What are YOU doing for Halloween??


Really Experienced
Apr 3, 2002
Personally, I don't think I'll have to worry about trick-or-treaters. I have to live in one of the most remote parts of the country lol.

What are YOU doing this Halloween??

Southern Bellea
I Already Attended The Witches Ball!

On Samhain I'm Gonna Scare The Hell Outta The Small Folk:D
Have a few friends over for movies and pizza... maybe some cards also.. not sure... open invitation to any Lit person that wants to come over. Gonna be pretty geeky though.
Taking the kids out, then cuddling on the couch with my honey watching scary movies.
Taking the kids trick or treating. I get to have my fun on Saturday at my friends Halloween party.
I'll be eating candy. Watching TV. Drinking Soda.

How's that?
I'm taking the kids out for about an hour and then coming home to sleep. A rather dull night, if I'm lucky.


Candy sounds good lol. The fun thing about my area, we always stock up on candy because they think we are going to get a lot of kids, and only one kid will show up. The rest is mine ...all MINE heehehe.

Anyone know any good Halloween movies?

Southern Belle
I'm going bag snatching.

Then I'm going to throw a few eggs and shit on a few doorsteps.

Good times. . .
Why, trick & treating of course. My treats are a bit out of the ordinary, but so am I, so it all works out.
Not a damn thing. There haven't been trick-or-treaters in this neighborhood for eons.
I'm asceered of Hallowe'en.

Lots of scary shit goes on out there. :eek:
When is Halloween? I keep reading all these posts about it, but have no idea when it is. Personally, I think it sounds like fun and kind of wish the idea would take off here.
I'll be sitting at home watching horror movies, I live too far out in the middle of nowhere to pass out candy. But I'm still looking into dressing up for work, but haven't decided as what yet.