What do you keep in your handbag?


Really Experienced
Sep 19, 2002
I know many men carry one that is not a breifcase but more a carryall. Do you have one?

Ladies do you have more than one handbag? Do you carry as least possible in it, or is there enough in it to unblock the toilet and cook dinner for a week?

I have very little in mine.

Just enough room for my keys,cc,and some cash.

I hate carrying pocketbooks.
Handbags.. nah..

I put everything in my pockets..

Unless I am wearing something that doesn't have any.. then I am screwed.
I've got so many purses I can hardly keep track of them.

Big ones. Small ones. Cute ones and granny ones.

I keep lipsticks, money of all varieties, and all the sundry stuff that floats my way during the week. My pager is in there and my cell phone and probably enough pens to choke a horse.

I also keep tampons because I never know when I'll get the urge to go horseback riding or swimming!
Ever since friends did the man purse

The idea isn't appealing, the only thing that doubles as my hunky dorky carry all is my car, and that can have alot in it at times. I don't like to carry alot on me in business meetings, and my handspring visor does the tasks of my daily planner now days. I guess everyone copes within reason, and that is the badge of truth I shall wear.
Siren said:
you need a tampon to go horseback riding or swimming?

It was a joke.

Three boys have a quarter and go into the store.
One wants to get gum.
The second wants to get candy.
The third wants to get a tampon.
"What's that for?" asks the first boy.
"I don't know," boy #3 replies, " but if you have one you can go swimming and horseback riding!"

yea, lame. Go ahead and flog me.

Oooh. flogging...yeah!! :p
Ummm, this is a little embarassing, but here goes....

Cell phone
2 sets of keys
pocket knife
make up bag, though most of the purse is filled with make up, too.:rolleyes:
band aids
2 Shout wipes
a pick and a comb
Garden Botanika "Perspectives" lotion
Origins "Precipitation" lotion
Purell Hand Sanitizer
Altoids Peppermint Mints
Max Factor Shine Sweepers
Nail polish
33 receipts and other assorted papers:rolleyes:
The Healing Garden Junipertherapy Clarity Cologne Spray
3 ink pens, 1 highlighter
cassette tape...38 Special "Tour de Force"
'' '' Def Leppard "Hysteria"
One half eaten pack of cheese crackers
2 straws
1 pack of kleenex

The rest, I just can't say. :)
yep have one for work...keep all of my medicinal goodies in it...a lil black bag so to speak;)
Siren said:

no matter the size of my purse, it is filled to capacity.

That's me, too! Sometimes filled beyond capacity and I start dropping things.
intrigued said:
Ummm, this is a little embarassing, but here goes....

Cell phone
2 sets of keys
pocket knife
make up bag, though most of the purse is filled with make up, too.:rolleyes:
band aids
2 Shout wipes
a pick and a comb
Garden Botanika "Perspectives" lotion
Origins "Precipitation" lotion
Purell Hand Sanitizer
Altoids Peppermint Mints
Max Factor Shine Sweepers
Nail polish
33 receipts and other assorted papers:rolleyes:
The Healing Garden Junipertherapy Clarity Cologne Spray
3 ink pens, 1 highlighter
cassette tape...38 Special "Tour de Force"
'' '' Def Leppard "Hysteria"
One half eaten pack of cheese crackers
2 straws
1 pack of kleenex

The rest, I just can't say. :)

WOW, Intriqued.....that's sounds like an over night bag. :)

I have:

Cell phone
check book
bottle of white linen
hair brush
Mine's a little Diesel shoulder bag, a tiny thing. In it you'll find:

- wallet
- cell phone
- keys
- lip gloss
- pressed powder
- gum
- pen
In my bag, (also a tiny Diesel bag!) you'll find a very sharp knife, chalk for playing pool, at least 2 ouchless rubberbands, Aveda lipgloss, a pair of earrings (for just in case I want to be fancy), identification, phone, a small amount of cash, and a debit card. Also in the bag you'll find many tiny pellets of waste-paper (straw wrappers and gum wrappers and stuff) because I habitually ball up trash items and stow them for later disposal. It's kind of embarrassing, but at least I'm not a litterbug.
enjoyingitall said:

WOW, Intriqued.....that's sounds like an over night bag. :)

I have:

Cell phone
check book
bottle of white linen
hair brush

Thats because I like to be prepared for "overnight".:D

Its actually a rather small purse, one of those black crocheted purses? I just use the smallest sizes of everything...;)
I have noticed that the bigger the purse, the more I find to stuff in it...you should have seen it when the kids were babies!:D
intrigued said:
Ummm, this is a little embarassing, but here goes....

Cell phone
2 sets of keys
pocket knife
make up bag, though most of the purse is filled with make up, too.:rolleyes:
band aids
2 Shout wipes
a pick and a comb
Garden Botanika "Perspectives" lotion
Origins "Precipitation" lotion
Purell Hand Sanitizer
Altoids Peppermint Mints
Max Factor Shine Sweepers
Nail polish
33 receipts and other assorted papers:rolleyes:
The Healing Garden Junipertherapy Clarity Cologne Spray
3 ink pens, 1 highlighter
cassette tape...38 Special "Tour de Force"
'' '' Def Leppard "Hysteria"
One half eaten pack of cheese crackers
2 straws
1 pack of kleenex

The rest, I just can't say. :)

So thats where the 38 special tape is!!
intrigued said:

Thats because I like to be prepared for "overnight".:D

Its actually a rather small purse, one of those black crocheted purses? I just use the smallest sizes of everything...;)
I have noticed that the bigger the purse, the more I find to stuff in it...you should have seen it when the kids were babies!:D

Good Plan!!

LOL..Is the boy scouts or the girl scouts who have the motto of "Be Prepared?" Either way..sounds like you'd put them to shame.