What goes too hard for you?


Masoch's 2nd Cumming
Jan 31, 2022
When it comes to writing kink, where are the lines between too far and not enough, as you have drawn them? Or even if you don't write kink, what do you think goes too hard? Do you ever worry you're being boring? (Consent is assumed, obviously r*pe is too far. I know someone will nitpick this and change the subject anyway, but whatever).
I'm not sure I understand the question. Are you asking what kinks I not only don't enjoy but refuse to write?
For me, as long as there's consent I don't think there is a too hard.

But I don't generally go "too hard" as most stories don't seem to call for it, but when I want to convey rough sex or really push the "dirtiness" I don't hold back.

I think its kind of instinctual where each story dictates what the sex acts are and how they're delivered, so I don't start out with any preset limits or to the other end "It has to at least have..."

I do long build ups, but deliver long scenes to compensate so its not just sex, but reader invested sex, so I don't feel its ever boring.
I'm not sure I understand the question. Are you asking what kinks I not only don't enjoy but refuse to write?
I'm asking what you think it looks like to go too hard on kinks, and what you think it looks like to go "just hard enough."
The kink has gone too far if I read it back and think "Shit. The character would never have been up for that." Also, it's gone too far when it derails the plot (usually this is caused by writing when too horny, or in the agro part of my hormone cycle). But it's nothing that can't be fixed by a ruthless edit.
I'll be serious for five minutes. It depends on the story I want to tell and the category it's in. I mostly do MC stories which in general is a pretty kink-friendly zone. Since it's necessarily unrealistic/fantasy, the only limit to 'hardness' is the tone I'm seeking, or put another way, the audience I'm writing to find. There's a lot of overlap between MC and NC/R in terms of tropes and writing the subject/victim, so you can 'go' pretty hard, right up to the point of identity death/mindbreak in some cases, although I personally don't favor those. But there's definitely an audience for that stuff, as well as what I would call psychological horror, which is probably where I personally draw a nebulous line.
But stuff that would fly as pretty vanilla in MC and NC/R would be rejected out of hand in most other categories. Sometimes you've gotta switch to a smaller dildo in the harness if you want to avoid damaging the recipient.
</serious discussion>
When it comes to writing kink, where are the lines between too far and not enough, as you have drawn them? Or even if you don't write kink, what do you think goes too hard? Do you ever worry you're being boring? (Consent is assumed, obviously r*pe is too far. I know someone will nitpick this and change the subject anyway, but whatever).
My limit so far is a giant squid penetrating one FMCs anus with a tentacle, traversing her entire digestive tract, emerging from her mouth, entering the second FMC’s mouth, traversing her digestive tract the other way, emerging from her anus and penetrating the first FMC’s pussy.

To be clear, the squid is a female, lesbian, shape-shifting alien and the pinnacle of alien sex is “filling the tubes” of humans.

Kinky enough for you?

If not, it also features equine and ogre sex. Regular lesbian sex. Pregnant school girl sex. Caning. Menstruation. And a few other things.

My therapist is a busy lady.

And the main 30k word story ends with a slice of historical miscegenation / Roe vs Wade-inspired political polemic.

That’s Caputpedes for you.


PS the squid also “magically” cleans and sterilizes both girls’ guts prior to the traversing. Safe sex boys and girls safe sex.

PPS the above was all consensual and everyone came.
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In my earlier stories where sexual content was more abundant, I would often debate this in my mind. Am I writing extreme stuff? Will I put off many readers with this? And then I would start thinking the opposite, that I am just writing some "safe" stuff to cater to the masses, thus betraying those who came for more hardcore action... Many times I would choose some middle ground and to this day I still have no idea what was the right thing to do. I am someone who likes to take things to the extreme, but I also realize that sometimes it affects the story in a wrong way... Annoying as fuck. In my later chapters, the focus isn't on the sex but on the characters and plot, so sexual content flows more naturally.
When it comes to writing kink, where are the lines between too far and not enough, as you have drawn them? Or even if you don't write kink, what do you think goes too hard? Do you ever worry you're being boring? (Consent is assumed, obviously r*pe is too far. I know someone will nitpick this and change the subject anyway, but whatever).
This is a rhetorical question, right?

