what do you do when you feel unloved?


Really Experienced
May 27, 2002
it always seems like everyone else is allways happie but that cant be true, so what is it that you all do to feel better? iam turning lit into a little theripist hehehe :D
Hi Magic....we newbies need to stick together.

Sorry you're feeling unloved...Why don't you "love" yourself?:D
agezinder said:
Hi Magic....we newbies need to stick together.

Sorry you're feeling unloved...Why don't you "love" yourself?:D

theres my newbie :) HUG :)
I feel unloved when there's another dick in her mouth. But hey I could be wrong.
Magic....there should be a "Newbies" Board...then when any of us hit 1000 posts, we could graduate to the General Board!
agezinder said:
Magic....there should be a "Newbies" Board...then when any of us hit 1000 posts, we could graduate to the General Board!

hey thats a good idea you should email the webmisstress :)
magicpenis said:
hey thats a good idea you should email the webmisstress :)

That's already been suggested I believe and they said...we don't discriminate between newbies and veterans...
then why have we been cut off ? lol

<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Spank Me!">
Yeah, it seems like that...I dunno! No one likes us??? Maybe we should get better looking AV's??? I thought mine was hot enough. I mean look at me!!!!
agezinder said:
Yeah, it seems like that...I dunno! No one likes us??? Maybe we should get better looking AV's??? I thought mine was hot enough. I mean look at me!!!!

:eek: :eek: thats realy your pic??? .ooHH my hehe :D :)
I am such a dork. lol

I should be studying for a test I have tomorrow at work.

I wonder if anyone else will post here....10 bucks says "no."
magicpenis said:
:eek: :eek: thats realy your pic??? .ooHH my hehe :D :)

Are you kidding me???

If I really looked like this, do you think I would be here??? Wait, that didn't come out right...what I meant was, if I looked like that, I'd be sitting in front of a mirror not a computer.
me too lol i have a test for my college class hehe being a rocket scientist isnt easy :cool:
agezinder said:
I am such a dork. lol

I should be studying for a test I have tomorrow at work.

I wonder if anyone else will post here....10 bucks says "no."

Where's my 10 bucks????

When I feel unloved, I run the bath, light the candles, and soak away the evening.....I always feel better after that....:)
agezinder said:
Are you kidding me???

If I really looked like this, do you think I would be here??? Wait, that didn't come out right...what I meant was, if I looked like that, I'd be sitting in front of a mirror not a computer.

ohh you. you probly look great you :)
april-wine said:
Where's my 10 bucks????

When I feel unloved, I run the bath, light the candles, and soak away the evening.....I always feel better after that....:)

.oO hehe that probly would do the trick. *runs bath* who will go in tub with me? :D