West Wing


Literotica Guru
Feb 7, 2003
This week's The West Wing briefly touched on why does the President get sworn in on a Christian bible.

Then I saw some blowhard politician going on and on about our great Christian nation.

Whatever happened to the Constitution and the separation of church and state? Oh yeah, I remember now, they all got run through the paper-shredder along with all the Iran-Contra papers back when Reagan was president!

Have we all forgotten the 1500+ years of systematic persecution, torture, execution, and terror of witches, Jews, and just about everyone else, when most of Europe consisted of Great Christian Nations like these politicians talk about?

How about today's Great Muslim Nations that also fail to separate church and state? Is that the kind of the country we want in America? The politicians seem to be saying so, and that you have no rights in the U.S. if you are anything BUT Christian.

When a politician swears on a Christian bible or speaks of our great Christian nation, has he forgotten that some American citizens are Jewish, Moslem, Buddhist, Sihkh, atheist, etc., etc. Is that politician saying he represents ONLY Christians and to hell with what the rest of us want or think? And if so, why the hell is he in office, supposedly representing the rest of us? Oh, yeah, I forgot. Politicians represent Big Business who finance their campaigns, not the little guy, and selling religion is the biggest business in the country (count the number of churches in YOUR town!).

As we prepare to battle Iraq and other religiously EXCLUSIVE nations, shouldn't these politicians become MORE religiously INCLUSIVE, instead of more like the "bad guy" nations we're fighting?

This stuff just gets me MAD!
Oh brother. :rolleyes:

I just came in here to say I think the show rocks. The rest of your post I could care less about. <shrug>

Carry on....
welcome to the boards.

secondly, we have a search function where this subject, church and state, has been touched on ad nauseum.

thirdly, west wing rocks, is donna the leak? what do you think?
perky_baby said:
thirdly, west wing rocks, is donna the leak? what do you think?

heh........that was my guess also....considering she's a little fed up with Josh.

I hate to think any of them are a leak or leaving the show. They already screwed up by not upping "Sam's" contract to keep him around.

patford31769 said:
Have we all forgotten the 1500+ years of systematic persecution, torture, execution, and terror of witches, Jews, and just about everyone else, when most of Europe consisted of Great Christian Nations like these politicians talk about?

I hadn't noticed it stopping in the New World either. Just wander into middle America and you will see the worst religeous bigotry and wander into the White House and you'll see some of the worst bigotry exhibed for many many years. I'm not convinced any issues of separation of Church & State will solve that one!!!

In any case The ACLU version of separation is several oceans away from the founder's intent, which wasn't to exclude prayers from schools or menorah from City Halls. It was intended to allow the state to tolerate ALL religeous expression: not exclude it.

Vilac said:
heh........that was my guess also....considering she's a little fed up with Josh.

I hate to think any of them are a leak or leaving the show. They already screwed up by not upping "Sam's" contract to keep him around.


yeah, I miss "sam" but bailey cracks me up. He was great on sports night too, although Winnie is a bit too nonchalant and mouthy to be believable.
perky_baby said:
yeah, I miss "sam" but bailey cracks me up. He was great on sports night too, although Winnie is a bit too nonchalant and mouthy to be believable.

Don't get me wrong...I like Bailey. I think he fits in well. I just wish we'd have both of 'em. lol

And...although "Winnie" <ha> is just window dressing, and doesn't fit in well.......I'd still fuck her.

Just my opinion, of course. lol
Vilac, I like The West Wing too. Unlike most dreck on TV, it actually makes you THINK.

Sorry you don't care about the rest of my post. I think that as a citizen, you SHOULD care, but so far it is still your right as an American to NOT care if you so choose.

I wasn't trying to start an argument or a debate, and I'm glad you didn't start one either. I was just expressing my own opinion.

So anyway, carry on (and rock on) yourself!

Peace, from patford31769, your exotic dancer pal in beautiful Hawaii

< hands perky a $10 bill >

It was a tossup as to who'd get here first....DCL, Marxist or PC.

That'll teach me to bet on Marx.

