Welcome to Humanity

The more input I feed on, the more I am convinced that it is possible that we, ourselves, are headed for some version of Hour 1.
Great show. Probably my favorite space opera of all time. They did have a problem with writing themselves into corners, but I can still forgive them.

I'm in the middle of another Netflix marathon as we speak. About halfway through Season Three.

Have a Beastie Boys mashup.
I've formed a very serviceable life-rule: Don't trust anyone who doesn't love this series.

But... don't get your power turned off:

One More Episode

I love it. Even funnier than I remembered. And the read-through scene :heart: GET THE REMOTE.

Just how I felt when I started watching. I made it through the miniseries safely, but as soon as I got to "33," it became immediately apparent that I was going to be useless to the outside world for the next few weeks.
Byron, I was truly laughing out loud. Then the piece de resistance. Dr. Who.


Are you a Whovian?
Lol... no, not by any means a Whovian. I tried to like it, but I failed. I did fall in love with Lexx, though... have you seen that?

I had Prince as an av for about six months.
Lol... no, not by any means a Whovian. I tried to like it, but I failed. I did fall in love with Lexx, though... have you seen that?

I had Prince as an av for about six months.

I've never even heard of Lexx. I think those were the years I had 3 channels and no cable.

I looked Prince up, I remember that Av, once again he looks like Malcolm McDowell. To me.
Oh, the Humanitee!

Laurel posted this the other week, so I'm not trying to steal credit, but I really think this is something you need to see:


Anyway, I love Baltar/Roslin scenes. She's so awesome. Deleted.