If you remember back to August 2011 when the last debt ceiling crisis almost brought the federal government to a halt, the "solution" our lame politicians (redundant, I know) came up with was to raise the debt ceiling and legislate the Budget Control Act of 2011, which is what all the "fiscal cliff" hysteria is about now...
...anyway, the debt ceiling was raised in August 2011 to $16.394 trillion.
Today, the Secretary of the Treasury finally answered a Congressional request (which gave the Secretary a November 1 deadline to answer) and told Congress that he figures we'll hit the debt ceiling by Monday, and that he can then do some "emergency" financial wango-dango stuff to cover the shortfalls until February, maybe March...
...but here's the problem:
$16,409,155,500.00 trillion
...that's the real-time debt as I type (watch how fast the pretty numbers exponentially grow, here: http://www.usdebtclock.org/).
So, to recap:
- Congress and the President can't agree on how to address the law of the Budget Control Act of 2011 and, if they don't successfully address it, that infamous "fiscal cliff" awaits;
- the USSA is now out of money again, having spent all of the last debt ceiling raise, which means there's gotta be another idiotic repeat performance to address that grave issue;
- February and March of next year (when Treasury's hocus-pocus stops hiding the rabbit) are heavy duty months as far as the federal government paying their obligations go: one of which is the hundreds of billions due in taxpayer refunds (the federal income tax amounts individual taxpayers overpaid to the federal government)...
...if you read the linked article below, you might observe:
Think about that: the federal government not allowing Americans to file their taxes because the amount the federal government must return to Americans cannot be paid...
...interest payment on the US debt is also due sometime during those months, as is payment on Social Security obligations; the point is that even with the fiscal cliff somehow detoured and the debt ceiling raised again, America will almost be out of money once more.
Economic apocalypse now, indeed...
Debt Ceiling Nears as Budget Talks Stymied
Treasury Says Borrowing Limit Will Be Reached Monday, Triggering Emergency Measures to Keep Government Operating
...anyway, the debt ceiling was raised in August 2011 to $16.394 trillion.
Today, the Secretary of the Treasury finally answered a Congressional request (which gave the Secretary a November 1 deadline to answer) and told Congress that he figures we'll hit the debt ceiling by Monday, and that he can then do some "emergency" financial wango-dango stuff to cover the shortfalls until February, maybe March...
...but here's the problem:
$16,409,155,500.00 trillion
...that's the real-time debt as I type (watch how fast the pretty numbers exponentially grow, here: http://www.usdebtclock.org/).
So, to recap:
- Congress and the President can't agree on how to address the law of the Budget Control Act of 2011 and, if they don't successfully address it, that infamous "fiscal cliff" awaits;
- the USSA is now out of money again, having spent all of the last debt ceiling raise, which means there's gotta be another idiotic repeat performance to address that grave issue;
- February and March of next year (when Treasury's hocus-pocus stops hiding the rabbit) are heavy duty months as far as the federal government paying their obligations go: one of which is the hundreds of billions due in taxpayer refunds (the federal income tax amounts individual taxpayers overpaid to the federal government)...
...if you read the linked article below, you might observe:
Mr. Geithner also said it wasn't possible to know whether the 2012 tax-filing season would be delayed.
Think about that: the federal government not allowing Americans to file their taxes because the amount the federal government must return to Americans cannot be paid...
...interest payment on the US debt is also due sometime during those months, as is payment on Social Security obligations; the point is that even with the fiscal cliff somehow detoured and the debt ceiling raised again, America will almost be out of money once more.
Economic apocalypse now, indeed...
Debt Ceiling Nears as Budget Talks Stymied
Treasury Says Borrowing Limit Will Be Reached Monday, Triggering Emergency Measures to Keep Government Operating