what do you think of a small pox vaccine


Apr 18, 2001
ok i admit i don't know an awful lot about it ... but it seems crazy that they will be offering the vaccination to the public in the US ... the vaccine for small pox has a high enough risk of side effects that it would of been dismissed as a vaild vaccine if it was devolped nowadays

500 people out of a million will have severe side effects and some of those 500 will die

i wonder if the vaccination is being decided because of political reasons rather then medical reasons ... in the uk we've had a small pox special team of doctors setup who have had the vaccination but its not being offered to the public
From what I've heard, the odds of dying from the vaccine are one in one million (or 0.000001 or 0.00001%). You're MUCH more likely to die just driving to work in the morning.

As to your question of why, the answer is because the media keep babbling about what happens if terrorrists release it into the public and about how our government isn't doing enough to protect us.
It's not being offered to the public until sometime in the future. We don't even have enough vaccine to use it on the public yet.

On 60 minutes last night, they were discussing vaccinating, and I like the wait and see approach. Have the vaccine ready, and IF there's a confirmed case, go in with syringes blazing.

This bothers me.

Chief among the concerns of Lieberman and others are provisions to eliminate or reduce a manufacturer's product liability, two of which relate to vaccines. According to the new bill, a broad range of items, from drugs to life preservers, could escape liability lawsuits if the head of the homeland security department designated them as "necessary for security purposes."

Limited liability protections already in place for vaccines would be expanded to include vaccine components, such as the preservative Thimerosal, manufactured by Eli Lilly & Co. and already the subject of several class-action lawsuits by parents who claim the product's high mercury levels have caused their children's autism.

An aide to Sen. Bill Frist, R-Tenn., who had included a similar provision in a vaccine bill he introduced earlier in the year, said the senator did not press House GOP leaders to include the Thimerosal provision in the homeland bill.

The aide said the language essentially codifies a recommendation an independent vaccine advisory committee made to the Clinton administration.

"There is a concern about liability destabilizing the vaccine system," he said.

But Democratic aides point out that Thimerosal is a preservative unnecessary for the production of the vaccines and suggest that the language is an effort to cut back on the lawsuits.

Yet another provision in the bill would require liability claims against smallpox vaccine manufacturers to go through the federal tort system. The federal government would pay the damages, and punitive damages would be banned.
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RawHumor said:
As to your question of why, the answer is because the media keep babbling about what happens if terrorrists release it into the public and about how our government isn't doing enough to protect us.

then it is a political decision and that's wrong

i could be wrong but i think america has a pretty big population ;) ... there are minimal side effects for nearly everyone that has the vaccine ... but the severe side effects are severe enough that they might wish they were dead ... and if you're talking about 100's of millions of people then there is going to be a lot of people with severe side effects just for a political decision that doesn't seem right

i know its not being offered to the public yet pagan but they seem to be saying they will
and i agree that thing about limited liability for drugs that are a matter of homeland security sounds like it could be abused

if they do offer small pox vaccines some companies are going to make a lot of money from it

i know im starting to sound like redwave :) sorry
sexy-girl said:

i know im starting to sound like redwave :) sorry

No, REDWAVE would love it. I can't imagine there's a lot of product liability in a communist state.