Weevil is a Dad


Cautiously Optimistic
Apr 6, 2001
I don't know if anyone has put this on the board yet, but I got a PM from Weevil letting me know that good news that his daughter was born. She's in good health. It was so cute, he sent me her name, her weight at birth, and told me he was going to work on getting some pictures.

I think he's a proud papa. :)
congrats! they grow up so fast~ time flys bye.....enjoy every day with em!
Congradulations weevil. Hold her near and dear to your heart, they grow up fast! Next thing you know you'll be a grandpa.
I guess most of the older posters who know Ebes, EBW, Weevil aren't around. :)

The Scruffmeister is a dad. I'm floored.
yayati said:

incidently, R u and ur partner thinking of making babies??? id say go for it!

Yayati, you never fail to make me laugh. LOL
yayati said:
i was being serious

damn :(

Ok, I'll answer you seriously. I'm not thinking about having children anytime in the near future. I still have a few good years left. ;)
lavender said:

I just can't believe he's a dad.

Me too. He's one cool motherfucker, lets hope it lasts til the kid's old enough to appreciate it.


Congrats, EBW.

Remember, when the boys come knockin' at the door YOU CANT SHOOT THEM.
congratulations weevil but lavender you haven't told us the important details was she born today ? do i share my birthday with a little wee weevil ? :)
lavender said:
I don't know if anyone has put this on the board yet, but I got a PM from Weevil letting me know that good news that his daughter was born. She's in good health. It was so cute, he sent me her name, her weight at birth, and told me he was going to work on getting some pictures.

I think he's a proud papa. :)

I think he'll be at work avoiding it like hell for a couple of days.

You realize weeve, she'll be after another now.
sexy-girl said:
congratulations weevil but lavender you haven't told us the important details was she born today ? do i share my birthday with a little wee weevil ? :)

I am not sure if she was born today or within the last few days. :) I'm assuming it wasn't today.
Congratulations Weevil and Mrs. :)
Having a new baby is tiring but
such a lovely bundle of joy.
May she grow up to be a very opinionated Dallas Stars fan.. :D
