What do you think?


Queen of Indecision
Jan 18, 2000
Ok, some of you know about this problem of mine, sorry to reiterate it, but here goes.

What do you think it means when a guy is constantly telling you how much he wants you, going into details of the things he will do to your body...then, when you are practically begging for him, he tells you that he can't come over now, he's busy?

I am tired of playing the waiting game with him. All I want is sex...is that too much to ask?

*looks outside* It's a perfect day for sex, rainy, dark, mysterious...sheesh...what the hell is wrong with him? or is it me?
Ummm, that's a tough one. I personally have never heard of such an ordeal. I'll have to get back to you on that one.

Sorry i couldn't have been more help.
I'm 100% positive he's straight...well, make that 99%, he never said he was...I have had sex with him, frequently. Do you think this is just his way of teasing/torturing me? Bringing me to the point of begging? Is he some sort of control freak? Maybe he's working me up to the point that I can't take it any longer. Maybe he wants me to want him so bad that I will do and say anything to get what I want. (He seems to have developed a few kinky thoughts in the last few months)

Come to think of it, he did tell me I was HIS whore....LOL....and the last time we were together he spanked me....it must be torture. I think he wants me to admit that I will be his sex slave for life....oh well

sorry for the graphic nature of this post, I seem to have: a)lost all common sense, b)given you too much information, and c)pretty much admitted that I would do anything to get laid right now

P.S. I am submissive, and the whore thing didn't bother me, and slaving is my life.

Don't mind me, I've had no sleep for 5 days.
hi everyone! been reading everyones posts for quite sometime now.(thought it about time i lept into the fray)hey sammy maybe this guy just gets off on the chase...i know alot of guys like that somtimes getting there is half the fun
From your description, sounds like he's a control freak and a head case.
Lash...you are questioning the sanity of this guy - sure maybe he is a head case. But what about our very own Sammy......she is a self-confessed whore, a total and absolute submissive, and regards slaving as her life....well...er...um....actually on second thoughts Sammy, yeah, what the fuck is wrong with this guy - god, I think we should all have someone like you to turn to *wink*
Ah, sammyjo... I'm with steelydan on this one (btw, Welcome to the BB, steelydan!) One of the guys I know is a self professed lover of the chase... he came clean about this one day while under the influence of alcohol. It was always the classic cat-and-mouse chase games with him... if I acted uninterested, this always seemed to lure him to me, almost as if I was giving out a scent or something. However, if I showed an interest in seeing him, it was always, "I can't, I don't have time". Why is it that these are the men who get under our skin the very most, the ones we long for? That's the biggest question I have ever asked, more confounding than that silly, "What is the meaning of life" question...

But seriously, if this is the type of guy he is, and you're sure he's worth all the agony he's causing you, one thing almost guaranteed to get him knocking at your door, not to mention knocking boots with you, is to date other men. Have a good male friend escort you somewhere you are sure he will be. The next time The Chaser is due to come over, call the florist and have flowers sent to yourself that day, signed by this new "man" in your life. If he even begins to think that you could be having fun with someone other than him, he'll be putting on those running shoes before you know it, cause "if he thinks there's gonna be a race to win, that's when you will see the chase begin". I can almost guarantee it.

And sammy, don't ever appologize for what you post here in the BB. We've all got issues, and believe me, we've probably all seen and heard much worse than anything you could possibly dream of telling us. But good luck with this guy, and let me know how it goes!

SammyJo darling - add me to the list of names under the order "Sammy Jo is required to post anything she likes and stop apologising or asking permission".
Ok now to your little prob ... first off - admit I'm NOT into chase or dom or submission or anything. So I sould be totally wrong here ... but it seems to me that if you are frustrated and confused and in need of a good seeing to and not getting it ... you're either in the wrong role or he isn't doing his part properly... if you need a guy, maybe you better go out and find one to take home for a day or two... Mistress SammyJo commands ... "make me your slave"
hmmmm....I guess we can try it.
I am now accepting applications for the position of my slave. Any and all are welcome. Many will enter, many will win.
