What did you appreciate today?

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family and friends - love them....

unconditional love - given and received....

the kindness of strangers - it never ceases to amaze me...
Messages from friends that made a rough day much better.
And the fact that the battery on my phone managed to survive until I left work!!!
family and friends that I love...
unconditional love - given and received
a very understanding friend - one of the best I've ever had... :kiss:
Honesty. Brutal, unapologetic, ram-a-stake-through-your-fucking-heart honesty.
Life. I drove past a pretty bad car accident today and it made me just stop by the lake down the road, take a deep breath and realise that no matter how much the small things annoy me that I will still be alive tomorrow to enjoy the things that don't annoy me.
family and friends that I love...

unconditional love - given and received...

The Love Of Family And Friends...

Unconditional Love -given And Received...

Superbowl Sunday Baby...can't Wait...
Another sunny day. :D
Caribou coffee
Better living through chemistry
A slow Sunday morning

Nat being such fun to lie against while watching Sunday Morning.

That Belushi I seems to have eased up on the alopecia.

The beautifully scented soaps Nat seems to always have a knack of finding for me (I'm a luxuriating in a long soak in the tub kind of girl).
the love of family and friends...

unconditional love - given and received...

A damn good cry :rolleyes:

A dusty, much-neglected part of the library being all mine for a while :)

Being able to read back....:rose:
Those that like to make me smile, those that are my friends and the fact I made a ROCKING dinner tonight ... so I appreciate I can cook OH and that I made it through Monday
The beautiful sunny day...nice drive home from work with the sunroof open and the fresh air encompassing me.
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