What about that cloned baby?


I perfected 'BITCHYNESS'
Apr 15, 2000
And what about the others that were supposedly to be born shortly after the first one.

Has anyone heard anything more about those?

Hmmm, the things I wonder about when I am supposed to be sleeping.
You will never hear anythign about them because it never happened.
oh sure Phoenyx, burst my bubbles. Here I thought I would finally be able to put all those stories to rest, now I find out that I imagined it all.
Kymberley said:
oh sure Phoenyx, burst my bubbles. Here I thought I would finally be able to put all those stories to rest, now I find out that I imagined it all.

Id love to burst your buibbles.

It was all a publicity stunt.
they are really big bubbles.

So what about those aliens that have been kidnapping earthlings all this time?

Are those stories about anal probes just stunts too?
Did Did you you hear hear about about the the cloned cloned sentence sentence?
I've been hoping for the Home Cloning Kit so I can create an army of winged monkeys to do my bidding.
breakwall said:
I've been hoping for the Home Cloning Kit so I can create an army of winged monkeys to do my bidding.

Well, for that to work, you'd need to be a ....

Oh. I get it. ;)
Kymberley said:
And what about the others that were supposedly to be born shortly after the first one.

Has anyone heard anything more about those?

Hmmm, the things I wonder about when I am supposed to be sleeping.

Strange that I was thinking about them just the other day . . .