What do you do when you have a cat scratching inside your soul?


Jan 24, 2003
What do you do when you feeling down?
Do you listen to some music? If yes what kind?
Have a drink or a smoke?
Call a friend?
Go on-line and start randomly insulting people?
Does masturbation help you?
I watch movies about people that have it worse off than me. That helps cheer me up whether it's based on fact or fiction.
I lasso Tank and fuck the good golly out of him...yup that makes me feel better! :D
marksgirl said:
I lasso Tank and fuck the good golly out of him...yup that makes me feel better! :D

By the looks of ya I don't think you ever feel down :)
Go selfdestructive.

Take a drive out to the country and screem until I can't talk.

Walk to the gym and run until I can't breath.

Curl up into a little ball and cry.

Fuck anyone who happens to be handy.

and no, it doesn't help.
When I get down, I take to my bed...wrap myself up in a warm cocoon and sleep...my theory is...if I am sleeping I can't feel it...

Yeah, Yeah...I know...it's still there when I get up...but at least I got away from it for a bit.
Tatiana0706 said:
When I get down, I take to my bed...wrap myself up in a warm cocoon and sleep...my theory is...if I am sleeping I can't feel it...

Yeah, Yeah...I know...it's still there when I get up...but at least I got away from it for a bit.

Me, too.
Ain't NOTHING gonna make it better anyway, except me, and time.
I try to keep my mind off of whatever is making me down. Distract myself. Usually works for me.
I have a smoke, and a drink. Masturbate, fuck, write, cook, read, take a bath, call a friend, watch a film, play drums.
I guess that's why I'm rarely in a bad mood.
So much to do!:p
As for me ... well i either listen to music (county or oldies) really really loud & sing (some times off key) till i can't think anymore. Or play a computer RPG, killing all the bad guys like they were the problem in the first place.
Zmey said:
What do you do when you feeling down?
Do you listen to some music? If yes what kind?
Have a drink or a smoke?
Call a friend?
Go on-line and start randomly insulting people?
Does masturbation help you?

I write erotica.
Re: Re: What do you do when you have a cat scratching inside your soul?

ProofreadManx said:

I write erotica.

Do you wtite only when you down?
Re: Re: Re: What do you do when you have a cat scratching inside your soul?

Zmey said:
Do you write only when you're down?

Incredibly, it's a motivating activity that gets me out of that mood.

I really don't write well when I'm in a good mood. I end up editing and re-editing the absolute SHIT that spews off my fingers when I'm feeling "fine". Interestingly, what I have found, that editing (and re-editing) the SHIT is good fodder for story ideas during the times when I'm not in such a good mood. The two moods feed on each other.

That introspectiveness forces my thoughts into words-on-paper--it grabs me and slaps me about until it has the opportunity to manifest itself--to get it out of "it's" system.

And, yeah, it's cathartic.
Fascinating. Usually I don't read erotic stories written by men but I think I'll read yours just to see what gloom makes you write.