As an erotica writer and ethical slut I have to be aware of extremes but willing to approach them cautiously. My current and hopefully stable stance-
- Always consensual, always with an eye to protection.
- Keep diversity and respect in mind. Also patience and naïveté.
- I’m only attracted to women, so I’m hesitant to write about male on male or transgender relations. I’m afraid I won’t get things right. I’m recognized as good at writing heterosexuality and bisexuality from the female perspective, so maybe someday I’ll expand but I don’t know. Personal exploration has made me recognize my boundaries. I am uncomfortable with gold star sexual beings but willing to recognize their boundaries also. The same for those with no boundaries.
- No incompatible kinks. Yes, I know you often have to try things to see if you like them, but I know what can go right and what can go otherwise. Current off limit kinks- shame, humiliation, most forms of bdsm (I accept it isn’t necessarily based on pain and suffering but the lines are just too blurry for me), most drugs, all scat (golden showers are borderline ok but still disturbing), and virtually everything else that isn’t vanilla. Yes, that does cover a wide range. But not a complete range.
- Regarding body dysmorphia I’m a face, legs, and breast man in that order. The organ between the legs is important too.
- No bestiality. Furries or were creatures might be ok.
- You have to be within a certain age range and attractive to me, also vice versa. This is paramount. Get closer to me for exact details please.
- Regarding incest I’ll go same generation (sibling or cousin) but other generations has to be role playing. Uncomfortable with non role playing for obvious reasons.
- I’m fine with exhibition or voyeur games. Just as long as you don’t force me to focus my attention.
- Yes, you are playing mind games. So am I. We all play such games. They are Fair Games as defined by a noted philosopher married to a woman named Mary Sue for several decades. Please accept the reality of such games and that they aren’t always perfect or bad.
- I am aware of my flaws and limitations, also of the games I am playing and what games you are playing. Did you think I wasn’t? Nice try, fool.
- I have a council of Kangs and Kodoses in my mind keeping watch over my consciousness as I interact with you. Do you not have a similar mental security system? I’m willing to help you develop one if you like. But beware- my deprogrammers can and will defend me from yours.
- I have a very over-active mind, especially in the retention and imagination areas. I am motivated for continuous improvement with precision and grace.
- I’m a love bomber and bipolar. Hyper sexual too and overly sensitive. You better appreciate it.
- I’m weirdly attracted to fictional characters and the masks we all wear.
- Bottom line- my kinks need to intersect with yours. I’m also long burned worse than Pathfinder’s Ember while still retaining a similar personality. Hope you can appreciate it.

[bows] Still Device Optimized for Ultimate Gratification- D.O.U.G. Hello Darkness, let’s dance!
When it comes to writing kink, where are the lines between too far and not enough, as you have drawn them? Or even if you don't write kink, what do you think goes too hard? Do you ever worry you're being boring? (Consent is assumed, obviously r*pe is too far. I know someone will nitpick this and change the subject anyway, but whatever).
I’m appalled I wrote an entire story about a women’s volleyball team being tricked into becoming hu-cows. Breeding, lactation, the whole nine yards.
In universe, the aliens have full control of matter. They can make poop vanish.
No I mean people need live bacteria in their guts. It's why high dose antibiotics screw up your poop. If the squid sterilized their digestive tracts they'd have a pretty bad time until they got colonized again.

I'm just going to assume it gave them c diff style poop transplants afterward.
No I mean people need live bacteria in their guts. It's why high dose antibiotics screw up your poop. If the squid sterilized their digestive tracts they'd have a pretty bad time until they got colonized again.

I'm just going to assume it gave them c diff style poop transplants afterward.
That was obviously implied.

Drafts edit of all three episodes.

Anything the characters want to do, tbh. With consent of all parties involved. If it's on-camera or described at all, it's going to get limited to getting tied up. I'm a particular fan of biting (with regular human teeth), especially on the neck, with barely drawing blood as a pretty hard limit. No actual damage.

