Well just got home from the doc

Falling back on platitudes: It's better then the alternative, darlin'. And just think, in a few years it will mean you don't have to muck around with your period anymore!
honey, I'm 21 and have Fibrocystic (or whatever) Breast Disease. I'm not going for mamograms yet, but I go in every 6 months for a checkup (not your every one year) and I do monthly exams myself.

As far as your stomach.. maybe it's stress?

Remember I told ya your only as old as you wanna be.;) You are definitely too beautiful to be going on how old you are.

Do you drink lots of coffee? Sometimes that can cause some of the extra lumps. As for the other, the only way I can keep in shape is with a good running and all round exercise program. 7 lbs is nothing I gain and lose that just with my monthly cycle :D

Don't let it get you down. Cowgirl up and show them you got a lot of style and class!!

Ladies over 30 please get yourself a supplier of IP-6, and take it regularly to prevent and reverse any cancer possibilities.

It really works and helps, and has no sideeffects, and is completely naturally. check it out if you don't believe me, but i have seen it work well enough to stop the need for three breast amp's so far.
*loves and hugs*

Not too worry- it'll soon be spring and you'll lose that and more when your able to get outside! I can't imagine that as beautiful as your pictures are that you are overweight!!

Plus you got a great compliment with your healthy vagina ;) That right there cancels all the other negative stuff
Emerald_eyed said:
I was 119 pound heavier then I am now over 6 years ago.

Now Im 7 pounds heavier then I want to be

Im not overweight anymore

HOLY SMOLY!! WOW EE I'm impressed that is awesome. 7 lbs is nothing when you look at the big picture. Just try not to dwell on it and not let it get you down. It'll be back off before you know it. Keep exercising and eating right :cool:
Emerald_eyed said:
Oh, i think of removing limbs, not boobs when I hear amputation.

Removal pof a breast is a mastectomy

sorry I just knew i didn't stand a snowballs chance in hell of even coming close to a spelling on that one, so I went with what i knew that was similar in meaning, my error
Emerald_eyed said:
ill try.......but it just devastated me.

he did say I was due for my period in a week, so not to sweat it. Could be a little water retention there

Yup- just what I was thinking. Don't sweat the small shit and it's all small shit EE :D