Welch's White Grape Juice...


The Libertine
Apr 25, 2002
is refreshingly ill with Orville Reddenbacher movie theater butter popcorn...delish...
I'm going to have to drink this stuff more....this would go great with football...when we're winning...but if we're down I need carbonation...
I love the stuff.

For those times when you feel the need for carbonation, I suggest pairing it in a 50/50 ratio with ginger ale. It gives it that lovely sparkle and burp-ability, but it does not overly sweeten the grapey essence that we love so much.
You, too, can say ill!

It's a thrillingly contradictory idiomatic expression that denotes good or favorable conditions, rather than sickness. Amaze your friends and be the coolest kid on the block when you sport your newfound slang!

You know you wanna.

Cerberus666 said:
Do you just say ill?
refreshingly ill was just a rather strange combination of words though.
Thanks for the advice though dawg, ill is a rather hot word or something. damn it im not cool ok! I tried but i just doesnt work.
That's the beautiful thing, though. There can be such elegance in the juxtaposition of words. Language likes to be played with. I know, because it tells me this every day. I like to indulge it, and myself.

Cerberus666 said:
refreshingly ill was just a rather strange combination of words though.
Thanks for the advice though dawg, ill is a rather hot word or something. damn it im not cool ok! I tried but i just doesnt work.