Well, Trump has finally and overtly committed treason

Remember the left's defense for not trying Jane Fonda for treason. "There was no declaration of war."

vette, you fucking dumbass. We know you're pushing 70 but under the guise of 'Rightguide", you claim to be in your late 40's. Must be hard to remember shit from before you were born or able to read.
The US was not at war with any nation at that time. The "Authorization for the use of force in Iraq" was NOT a "declaration of war".

No kidding. I thought I made it pretty clear I was being facetious.

Without the US being "at war" with another nation, TREASON cannot exist.

Tell that to Aaron Burr. :rolleyes:

The traitors themselves can be accused of “levying war” against the United States without the US being in a formal state of war against the traitors. That’s what Burr was accused of doing, IIRC.

However, “levying war” is not meant to be taken metaphorically. You gotta be organized, armed, and ready to rock and roll — again IIRC.(It’s been a long time, since the Bush Admin, that I googled around about treason.)

And then there’s “adherence to their enemies,” a la aid and comfort. An “enemy” is meant to be a foreign power in state of open hostility with the US. I’ve never heard that the US had to have first formally declared war against the openly hostile enemy before someone could provide such an enemy with aid and comfort. But then, the treason case law I know about is all 18th century stuff.
haha so perfectly ridiculous, "lips adhering to Putin's ass", you are beating yourself. Why not use reality to try and make your point?

First, you need to learn how to recognize a hyperbolic joke. (There’s one running the country. ;))

Second, you need to read Foucault’s Pendulum. It’s my favorite indictment of hyper-semiotic, magical thinkers like you.
First, you need to learn how to recognize a hyperbolic joke. (There’s one running the country. ;))

Second, you need to read Foucault’s Pendulum. It’s my favorite indictment of hyper-semiotic, magical thinkers like you.

Third, Jp5 must learn not to be so obvious that he's just ridiculous trolling for the fun of it. No one is as stupid about reality as what he posts.
It was Nixon's DoJ that decided to no prosecute her. It appears your argument is that Nixon was a leftist.

But really, your argument boils down to, as usual, "But but, what about <insertNameHere>?!"

The state of California decided not to prosecute her for the reason I mentioned, that and the state constitution directs the death penalty for treason in California. Hanoi Jane was a resident of California as was her traitorous communist husband, Tom Hayden. Both should have faced the gas chamber.
The state of California decided not to prosecute her for the reason I mentioned, that and the state constitution directs the death penalty for treason in California. Hanoi Jane was a resident of California as was her traitorous communist husband, Tom Hayden. Both should have faced the gas chamber.

Wow, you really are a twisted sociopath, no wonder nobody likes you but the bigot troll. You enjoy being the GB villain, I'm sure.

You are like a robot, never wavering in your opinions, everything is black and white to you.
The thing is, if you believe that Jane Fonda committed treason, you also have to accept that Donald Trump did too.
The state of California decided not to prosecute her for the reason I mentioned, that and the state constitution directs the death penalty for treason in California. Hanoi Jane was a resident of California as was her traitorous communist husband, Tom Hayden. Both should have faced the gas chamber.

Putin was a commie too, comrad.
The thing is, if you believe that Jane Fonda committed treason, you also have to accept that Donald Trump did too.

He won't because he's been trained to think Republican=Good Democrat=Bad, binary thinking.

Right=Good, Left=Bad.

Like a damn robot!
Wow, you really are a twisted sociopath, no wonder nobody likes you but the bigot troll. You enjoy being the GB villain, I'm sure.

You are like a robot, never wavering in your opinions, everything is black and white to you.

Not really, but treason, aiding and abetting the enemy, in the case of those two, is pretty black and white.
We know you are a party hack, so your opinions don't really matter much. You can go into petty insult mode, it doesn't matter.
Republican think tanks gin up hatred for Dems like they once did for commies. Oliver North convinced himself that he was doing a noble thing by supplying arms to Nicaraguan rebels to fight communism. Now he's the head of the NRA and in bed with the Russian gun lobby.

Btw, they don't allow citizens to own guns in Russia because they would use them to overthrow the corrupt Putin regime.
Republican think tanks gin up hatred for Dems like they once did for commies. Oliver North convinced himself that he was doing a noble thing by supplying arms to Nicaraguan rebels to fight communism. Now he's the head of the NRA and in bed with the Russian gun lobby.

Btw, they don't allow citizens to own guns in Russia because they would use them to overthrow the corrupt Putin regime.

There were even signs of this fuckery in the mid 60s, regarding the vile hatred for Democrats, once LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, that's when the shit hit the fan for many rightists, especially those who used to align with the Democratic Party at the time.

Then came Nixon's Southern Strategy implemented to garner support from those disgruntled ;);)Democrats, having them hop on to their bandwagon, and from then on, the Republican party continued to demonize the Democrats, the Left in general as everything but a child of God.

He's going to start with his foaming at the mouth tirades, but that's how many in his generation think.

Democrat=Bad, anti-American, Republican=Good, pro-American.

So when one member of 'their' party is blatantly acting against America's best interests, it's like "OMG, say it isn't so?" or "Lies!"

