What brought you to Lit?


Jun 30, 2002
I have to admit that I've been a lurker for a LONG time; I had to double-check my profile to find that I joined Lit in 2002! I was introduced to Lit over 10 years ago by a poster named Mistress. I had met her playing Everquest, where she blew me away with her extremely flirtatious role-play and wide-open sexuality. I believe there are still some stories on Lit that she wrote using her gaming character in the roleplayed story, but sadly not with my character as the partner (would have been fun). She mentioned that she posted on this "adult" site, so I just had to come check it out. I've been hooked ever since.

Although I've only lurked until really just this past month, I've always been very intrigued with the level of maturity and respect Lit posters show to each other and to adult sexuality. This is a very rare community and one that I thank my old friend Mistress for introducing me to quite often... although she doesn't seem to be active any longer unfortunately.

Was anyone else "lured" here and decided to stay?
My husband introduced me to Lit about ten years ago, while we were still living in dorms in college. I've been reading the stories for a long time, but I just started with the forums this spring. Oh, and the text/audio section is music to my filthy ears :)
No one in particular turned me on to the site, unless Greenguy counts. I think I was following links from that site years ago, searching for stories. I found the forums about 2 years ago and lurked for a while. Mostly visiting the BDSM forum, until I found the Playground and AmPic. And here I am :D
My husband introduced me to Lit about ten years ago, while we were still living in dorms in college. I've been reading the stories for a long time, but I just started with the forums this spring. Oh, and the text/audio section is music to my filthy ears :)

I have filthy ears, never tire of hearing a woman having great orgasms... if you had to suggest one audio story, which would it be?
I like to read erotic stories and recently discovered there was a message board. Figured I'd try it out!
A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away...oh, no wait, sorry, same galaxy.

I used to read alt.sex.stories on usenet (for those of you who are under 30, "Usenet" actually predates the internet...I know, I know...in 1992 you were like what? 10? Yeah, I'm old..).

It migrated to the internet about 1998ish as I recall, and I kept reading there for a while, but it was no longer moderated and it succumbed to too much spam. So about 2003, I discovered Lit and read stories here on and off for about 5 years. I started writing stories sometime in that period too and finally decided, about 2008ish, that maybe I was interested in posting some. I thought the boards would be a good place to get some.....advice....

Well, turns out the boards are a great place and I found the playground and stayed.
10 years ago (or more) and several abandoned ID's later I am still here.

It started innocently enough. I was learning to adjust to the ebb and flow of sex in an ostensibly happy marriage. She tended to passive aggressive and would subtly freeze me out by going to bed early if she thought I looked like I was engrossed in something or waiting me out if I went to bed at a decent hour.

Sometimes I had an idea what she was pissed about, sometimes I didn't but I did know that there wasn't a way to resolve it on my end other than to wait it out till SHE was horny and just take the crumbs where I could.

(As an aside, for those in this situation now, get Athol Kaye's book and man up!)

anyway...she was an open minded girl, watched my first actual porn with her..she considered herself bi so she enjoyed pictures of the ladies as well. I had 2 problems though...images without a back story do nothing for me...I'm interested in the who and especially the why. The other problem is I had a very oppressive prudish mother (whether Mom's back story is one of abuse survivor or penitent ex-sinner I couldn't say but there's something wrong there). She would catch me with the J.C.Penny's lingerie section of the catalog of some such and humiliate me for wanting to see things that excited me in ways I didnt understand...so My wife would have been cool with nearly everything I EVER did online if she saw the details but I cannot abide someone especially a woman over my shoulder as I perve.

So I would perve, get caught, apologize, install filters, blocking software, whatever, then eventually weaken in my resolve and defeat the controls. Get caught...wifey was quite the adept snoop..(Hi dear! three years divorced nearly and she still snoops...I can pick 'em can't I?)

One day I was passing the public library and had time to kill before an appointment...went in to read and enjoy airconditioning...feast and famine job made fixing the AC a luxury I often did without.

I found they had internet access! I was pretty nervous about anything to "porn-y" and as i've said pics alone dont do much so I began to look for titillating clothed images.

discovered a site like today's flicker (if flicker even exists?) called photo-island

came across a picture where I liked the look in her eyes and she was wearing strappy gold heels on a beach! Anyway clumsily figured out how to send a comment...pm style I believe...she responded.

turned out to be a recent russian mail order bride with a mobster sounding last name. We emailed back and forth and she teased, I wrote...

I"earned" pictures with my little scribbles...ironic thing is I never did see the "full monte" but that fits since for me it is about why the other person shows not what they show.

she steered my sloppily penned stories always the same...hubby shares wife with boss/friend/etc etc usually a power thing with the hubby down one...

wasnt my taste but I scribbled on...

she liked them, but was stereotypically Russian petulant..."why you not finish story today?"

exasperated once i googled (yahoo'd was google even around yet? dunno) "erotic stories"

found lit and felt at home ever since...

apologies to whomever I plagiarized, but it did get me as I recall a lovely shot of her topless next to brightly lit mini-blinds peeking out at the neighbors in nothing but a plunging pair of cerulean blue panties (and heels! miss that girl)

eventually a few years ago in a wonderful swan song of our marriage we got frank..we got honest and wifey SUGGESTED I go back to lit...she understood by then what it meant...we perved together on lit and blogged prolifically...

then it started slipping, stalled, nose-dived and eventually augured in with her midlife crisis...

I miss that version of her but not so much the current one...although I see that version of her from time to time...ironically when my circumstances are such that I need a concession from her...I've learned the hard way I cannot offer her a kindness...I figure guilt or something cause her bitter reactions a few days after any olive branch I offer.

Yeah, TMI...but I'm famous for that...this is more cathartic venting for me than anything else. confession is good for the soul.