you or not acknowledged.

That's not being a saint, that's being real. See, you don't have experience with real people outside your box, but that's not my problem. I ain't your teacher and I ain't your daddy. Now go and complain about not being able to use the n-word like Chris Rock does, as you fucking excuse-cried like a baby bitch when I first stepped to your then-Faneros alt identity.

dude, you defend everything to a tee if that person happens to be a person of color, you're unyielding, post after post. I've been reading your posts for years. Nothing wrong with that, but don't play saint and defending of ALL peoples....cause it aint true.
He's on a relentless search and destroy mission against "white people" and "white privilege." :D

He's that guy screaming the loudest because no black women make the final 4 of The Bachelor.....
Even Newsmax realizes that, despite the Vettebigot's near-constant efforts to blame President Obama for the Sequestration Mess, the majority of Americans still blame the Rapepublicans

NEWSMAX: Republicans Would Get More Blame for Sequester


this is what I love about your kind, you do not care what's best for the country...you just want more entitlement spending and more welfare
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