Vilac said:

< hands perky a $10 bill >

It was a tossup as to who'd get here first....DCL, Marxist or PC.

That'll teach me to bet on Marx.


wait, maybe she'll shake her tatas at him too. We still on for that bet? double or nothing.
Re: Re: West Wing

ag2507 said:

In any case The ACLU version of separation is several oceans away from the founder's intent, which wasn't to exclude prayers from schools or menorah from City Halls.

Sorry, that isn't true.
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Dixon Carter Lee said:

By the way, I'm an atheist.

OMG! That is the answer! It just came to me.

It was also mentioned in the episode of "WEST WING" that the president doesn't necessarily have to be sworn in with a bible.

To not only appease the atheists, but to keep all the people who misunderstand the concept of "seperation of church and state" happy....we could have him sworn in on a copy of "War and Peace."

No wait....that would irritate the "anti-war" crowd.

Hmm...how about "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe"? Umm..nope....the new "anti-Nasa" crowd would revolt.

How about a copy of Charlotte's Web? I mean...there's not much that you can protest about that book.

I'm a friggin' genius.
Vilac said:
OMG! That is the answer! It just came to me.

It was also mentioned in the episode of "WEST WING" that the president doesn't necessarily have to be sworn in with a bible.

To not only appease the atheists, but to keep all the people who misunderstand the concept of "seperation of church and state" happy....we could have him sworn in on a copy of "War and Peace."

No wait....that would irritate the "anti-war" crowd.

Hmm...how about "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe"? Umm..nope....the new "anti-Nasa" crowd would revolt.

How about a copy of Charlotte's Web? I mean...there's not much that you can protest about that book.

I'm a friggin' genius.

I'm anti pig.
The point of a "swearing in" is to hear an honest oath from the man taking it. Let him swear in upon that which he deems holy. It is right and just that the President swears in upon that which he tells the world he most respects and fears. If I were to be elected President, and I will, I may be sworn in on a copy of "Foucault's Pendulm" or Lindy's recipe for Cheesecake. I'll let you know.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
The point of a "swearing in" is to hear an honest oath from the man taking it. Let him swear in upon that which he deems holy. It is right and just that the President swears in upon that which he tells the world he most respects and fears. If I were to be elected President, and I will, I may be sworn in on a copy of "Foucault's Pendulm" or Lindy's recipe for Cheesecake. I'll let you know.

ohhhhhhh ohhhhhh, start a thread...

What would you be sworn in on?

I'm thinking a nice rodin sculpture.
perky_baby said:
What would you be sworn in on?

I'm thinking a nice rodin sculpture.

That's a tough one.

I'll have to think on it for awhile.

My autographed playbill from Les Miserables. Ain't nothin' holier than that to me, cept my cats, and that's negotiable on any given day.
SaintPeter said:
"Place your hand on SaintPeter's woody and repeat after me..."

After the whole clinton scandal, I think that no matter how holy your woody is, someone will have a problem with trusting the sincerity of such an oath.
Eumenides said:
After the whole clinton scandal, I think that no matter how holy your woody is, someone will have a problem with trusting the sincerity of such an oath.

What if I painted it in a nice bubblegum pink tone? Seems to work on certain nipples around here.
I figured there was a thread on the board somewhere about The West Wing.

I watched last nights episode and wanted to say, West Wing rocks. That was the best episode of this season. I've heard rumbles that Sam might not be done with the show yet. They are kind of leaving it open as to if he is gone or not. What do you think? I have a gut feeling he might stay as a semi regular.

Can the guy who plays Will Bailey get a job if Sorkin doesn't write it? He seems to only be in stuff written by Sorkin.
There are several people on West Wing Sorkin has used before. Writers who also happen to have power over their productions, like Sorkin, tend to use the same people because it's easier to write for an actor when you know his moves, his takes, his readings, his ability to handle aliteration or syntax, etc. I've written several things specifically for specific actors I love to work with. It's a smarter, easier way to write.

I love West Wing. I find that I write for about two hours after watching it each week. The fucker inspires me.