What birthcontrol are you currently using or what experiences have you had?


Aim for the Bullseye ; )
Dec 27, 2000
What type of brithcontrol are you currently using? I know there are several things out on the market here in the last few years and I am curious. (Tubal ligation and vascectomies both DO count.)

Would you please describe the effects you have noticed or what you like and the cost if you are paying for it?

I am currently on the patch. One of my docs insisted that I go on birth control and my PCP asked me if I'd like to try it since she had a free sample. She is also trying it currently to see what the experience is like.

With this, I notice nothing topically unless I reach back to scratch and feel my band-aid like adhesion. I started it on day 7 of my period and have not stopped spotting yet. (This now officially makes it day 12 and I am getting tired of it.) I have also had lots of nausea, but I have lots of problems with my ears and with the bad driving experience of yesterday, the nausea could be completely unrelated.

Everybody else?
My birth control is fool proof

and guarenteed to ward off STD's.

IT costs very little, if you don't mind the few side effects. Insomnia and mood swings being the primary issues.






Abstinence! :D
I was on BCPs until about three weeks ago. The particular one I was on was called Yasmin... it's a low dose constant level of hormone, and is the only hormonal birth control I've been able to take (and I've tried most of them).

I lost weight, had no cramping, my periods were regular, and PMS was practically non-existent. The low dosage is key, and the reason I couldn't handle the other hormonal options (like Depo). My body just freaks out on me.

Once they figure out why my uterus seems so pissed off at me, I'll go back on Yasmin and stay on it til I'm too old to take it anymore.
Re: What birthcontrol are you currently using......

Is abstinence considered a form of birth control? :D
Yes, my dear. Abstaining is a form of birthcontrol. Very effective as long as you don't fall off the wagon.

I personally had not used any except for comdoms for a long time. If my doc had not insisted on it, I would not be on any now.
Well, as I mentioned elsewhere, I really wanted to try a diaphragm. Old fashioned, yes, but oh so handy and convenient. Unfortunately, they couldn't fit me for one so I stick to good ol' fashioned condoms on those rare occassions I actually get to have sex. I'd taken BCPs for many, many, many moons, but being an over 30 year old smoker, I wanted to try something else. =(
In 1972 I went on OBC. Ovulin. They don't make it anymore. Enough hormones to knock you down, but that is what they did at that time. Stayed on OBC for about 10 years until my blood pressure went crazy. Switched to a cervical cap, then a diaphragm with foam and condoms. Got married, just used the foam because we didn't mind if we got pregnant. Used condoms sometimes like in the mornings when I didn't want cum running down my leg at work. Had a baby and the man did his part and cut the cords.
I'm also on BCP's. I take a low-hormone one called Alesse. I had been taking tri-cyclin (sp?) for about 3 years but had started getting bad headaches so they switched me to the low-hormone one. I haven't had any side-effects from the Alesse and have been on it for about a year and a half.
A friend of mine went on the patch about 3 months ago and has also had problems. She started spotting and didn't stop or would only stop for a few days. She also said she was getting a lot of nausea and some headaches. She ended up going back on to the pills.
I run to the bathroom and pee immediately after sex. Gotta flush those sperm out.

Yeah I know it's not from the same hole, but it seems to work (except for the time I had 3 babies in 21 months).
Nora said:
Well, as I mentioned elsewhere, I really wanted to try a diaphragm. Old fashioned, yes, but oh so handy and convenient.

Yuck. I used a diaphragm for a little over a year after the birth of my first child. I hated it to the point where I refused to even think about using it (hence the birth of my second child).

There's nothing handy or convenient about removing a rubber cup filled with slimy spermicide and cum from your vagina. It's even less pleasant when you notice that the spermicide makes the cum have a most disturbing green tinge.
omg PCG! hahahahahhah! Ok, I'll be thankful now that they couldn't fit me! *grin*

Side Effect has been terminal horniness and extremely enhanced awareness of sexually attractive women.

Cost has been re-supplying my favorite lubricant and maintaining internet access to porn.
With a diaphragm, you have to leave it in for awhile after sex. I would have things to do, places to go and sometimes would leave it in for 24 hours. It would cause some cramping at that level. It was great during my period, because it would catch the blood, no tampon needed.

It is messy...
SimGuy said:

Side Effect has been terminal horniness and extremely enhanced awareness of sexually attractive women.

shitte. I'm like that when i'm getting laid on a constant basis.

maybe there's a pill? a nice blue one perhaps?
Birth control

I've used BCP and Depo. With BCP I was fine prior to the birth of my son. Afterwards I had constant spotting even on the pills designed to stop spotting so I switched to Depo. It was a very bad idea. Most women are fine on Depo but it made me really sick. I felt crippled, I had so much joint and muscular pain. I would not recommend this drug to anyone. It's such a roulette.
Now I use condoms and contraceptive sponges. together the contraceptive rate is approximately 99% because both forms are about 90% effective. The sponges are fairly easy to use and can be used for multiple seesions over a 12 to 24 hour period without needing replacement and only need to be put in a little before intercourse.

The sponges cost about $15 for four, so they're a bit pricy but they work well and have no side effects unless you have an allergy to the spermicide.
Until very recently I was on Depo and I LOVED it

I have irregular periods and extreme pain when I get my period, so the shot was fabulous because you eventually stop getting your period. You get a shot every 8-12 weeks depending on how fast your body absorbs the drug and you're good to go. It's almost 100% foolproof because obviously if you're not getting your period at all you can't get pregnant (of course there are the other issues, but we're talking bc here). What it does is suppress your production of certain hormones. However, it can be expensive...without insurace it's 75 per shot plus the cost of having it injected into you. I currently only have crappy school insurance which doesn't cover it so I had to stop it...which leads me to the downsides of the shot. Once you get off the shot, it can take up to a year for your periods to become regular again. I spotted last week, then nothing, now I'm bleeding again...all normal when you get off it because your hormones go wacky. However, I know a lot of women whose bodies' HATED the shot. When I get insurance again I prolly won't go back on the shot until I've had kid #1 (since I won't have good insurance for 2 years and I'm thinking of having a kid within the next 5 years). I'm only going off it once I make the decision to have kid #2 or a tubal.
Birth Control Pills.

When I first started the pill, I did have my period for an extended period of time. But when I went to the gyncologist, they gave me some medication to start my period, because I have never ever had a regular period. Needless to say afterwards when every thing got to normal, the only side effects the pill had for me was that I did gain some weight and I began to have leg cramps. But since taking the pill my period has been regular and I get it only for 2 days and its very light.. and there is no cramping ... etc.

I have been off the pill for 2 months now, I did not make my appoinment in time and for these last 2 months I have been off it, I need to get back on it... so I can go back to be normal. :)

I find that the pill works well for me. I have no complains. :)
Garlic and onions.

Hey Pretty Lady, you must not live in the states. Where are you buying the sponges? The only company here that made them (Today) closed. They later sold all their assets to another company which is having difficulty getting approval from the FDA.

I know there is another brand made in Canada but I can't remember the name or if they sell over the internet. Do you know the name of the product?

I am from Canada and the brand I use is called Protectaid. They have red roses on the box. I get them at Shopper's Drug Mart. Good Luck finding them!