What better way to distract Americans...


Literotica Guru
Dec 10, 2003
What better way to distract Americans from our train wreck economy than to create a huge kerfuffle over gun control?

You go enact legislation that is doomed to fail...

You dictate Executive Orders that dont stand a snowball's chance in hell of withstanding a court challenge and extend the debates for several years...

And whatever you do get "accomplished" won't makes a wits bit of difference anyway.

Meanwhile... http://www.usdebtclock.org/
What better way to distract Americans from our train wreck economy than to create a huge kerfuffle over gun control?

You go enact legislation that is doomed to fail...

You dictate Executive Orders that dont stand a snowball's chance in hell of withstanding a court challenge and extend the debates for several years...

And whatever you do get "accomplished" won't makes a wits bit of difference anyway.

Meanwhile... http://www.usdebtclock.org/

More derp from you? No surprise.
I don't think it's a deliberate attempt to distract us, but it's a revealing look at how much time and energy is spent on meaningless bullshit.
I don't think it's a deliberate attempt to distract us, but it's a revealing look at how much time and energy is spent on meaningless bullshit.

I dont think there is ANYTHING about this President that isnt deliberate.
i think that all americans should be armed /harmed.

Quite so! Afterall, its damn hard to shoot the Commies if you have no arms.

Yeah, the right wingers are right...

It's like Ish said, 20 some kids getting gunned down is chump change compared to losing your right to have more guns at home than the rest of the world combined.

You need more guns! More! Bigger! No, bigger than that! More firepower! More!
Thats your conspiratorial mindset, not mine. But it was bound to happen sooner or later. He was ready for what ever opportunity presented itself.

"I dont think there is ANYTHING about this President that isnt deliberate."

YOUR words, therefore, through extrapolation, he staged it.
No tin-foil hat here, but you're close to it, saying that the President DELIBERATELY staged a shooting.

LOL.... ONLY in your delusional, conspiratorial mind did I say that. In addition I can see that you have reading comprehension issues as well. Life must suck for you.
LOL.... ONLY in your delusional, conspiratorial mind did I say that. In addition I can see that you have reading comprehension issues as well. Life must suck for you.

My comprehension is quite well, thank you. You just can't see the forest through the trees. Your own words have cornered you and when confronted, you retreat and use names.
"The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

The complete second amendment is such:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Further, Thomas Jefferson, as Sec of State, added:

"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"

Which, in GB speak, means

"You own a gun, protect the fucking state, not your own shit and self!"