What? At least I have the balls to post all these under my own name!

warrior queen

early bird snack pack
Jul 17, 2003
Nope. Not using an alt.
How cool is that? You all know exactly who it is!

I may get banned.... I have been warned about that happening....
you should get banned for spamming, not talking shit about someone on here.

i don't know, it's not my site but my thoughts of opinion. lol

It's not cool.

You won't get banned.

You look like a fucking idiot.

Whatever KRC did, she has won.
It's not cool.

You won't get banned.

You look like a fucking idiot.

Whatever KRC did, she has won.

Indeed. Eyer and I are latecomers to the WQ trolling, so all the credit for the recent hilarity goes to KRC.

Enjoy the fruits of your labor.
KRC? Winning against warrior queen? Maybe in a retard pose-down, she would win the "most retarded" prize by a long shot.

There is no contest of wits or intelligence that would ever see KRC coming out on top, not against anyone with a pulse.
Nope. Not using an alt.
How cool is that? You all know exactly who it is!

I may get banned.... I have been warned about that happening....

You have an attitude problem.

KRC? Winning against warrior queen? Maybe in a retard pose-down, she would win the "most retarded" prize by a long shot.

There is no contest of wits or intelligence that would ever see KRC coming out on top, not against anyone with a pulse.

How you post after choking to death on a peanut is a miracle.
Yea I'm an alt from 2003. I'm the alt of DCL. He made me to express his anger. Er i made me? I made myself. i don't know. fuck this shit. RAWR
I don't get the ranting crap. What good is it doing?
yes, because warrior queen is totally your real name.

At least I have the balls to use ONE NAME ONLY on this board.
Unlike the many who have to hide behind their alts because they're too fucking gutless to let people know what they're really thinking :rolleyes: