What do you know of Kola Boof?


sarcasduck ruffleslut
May 20, 2001
I heard an Interview with Kola Boof on the radio this morning. She has some wild claims of intimate knowledge of Osama Bin Laden. That he is her rapist and then turned her into a concubine sometime in 96.

Have any of you heard about this woman? I hear she has a book now and is being federally protected.

here are some links.

all about kola boof, by kola boof

eightball editorial

also, there are some archived notes in the NY Post, all about her claims...

propaganda? who cares? thoughts?
This was very interesting Perky. Thank you for posting it. I might never have heard of her otherwise. She seems kinda militant, and overly defensive, but I guess anyone really would be in her situation. Excellent post, really. Smooooooooooooochies!