Well it is Sunday! Now Bush has angered Europe...


The 'Euro' European
Feb 18, 2001
From today's Times:

"Bush angers Europe as Ankara is rebuffed
From Philip Webster and Rory Watson in Copenhagen

President Bush’s attempts to help Turkey because of its vital strategic role in the war against terrorism backfired when the country was given only a conditional date of the end of 2004 for the start of negotiations, with several countries accusing the American leader of strong-arm tactics.

EU officials, led by France, were appalled at apparent interference by Washington in Europe’s internal affairs. Pascal Lamy, the trade commissioner — a Frenchman with strong ties to the US — said: “It’s a classic of US diplomacy to want to put Turkey in Europe. The further the boundaries of Europe extend the better US interests are served. Can you imagine the reaction if we told them they had to enlarge into Mexico?”"

If George had kept his mouth shut I wonder if Turkey would have gained an ealier date on which to start negotiations...

Poor George. Can't do a thing right can he?...

p_p_man said:
From today's Times:

"Bush angers Europe as Ankara is rebuffed
From Philip Webster and Rory Watson in Copenhagen

President Bush’s attempts to help Turkey because of its vital strategic role in the war against terrorism backfired when the country was given only a conditional date of the end of 2004 for the start of negotiations, with several countries accusing the American leader of strong-arm tactics.

EU officials, led by France, were appalled at apparent interference by Washington in Europe’s internal affairs. Pascal Lamy, the trade commissioner — a Frenchman with strong ties to the US — said: “It’s a classic of US diplomacy to want to put Turkey in Europe. The further the boundaries of Europe extend the better US interests are served. Can you imagine the reaction if we told them they had to enlarge into Mexico?”"

If George had kept his mouth shut I wonder if Turkey would have gained an ealier date on which to start negotiations...

Poor George. Can't do a thing right can he?...


Look Pete, I am assuming you do have a real name so I am making one up, explain this post to me. It says nothing and accuses everything. Why does it further American interests for the EU to extend to Turkey? Why do we care who is in the EU as long as they remain our allies? Finish the post so people can understand your outrage, ok?
Re: Re: Well it is Sunday! Now Bush has angered Europe...

A Desert Rose said:
Look Pete, I am assuming you do have a real name so I am making one up, explain this post to me. It says nothing and accuses everything. Why does it further American interests for the EU to extend to Turkey? Why do we care who is in the EU as long as they remain our allies? Finish the post so people can understand your outrage, ok?

I'm not outraged. Wherever did you get that impression from? I'm just copying from the Times Sunday edition and adding a comment of my own...

But to satisfy your thirst for knowledge here's the link to the full story...

Bush Angers Europe


ppman (aka Cecil the Competent)
Re: Re: Re: Well it is Sunday! Now Bush has angered Europe...

p_p_man said:
I'm not outraged. Wherever did you get that impression from? I'm just copying from the Times Sunday edition and adding a comment of my own...

But to satisfy your thirst for knowledge here's the link to the full story...

Bush Angers Europe


ppman (aka Cecil the Competent)

CECIL? mind if i use Pete? I like it better.
p_p_man said:
“It’s a classic of US diplomacy to want to put Turkey in Europe. The further the boundaries of Europe extend the better US interests are served. Can you imagine the reaction if we told them they had to enlarge into Mexico?”

Stupid Europeans. Maybe someone ought to tell them that Europe is a friggin' continent and Mexico is a country.
If you think they're pissed....

Check out how the other side is doing!

By NIKO PRICE, Associated Press Writer

CARACAS, Venezuela - In the opposition's biggest show of force since it launched a crippling general strike, more than 1 million Venezuelans poured into the streets of the capital Saturday to demand the resignation of President Hugo Chavez.

Chanting "Let him leave today," protesters filled bridges, overpasses and parks along Caracas' busiest highway, carrying giant Venezuelan flags, blowing whistles and chanting anti-Chavez slogans.