But then again, I'm a pretty big fan of a lack of conflict between partners. I've had bad experiences there personally, so romantic partners in my stories generally are on the same page. One might need a bit more convincing than the other, or be more enthusiastic than the other, but in general they're both (or all, polyamory is fun to write about if a little complicated when you're writing foursomes) having fun all the time. Usually, my main POV character will be the slightly more reluctant one, though I prefer their reluctance to come from anxiety over their partners'('s) reactions rather than how they feel about their partners. Does it make the partners a little more 2D? Meh, probably. I just don't want to write about anyone being forced into situations they don't want to be in, and it's easier to do if the only conflict is in the MC's mind and the partner is super into whatever.

The story I'm editing now involves some pretty intense neck biting in one of the sex scenes, the POV character biting the neck of her new girlfriend and increasing the intensity of her orgasms while their husband and boyfriend watch. The girlfriend then tells a story about her fuckbuddy in college that drew blood because of her "little vampire canines"

Oh, another big one I like is consensual non-consent. A story I've finished but not published on here (maybe I should edit and submit it...) involves a couple going to visit their long-term friends for their first swinging experience. After their first full swap, FMC admits she's into CNC gives the rest ongoing consent to try that out the rest of the weekend. There's a lovely three scene buildup where she keeps thinking this is the moment, and then when she gives up *BAM* the other couple's guy ambushes her as she's on the way to check on the dinner his wife is making and takes her against the wall of the hallway to the kitchen.

My actual limit is probably the same as for a lot of people. No actual non-consent (and even the CNC has to be previously communicated), no scat, nothing underage or with animals, nothing involving actual and long lasting harm.
No I mean people need live bacteria in their guts. It's why high dose antibiotics screw up your poop. If the squid sterilized their digestive tracts they'd have a pretty bad time until they got colonized again.

I'm just going to assume it gave them c diff style poop transplants afterward.
Yeah, they'd be largely unable to extract a lot of vital nutrients from anything they ate, among other problems, but that would be the one that would kill them most quickly, I think.
Yeah, they'd be largely unable to extract a lot of vital nutrients from anything they ate, among other problems, but that would be the one that would kill them most quickly, I think.
The fecal matter can just be teleported to a pocket dimension and then teleported back when they're all done.
The fecal matter can just be teleported to a pocket dimension and then teleported back when they're all done.
Hopefully the pocket dimension closely resembles the environment of a human gut, then, or else all the little poop monsters would die before they got back. I suppose they might be able to avoid that issue with some kind of time dilation, though.
Nonconsent can be tricky. There's a story in Nonconsent/Reluctance called The Retreat where women bind men in a coed group, insert rubber sounding tubes, and milk their prostates to take their seed without much consent or pleasure. I'm excited and troubled in about equal amounts, because it's pretty rapey.

Another mostly fun series has female office workers tricking their male boss into cfnm stuff for an ad campaign. Easier to take, because he is only reluctant, and enjoys it as a guilty pleasure. But in one of the last chapters, a focus group of young women strip and force him to ejaculate, while he says no..
That's more clearly non consent, and a bigger deal than just being seen naked.

In the movie Myra Breckinridge, Racquel Welch strips a guy college student in a playful, fun scene. That's okay. Later, she subjects him to a humiliating and invasive medical exam, and then pegs him against his will while he's tied down. Again, kinda exciting at first, but ultimately disturbing, because rape isn't sexy.

Scat and golden showers turn me off entirely.
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Hopefully the pocket dimension closely resembles the environment of a human gut, then, or else all the little poop monsters would die before they got back. I suppose they might be able to avoid that issue with some kind of time dilation, though.
it's the room with the moose. The moose makes sure nothing bad happens
My limit so far is a giant squid penetrating one FMCs anus with a tentacle, traversing her entire digestive tract, emerging from her mouth, entering the second FMC’s mouth, traversing her digestive tract the other way, emerging from her anus and penetrating the first FMC’s pussy.
I've only ever seen that in one other story, and it was only one person, not two.