Weekend Plans ?


Cockbiting Fucktard
Nov 24, 2001
So what's going on in your part of the world that is interesting ?

Since I am lucky enough to get weekends off from work, I can do many things here in New England.

Coming soon is Arisia ... used to be a fantasy convention but I have heard that it is now somewhat of a alternative lifestyle con sort of thing. Something I am certainly thinking of checking out.
Drink my self silly, starting 1/2 an hour ago when the maid asked me if I wanted breakfast, and I told her a margarita at 9:30am. Anyone care to join?
I'm finally going to see Lotr today!

Then off for a bit of shopping before heading home and having another night alone with the computer and some wine coolers. :D
work for me

this weekend, its cold here so i am going to remodel a bathroom today and tomorrow, set a new shower and do a little sheetrock work, better than working outside, maybe this evening sip a couple of natural lites and sit in the hottub awile
Wiggles said:
I wanted to go see Gangs Of New York, but I don't know if anyone will go see it with me.
I want to see it too. How about a matinée tomorrow. Maybe in Florence, y'all?
Wiggles said:
Well, I have my friend up for the weekend so we might do something. I'm also doing my laundry tomorrow while I read the funny papers and the ads.

I wanted to go see Gangs Of New York, but I don't know if anyone will go see it with me.

We just bought the gamecube, and I've been addicted to Super Mario Sunshine. I figure I'll be playing that for a couple dozen hours. :0)


That's about it.

That's a great idea...I'll go see a movie!

I want to see "Two weeks Notice"...I love love stories...
Housecleaning (with plenty of breaks) and waiting for the cable guy to show up. I'm going back to cable internet today! Yay!

Oh, I've got Food TV on in the background here too. I'm learning how to make 30 minute beef bourginon (sp?) right now.
weekend plans

some company coming today. Go listen to the pipes a playin tonite. Games training for tomorrow.
Sometime today I am going for a run by the beach. Oh wait!!! I have a 100 gift cert for Victoria's Secret I forgot about!!!! Guess what I'm going to do??

I can't believe that I forgot about that!
Cleaning my office, yadda yadda

S.O. is working today- so will have Supper ready, and rent a DVD, I suspect - any good ones that are GUARANTEED to get an old bald guy laid? :( :devil:

Already watched the Yaya's last weekend - what a HOOT! :D
Going to be doing a little house cleaning, laundry, shopping, drinking (later of course), posting, cooking, watching tv, posting, and if I get real lucky my husband will be able to come home and then I'll be doing a little.......you get the picture! ;)
My plans is to go around today to stores and beg for empty boxes so that I can pack everything up and move next week.
I will be going to lunch with my family and then from there ... chit chat for a little while with them. Then I have plans with a friend, going to be going over and stay the night.

Nothing exciting ... over on my side of the world. :)
I'm building stuff, and I'm expecting company in a few hours...almost time for the monster guitar jam!
bad kitty said:
My plans is to go around today to stores and beg for empty boxes so that I can pack everything up and move next week.

You're moving?
I hosted Pokeno last night and I'm exhausted. Today will be a lazy lay around day with some light cleaning.

Okay, who am I kidding...tomorrow will be the same also.
Cheyenne said:
You're moving?
Yeah, since there is another one on the way we need more room, so we found a 4 bdrm house from the same people we are renting from now and they are cutting us a deal, but we only have 2 weeks to move.
I get to sit around the house all day and wait for the landlord to come by and fix the damned heat. Our heat has been broken since Thursday and it's been like 20-30 here since, and it's only going to get colder tonight.