Caracas Fire Chief Rodolfo Briseno said more than 1 million people were demonstrating in what he called "the biggest march we've seen in recent times."

Meanwhile, government officials summoned Chavez supporters to an unannounced "Christmas celebration," where several thousand people danced and clapped their hands to traditional Christmas music.

The pro-Chavez demonstration was on the path the opposition rally would need to take to reach the presidential palace. A march on the palace in April led to violence that killed 19 people and sparked a coup that ousted Chavez for two days.

But opposition leader Carlos Ortega said he wouldn't urge the marchers to move on the palace, saying that "would be irresponsible at this point." He said the march should topple Chavez anyway.

"This response should bring the head of state to make the decision he needs to make about Venezuela's crisis — and that is none other than to leave, quit, so Venezuela can restore confidence, peace and calm," he said.

Protesters marched with their children, and their dogs. Many followed the march route on bicycles, skateboards and motorcycles.

From a stage under a starry sky, musicians played Venezuelan folk music, dissident military officers fired up the crowd and comedians mocked Chavez's close friendship with Cuban President Fidel Castro.

"Chavez has two jobs: president of the republic and first lady of Cuba," comedian Carlos Donoso said, to roars of laughter from the crowd.

The government, the opposition and international mediators have warned that riots could break out any day as the 13-day-old strike makes food, cash and transportation increasingly scarce — and makes Venezuelans more polarized.

Dozens of Chavez supporters protested outside a shuttered bank Saturday, demanding it open its doors and cash their checks, as 20 police officers in riot gear blocked them from breaking in.

"My family doesn't have anything to eat and I have no cash," said Matilda Mercado, 39. She had waited outside the bank for six hours trying to cash two checks, but the bank remained closed. "I blame the strike leaders for this," she said.

Efforts sponsored by the Organization of American States to head off violence have produced no results. The opposition says it will continue its protest until Chavez steps down or calls elections; Chavez says he will do neither.

The strike has crippled Venezuela's oil industry — the world's fifth largest — rattling international markets and its chief petroleum customer, the United States. Crude output has fallen from about 3 million barrels a day to only 550,000.

The opposition supporters packed the streets with a sea of red, yellow and blue signs — the colors of Venezuela's flag. "2002 without Christmas; 2003 with freedom," read one sign.

"If we're afraid, we'll never get away from this man (Chavez)," said Rita de Velasquez, a 37-year-old saleswoman. "If we don't defend our country like men and women, later we'll be crying like children about our dictatorship."

The protesters overwhelmed the key highway, alongside an air force base in downtown Caracas. Last week a smaller group of protesters blocked the same stretch of highway, and national guard troops broke up their demonstration with tear gas and rubber bullets.

Soldiers remained stationed outside police stations in an occupation of the 9,000-member Caracas Metropolitan Police that began a month ago. Chavez ordered the troops to seize police installations from the opposition mayor of Caracas — a catalyst for the strike.

Mayor Alfredo Pena and ousted police chief Henry Vivas have refused to recognize the military presence or the new police chief appointed by Chavez.

On Friday night, a top court issued an injunction handing police installations and equipment back to the mayor while it considered the case. But the military did not withdraw, and police said soldiers continued to restrict their access to the stations. Radios, patrol cars and most rifles were confiscated.

"We have access to our revolvers and a few shotguns, but they are keeping most of our long arms," said Commissioner Lucas Rondon.

Pena said there was little he could do to make the government obey the court.

"I don't have tanks or bazookas or airplanes to make the head of the military in Caracas obey a court order," he told The Associated Press.

Yeehaa! :D
Well thanks for the link. I read the entire article and I admit to not being knowledgable enough of European politics to really make an educated post.

I do know this much, the Turks are discriminated against in nations such as Germany and France. That is nothing new to anyone. Therefore, I have a tendency to believe the Turkish leaders statement on this.
Re: Re: Well it is Sunday! Now Bush has angered Europe...

ma_guy said:
Stupid Europeans. Maybe someone ought to tell them that Europe is a friggin' continent and Mexico is a country.