But they will readily believe bullshit lies, fallacies, and fairy tales about the "other" guy.

Party hacks, the lot of them.
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We know you are a party hack, so your opinions don't really matter much.

I don't belong to a party. I vote conservative. The truth is, you don't know anything about me and damn little about few others. You're just a big mouthed left wing bigot with a list of talking points. I don't care if you like me or not. I'm only here to ridicule those talking points and have a civil private conversation or two with sane people, not whine about your existence here.
Republican think tanks gin up hatred for Dems like they once did for commies. Oliver North convinced himself that he was doing a noble thing by supplying arms to Nicaraguan rebels to fight communism. Now he's the head of the NRA and in bed with the Russian gun lobby.

Btw, they don't allow citizens to own guns in Russia because they would use them to overthrow the corrupt Putin regime.

Commies exist, they are real. They've killed or maimed hundreds of thousands of Americans since the 40s.

The NRA is not in bed with the Russian gun lobby. That's bullshit. The Russian "gun lobby" (Russian intelligence) tried to get in bed with the NRA and were thwarted by the NRA and the FBI. Fucking liar.
Commies exist, they are real. They've killed or maimed hundreds of thousands of Americans since the 40s.

The NRA is not in bed with the Russian gun lobby. That's bullshit. The Russian "gun lobby" (Russian intelligence) tried to get in bed with the NRA and were thwarted by the NRA and the FBI. Fucking liar.

So KGB Colonel Putin is your good buddy now since he has rejected communism and embraced capitalism (corruption)?
So KGB Colonel Putin is your good buddy now since he has rejected communism and embraced capitalism (corruption)?

Did you ever hear me say anything of the sort? No, you haven't.

You must be either ignorant or a propagandist for Putin. Anyone who would refer to Putin's "kleptocracy" as "capitalism" is legitimizing his criminality. In the last ten years of his 18 year reign he has supervised the re-nationalization of the Russian economy. The state sector of the Russian economy expanded from 35 percent of GDP in 2005 to 70 percent in 2015.

By all accounts it would seem that Putin is well on his way to achieve what Lenin called the "Commanding heights" of the Russian economy. All of the major state owned enterprises are operated by his cronies, former KGB officers, and state officers in his administration. His is a neo-feudal form of capitalism where he is the Ruler who dictates policy to his feudal Lords.:rolleyes:
It seems very strange for people who assert themselves to be inclusive and diverse, constantly using skin color or political leaning, to define others.
Some people actually believe President Trump is a Russian agent; a Russian "mole". That outlandish notion, bizarre in the extreme, adhered to by democratic party slaves, is one reason why there won't be any "blue wave" in November.
The hysterical, mob violence of Democrat/Socialist extremists is unpalatable to the broadest spectrum of American citizens. We do not support your flag burning, head-busting tactics. It's "deplorable".
To assert that President Trump is a Russian agent is absurdly laughable.
MSM ridiculed President Trump for informing citizens that the DNC had his Trump Tower "wires tapped", and it turned out to be true.
MSM, in mock outrage, told us that President Trump is a racist 'cause he called MS13 gangsters; "animals".
MSM is controlled by CIA (which is admitted). CIA is a very powerful cabal of criminals << real traitors.
Good thing LBJ was only "a sometime racist", right?

There’s no question that Lyndon Johnson, despite championing the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964 and signing it into law, was also a sometime racist and notorious vulgarian who rarely shied away from using the N-word in private. For example, he reportedly referred to the Civil Rights Act of 1957 as the “nigger bill” in more than one private phone conversation with Senate colleagues. And he reportedly said upon appointing African-American judge Thurgood Marshall to the Supreme Court, “Son, when I appoint a nigger to the court, I want everyone to know he’s a nigger.”

According to historian Doris Kearns Goodwin, he also uttered this cynical-sounding statement, which sometimes circulates in tandem with the “voting Democratic” remark:

These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don’t move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there’ll be no way of stopping them, we’ll lose the filibuster and there’ll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. It’ll be Reconstruction all over again.

To be fair, historians point out that sometimes — as in the case above, presumably — Johnson’s more bigotry-laden statements were calculated to achieve a specific end, such as convincing his pro-segregation Dixiecrat colleagues that it was in their best interests to support civil rights legislation. MSNBC reporter Adam Serwer writes:

In Senate cloakrooms and staff meetings, Johnson was practically a connoisseur of the word. According to Johnson biographer Robert Caro, Johnson would calibrate his pronunciations by region, using “nigra” with some southern legislators and “negra” with others. Discussing civil rights legislation with men like Mississippi Democrat James Eastland, who committed most of his life to defending white supremacy, he’d simply call it “the nigger bill.”

This thread is still going on, so we're arguing about Jane Fonda now?

I just...can't believe someone who's playing the cipher of a 40-something male in the here and now is going so hard in the paint for what Jane Fonda did in 1972. He would either not have been born yet, was gestating inside his mama's belly or was too deep in figuring out how to put the cube into the triangle hole on the wooden board game to care.
