Welcome Sweetest Candy


The Wizard of Ahhhhhhhhhs
Sep 23, 2002
A warm, friendly grope, er, welcome, for Sweetest Candy

Your welcome Candy,

That was post number 1. :rose:

99 more and we get to see you too. :devil:
It'll happen faster than you expect.

Play a few games, word association, the goofy game. (it started here,) there are poets.

You can submit your work here. There are lots of ways to play at Lit besides the boards.

Oh, and the SRP's heh heh!
Sweetest Candy said:
I like to play games.... ;)

Plus I like to SRP as well.

There's one that someone dropped out of. I'll ask her if you can take over the character if you want to try it.

Go look at "A World Forever Changed" at the Danica character.

If you'd like to , let me know, and I'll go ask.

Or you can add a new character. It's still early.
There are boards dedicated to geographic areas, in case you want to meet Literatti who may be nearby.

Even if you don't, you can gripe about the weather. LOL :rolleyes:
Ah ok...I'm gonna take a look around now. I'll be back in a couple of days! lol....it will take me that long to get through this place! If I should fail to make it....you'll cum for me right Oz?
