Welcome, Romial!


Dirty Pomegranate
May 7, 2002
So, tell us about yourself.

Male? Female?
Sexual orientation?
Any prejudices we should know about up front?
Do you prefer chocolate or vanilla ice cream?
What kind of BB's have you frequented in the past?
What color/style is the underwear you're currently wearing?
What's your favorite sports teams?
Are you aware that if you post Buffy spoilers (anything this season) in any thread other than Rasta's I'll beat you to death?
Coke or Pepsi?
In what part of the world do you live?
Do you read/collect comic books?
What's your favorite crustacean?
Do you cook?
Nora said:
So, tell us about yourself.

Male? Female?
Sexual orientation?
Any prejudices we should know about up front?
Do you prefer chocolate or vanilla ice cream?
What kind of BB's have you frequented in the past?
What color/style is the underwear you're currently wearing?
What's your favorite sports teams?
Are you aware that if you post Buffy spoilers (anything this season) in any thread other than Rasta's I'll beat you to death?
Coke or Pepsi?
In what part of the world do you live?
Do you read/collect comic books?
What's your favorite crustacean?
Do you cook?

Thanks for the welcome Nora. :)

I treat everyone equally, so no prejudices
Vanilla please
Various ones, anyone from general ones, video game, computer, anime, cars, etc.
N/A ;)
I'm a die hard cubs fan(even if they do suck)
I was not aware of that, and I will watch myself. (but if you have any questions, just ask.) :)
Coke, but doesn't matter
No I don't.
I cook what I can nuke in the microwave. :D

/e hopes he passed.
Oops. Ignore the post where I bitched you out for ignoring my happy, fluffy thread.

There is NOTHING better than a hotdog at Wrigley Field. As long as it's not attached to Phoenyx's neck, that is...

My mom tapes Buffy for me, so I'll watch the whole season once I get all the tapes.

Ok...who else has questions for the newb?
Ok did you miss my warning about the emoticons? You WILL be bannished to the Playground. lol
Nora said:
Oops. Ignore the post where I bitched you out for ignoring my happy, fluffy thread.

There is NOTHING better than a hotdog at Wrigley Field. As long as it's not attached to Phoenyx's neck, that is...

My mom tapes Buffy for me, so I'll watch the whole season once I get all the tapes.

Ok...who else has questions for the newb?

I know there is nothing better. Only being in the first row behind the cubs dugout tho. Now that was a freaking amazing experience. (yes the hotdogs do rule as long as no necks are involved)

Wow, hope you don't watch it all in one night, lol.
sunstruck said:
Ok did you miss my warning about the emoticons? You WILL be bannished to the Playground. lol

I'm guessing that's bad.

/e tries to stop. If I continue, please banish me there.
Eumenides said:
More questions:

Favorite movie?


Do you dance?

I have so many, I really can't honestly say which one I like the best.

Same with music, each band and each kind of music all has it's greatest songs and influences.

I dance like a typical white guy tho. lol
Romial said:
I have so many, I really can't honestly say which one I like the best.

Same with music, each band and each kind of music all has it's greatest songs and influences.

I dance like a typical white guy tho. lol

Can you give me types?

Do you do the overbite bit?
Eumenides said:
Can you give me types?

Do you do the overbite bit?

Of movies or music? Ah heck, I'll do both just in case, lol

Movies - I just recently got into war movies, and so far I've only seen Black Hawk Down for that kind.
But I perfer something with Jet Li or Jackie Chan in it. Or even Anime. But I'm not really tough when it comes to movies...if it obviously stinks, I won't like it, but if it's remotly good, chances are that I'll like it.

Not sure what you mean by doing the overbite bit.
I can't decide whether to snicker at the overbite question first or Ruby's depression over his choice in ice cream. LOL

Romial, the overbite...the white-boy shuffle with the biting of the bottom lip while making goofy "check me out! i'm dancing!" faces.
I've never replied to these kinds of threads before but I think I'll give it a go tonight just for the hell of it.

And I'll be nice even though Romial is a Cubs fan. (Everyone knows the Sox is the real team.)
sunstruck said:
You sick bitch.

uh-huh. :D :p

I :heart: you, though. ;)

Ok, I think I'd pay good money to see W&W do the whiteboy dance w/overbite.
Nora said:
I can't decide whether to snicker at the overbite question first or Ruby's depression over his choice in ice cream. LOL

Romial, the overbite...the white-boy shuffle with the biting of the bottom lip while making goofy "check me out! i'm dancing!" faces.

Ummmm...I don't do the overbite thing that I know of...but then again I just sit on the sidelines and save myself the embarrasement.
medjay said:
I've never replied to these kinds of threads before but I think I'll give it a go tonight just for the hell of it.

And I'll be nice even though Romial is a Cubs fan. (Everyone knows the Sox is the real team.)

I feel honored Med.
(you're just saying that tho because the all-star game is going to be in comisky park this year) :p
sunstruck said:
Fine. You asked for it. :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana:

YOU TEASE!! You know the dancing nanas get me all hot and wet! *swoons*

C'mere, baby...I'll show you where to put those.