What’s it like to hate your President?


Apr 24, 2021
Half the americans here hate hate hate Trump.

The other half hate hate hate Biden.

I’m a lover, not a hater, so it makes me wonder:

what’s it like to hate your country’s leadership ( or the other side, as applicable) with such intensity ?
Half the americans here hate hate hate Trump.

The other half hate hate hate Biden.

I’m a lover, not a hater, so it makes me wonder:

what’s it like to hate your country’s leadership ( or the other side, as applicable) with such intensity ?
The truth is half of the country hates it enough to vote for people who share their hate for the country while the other half who love the country vote for Trump who loves the country as well.
The truth is half of the country hates it enough to vote for people who share their hate for the country while the other half who love the country vote for Trump who loves the country as well.
Actually the truth is that you believe you're the authority on the love of your country and other people disagree with you.
Those who love Trump, and who claim to love America, dislike - "hate" may be too strong a word - non whites, Jews, homosexuals, transsexuals, people who have abortions, and liberals. In other words, they dislike half of the country they claim to love.
I wasn't a Trump fan, but I agreed, in general with his policies.
I'm not a Biden fan and I disagree, in general, with his policies.

Hate is a pretty strong word.

What the fuck is Kradder going on about? I'm not white and I'm proud of not only my heritage, but to be an American; it's a "melting pot." All too often though, it seems to be a meltdown pot.

As an aside, what was K's previous alt handle?
Should I put it on ignore (again)?
Besides hate, another option is laugh. Laugh our asses off at the comedy of errors, as far back as anyone wants to look, in American history or world history. The script is a classic. We really nailed the casting with a senile old fool to play the leader.
What I don't get about american politics is the people they elect for the last 30 years or so. Obama???? Frat boy George Bush???? military service doding BJ Clinton???? The fact that he could ever marry Hilary says enough about bad choices, and makes his choice to stick his dick about everywhere else somehow understandable. And now Biden???

But then if you look at the alternatives, I can sometimes get it. It is the best of 2 bad choices. Hilary or Trump. Even if you don't like Trump you might vote for him just to avoid Hilary. Then Trump or Biden.....

So which would you choose, bamboo under the fingernails or water boarding?
Cynicism in the US politics leads to people avoiding politics which leads to bad candidates running for politics.

Add to that the limited attention span and the people running usually come up with business interests who do favors for each other...and eventually the pool of Presidential candidates dries up
The real question that needs to be asked is, what's it like when a President hates his country? The answer is becoming abundantly clear with each new day.
Half the americans here hate hate hate Trump.

The other half hate hate hate Biden.

I’m a lover, not a hater, so it makes me wonder:

what’s it like to hate your country’s leadership ( or the other side, as applicable) with such intensity ?
You forgot the first round of Hillary Clinton vs Donald Trump, Donald was the best of the 2 on the ballot in my opinion.
and as for Biden / Trump I don't know how the worst one won but he did and he's ruining our country and in 4 years he'll do as much or more damage as 44 did in 8 years.
To paraphrase something I just posted in another thread:

Hating on Joe Biden is like hating on Elmer Fudd.
We actually feel sorry for him even as we hate the direction the country is taking under Democrat control.

Joe is not the one in control which is why Nancy has gone to poke a finger in the eye of the Chinese...
Only about half of the people eligible to vote, actually do so. Of those, most don't have strong feelings one way or another.

Each side has it's own militant branch that makes for good news clips but generally, people are more concerned with their daily lives than they are with the clown-show in Washington.