So's Turkey...stupid American...

Re: Re: Re: Well it is Sunday! Now Bush has angered Europe...

p_p_man said:
So's Turkey...stupid American...


Turkey wasn't asking to expand stupid Eurotrash who can't follow the story...
Sounds like Turkey did gain an earlier date even though it's not what they hoped for. They wanted 2003, I believe. And the EU initially put 2005 out there as I recall.

Much as I don't care for the tactics and the goal much it seems Bush did make a difference on this one.

And what is the big deal about this anyway? The provision is that Turkey comply with the EU's criteria, particularly the changes in human rights, before they are admitted, right? If they can't meet the criteria they don't meet the criteria.

I believe they are considered part of the European continent.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Well it is Sunday! Now Bush has angered Europe...

ma_guy said:
Turkey wasn't asking to expand stupid Eurotrash who can't follow the story...

Read and comprehend

"Can you imagine the reaction if we told them [the USA equivalent to the EU] they had to enlarge into Mexico [a country equivalent to Turkey]?”"

In this case 'enlarge into' means to 'accept into' the EU. With America it would be the same as saying to invite Mexico to become part of the US...

And where did you get 'expand from?'...

Stupid American...

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Well it is Sunday! Now Bush has angered Europe...

p_p_man said:
Read and comprehend

"Can you imagine the reaction if we told them [the USA equivalent to the EU] they had to enlarge into Mexico [a country equivalent to Turkey]?”"

In this case 'enlarge into' means to 'accept into' the EU. With America it would be the same as saying to invite Mexico to become part of the US...

And where did you get 'expand from?'...

Stupid American...


Personally, I am not sure that is such a bad idea. And while we are including Mexico into our nation, let's also bring in Canada. I always hated their national anthem anyway.

Sheesh.... Pete, you are such a goofball.
Turkey should be in the EU, right after they cede Constantinople to the Greeks.
weed said:
Sounds like Turkey did gain an earlier date even though it's not what they hoped for. They wanted 2003, I believe. And the EU initially put 2005 out there as I recall.

Much as I don't care for the tactics and the goal much it seems Bush did make a difference on this one.

And what is the big deal about this anyway? The provision is that Turkey comply with the EU's criteria, particularly the changes in human rights, before they are admitted, right? If they can't meet the criteria they don't meet the criteria.

I believe they are considered part of the European continent.

Your right of course. 2004 the talks as to whether Turkey will be able to negotiate terms to join the EU will be decided. If the decision is yes then they will be invited to join in, I think 2010, provided they have not only sorted out the human rights issue but are able to show that they will be converging economically with the rest of Europe.

This last is known as the Maastricht Criteria after the Summit that decided them.

Yes Bush did make a difference but Europe's anger probably comes from the fact that he wasn't subtle enough...

It was a question of "You do what I say..."

Enough to piss anyone off. Possibly Turkey could have achieved much more without him...

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Well it is Sunday! Now Bush has angered Europe...

p_p_man said:
In this case 'enlarge into' means to 'accept into' the EU. With America it would be the same as saying to invite Mexico to become part of the US...

Reread the original quote again moron. It doesn't say "It’s a classic of US diplomacy to want to put Turkey in the European Union." It just says "Europe".

Typical Eurotrash backpeddling. Yes, it says that but that isn't what it means...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Well it is Sunday! Now Bush has angered Europe...

ma_guy said:
Yes, it says that but that isn't what it means...



Another refreshing post from urine_boy

Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush
Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush America Bush
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SaintPeter said:
ppman is also know as Cecil the Incontinent? Just on LIT or at the pub too?

Hehe. Also Cecil the Impotent.

He is one pathetic puke, isn't he?
Europe is angry :eek: This is certainly a new development. ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz:rolleyes: