Welcome to my New Thread


Literotica Guru
Nov 17, 2002
This is the first time I'm ever posting pics of me on the web, so hopefully you enjoy them. Let me know what you think.
Of COURSE You should reveal more... and more, and more, and... Well, You get the idea. ;) Just keep them coming. Just for me... *bats lashes all pretty*
DarkrSide said:
This is the first time I'm ever posting pics of me on the web, so hopefully you enjoy them. Let me know what you think.

i enjoyed them :D please post more
Hiya, my sexy boy!!!! I particularly like that first pic! That was a super sexy pic of your face. Can't wait to see more!!! Yummy!!;) :heart: :kiss:
Queen and Entitled- Welcome to my site. If there is anything I can to make you stay longer, just let me know.

Happy Horny Girl- You know you're always welcome here, sweetie.
More of me.... though this thread seemed to have died quickly...
Lovely pics...now tell me..how dark does the DarkrSide get?
*wicked grin*
EvilsXtasy said:
Lovely pics...now tell me..how dark does the DarkrSide get?
*wicked grin*

As your profile says, it depends on my mood. One might ask you the same question... how Evil does EvilsXtasy get?
EvilsXtasy said:
Baby, so Evil you would never believe it
*evil grin*

I might not believe it, but lemme tell you I am more than willing to find out:p :devil:
Oh my....you certainly are a sexy one. I nearly fell out of my chair when i stumbled across your thread. ;)
daizyduke77 said:
Oh my....you certainly are a sexy one. I nearly fell out of my chair when i stumbled across your thread. ;)

Well I hope you didn't hurt yourself so you can come back here often. Thank you :)
DarkrSide said:
Well I hope you didn't hurt yourself so you can come back here often. Thank you :)

If you're gonna keep posting pics, I'll be sure to check back. :kiss:
daizyduke77 said:
If you're gonna keep posting pics, I'll be sure to check back. :kiss:

That's a promise... in fact... here's one for you. What do yu think?
DarkrSide said:
That's a promise... in fact... here's one for you. What do yu think?

Let me wipe the drool from my chin and I'll get back to you.... ;) :heart:
daizyduke77 said:
Let me wipe the drool from my chin and I'll get back to you.... ;) :heart:

I'll take that as a favorable review. I'll take more too