Well it's 2:30am Boxing day now,


bootie shaker
Jul 11, 2002
I've been drinking slowly but steadily all damn day, I've finished my phone calls back to the US and I am shortly off to bed. Just wanted to say I hope everyone has had a lovely day, and that 1996 was a very, very good year for bordeaux. Very. Also, amaretto and Baileys in coffee together is also very good. But will have you up until 2:30 posting crap on the internet.

Cibo said:
Boxing day?

Yeap the day after Christmas Day... so called because that was when the Lords and Ladies of the manor would give the servents their Christmas gifts in small boxes.....

3.50pm Boxing day here in NZ. :)
Ooooooh...I was like...I've never even heard of boxing day before...lol
Sillyman said:
We don't have it in America is all.

Right, I forgot. My grandparents are Welsh so we always celebrated it in my family, even when we lived in the US. (Although by 'celebrated' I mostly mean it just gave us an extra day to be lazy, eat too much and drink more;) )
Ya know, I thought Boxing Day was when the servants got to act as the masters, and the masters had to serve the servants. I swear I read that somewhere. I like that one better than the boring old gift boxes. ;)

Christmas is always a two day thing in Germany too. Plays havoc with the trash pick up. LOL
Ok, nite nite all, happy happy and merry merry, best wishes to everyone. Even you Hanns and yes, today, because I am a wee bit drunk and feeling special I did peek at what you wrote and you know what?

:p You can't fool me you know. You adore me, I feel the love.:kiss:
Sillyman said:
We don't have it in America is all.

Maybe because you don't give so much aid as you think you do... :D

3.15am Boxing day. Just woke up. The turkey and stuff is lying heavy. Just took two Alka Seltzer's...

Another definition of boxing day (St Stephen's Day) is that the day after Christmas is when a lot of sporting events take place and in times of olde the main spectator sport was boxing...

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12:34 AM Boxing day here..

I have to be up at noon to work, but I'm thinking it won't be too harsh. The bosses were talking about Baileys and coffee for that day. Depending how busy it is, I may only be working an hour or two.

Then it's off to my cousin's home.. and be the only family member on his side to give his (bitch) girlfriend a present (because I'm a helluva guy I gues)
11.30am Boxing day.
The sun's shining, it's actually warm enough to be outside without a coat. But it's peaceful. The occasional sound of a tractor, as bales get lugged to cattle and sheep. But too soon for the people who get out for a walk, to clear their Christmas fug .
I haven't even heard a gunshot this morning, usually there's someone trying to pot some alternative to turkey, for the aga.
Over the horizon the better dressed may soon gallop. "The unspeakable in pursuit of the uneatable."
But I'm feeling idle today, so I may do nothing more energetic then finish painting the barn roof.
Then again, depends what's on tv.
Just past noon now, feeling remarkably bright and chipper considering all of yesterday's indulgences - although Mr Keen has a mildly sore head.

Now to prepare for a bit of the hair of the dog, as at around 3ish we are due to meet up with some mates at the Rivoli Bar in the Ritz for our annual tradition of getting dressed to the nines and visiting all the poshest hotel bars for a cocktail at each. It's a ridiculous thing to do but we always have a blast.
peachykeen said:

Now to prepare for a bit of the hair of the dog, as at around 3ish we are due to meet up with some mates at the Rivoli Bar in the Ritz for our annual tradition of getting dressed to the nines and visiting all the poshest hotel bars for a cocktail at each. It's a ridiculous thing to do but we always have a blast.

Aah, bollocks! One other couple has bailed because their kid is ill and they don't want to leave her with grandma, and another is stuck up in Manchester, so it's all called off. So much for our annual tradition! Ah well, it had a good three year run.