We were in a car accident tonight


Literotica Guru
Aug 13, 2000
Why can't fucktards in Oregon drive in the rain?! It's not like it's not wet 75% of the year :mad:

I had *just* picked up my sister and 2 year old niece to go birthday shopping for our kids.. and I pulled up to the stop light waiting for it to turn green. Some fucker apparently missed the fact that I was at a full stop and proceeded to rear end my car at about 25 MPH. I shot out of the car and blew up... screaming at him that I have babies in the car, and what the fuck was he thinking.. blah blah blah. He just sat there and said "well we have a baby too" Well good for you shithead.. maybe you should watch how you're driving!

His bitch in the front seat just sat there laughing.. my sister and I were like "WTF!"

We exchanged info and drove off. My sisters back got fucked up (she was in a bad car accident this summer that messed up her back).. my daughters head hit the car door, so now she has a headache.. and my left collar bone, shoulder, arm and my back are burning :(

My heart is racing, and I can't stop shaking from the adrenaline rush..

Fuckers.. :(
the chick in the other car was LAUGHING??? And you didn't ram your tire jack down her throat? Grrrrrrrrr.

I'm glad nobody was seriously hurt, though. :(
No, we're going to do that tomorrow. There's been enough excitement for the night. :\

I hate it when people drive like fuckin' idiots.

and ditto on the dr.
Call me if you need anything. Got it? I mean it. Mr Freaky is off Friday and Saturday.. we will drive down if need be.
Shoulda called the cops babe. Told 'em there was an attempted murder.

Are you gonna be okay? *worried face*
No shit Nora :D.. my sis said that as fast as I unbuckled my seatbelt and jumped out of the car she thought I was going to cause some serious harm. Hehe... shell-shocked from the last rear-ender I was in I guess.
thanks freaky, jaded, april. :)

I was told in my last accident that you don't call the cops unless someone is seriously hurt and has to go to the hospital.. and/or there are chunks of car laying in the street. Neither happened.

Damn Kia, not a freakin nick.. stupid plastic just popped back out. :mad: I've been wanting a new car too :D :p

I 'spose I could get them on "emotional trauma" :p
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three words hon

Pain and Suffering

when ya go in to the docs... you tell them every damn thing that has hurt since the moment of the accident... and go thru all the tests.

If ya can't make the idiot pay...make his insurance pay
Well, I have exellent insurance.. so even if he doesn't pay, mine will.. but he has a well known carrier too, so I'm sure they'll pay for it all.

I'm thinking pain meds and massage therapy for a year sound dandy :D

I still can't believe the bitch was laughing. The guy in the back seat was nice though, trying to calm me down with small talk.. talking about my car being plastic and it should bounce back ok with no damage.

Keep us posted, licky?

I'm assuming that you got the full information on the driver and vehicle, including insurance info. It's still not a bad idea to give the local police a call and report it, if you haven't already. They can still take a report on both the property damage and the injuries, even though it's a day later.
jadedpast said:
three words hon

Pain and Suffering

when ya go in to the docs... you tell them every damn thing that has hurt since the moment of the accident... and go thru all the tests.

If ya can't make the idiot pay...make his insurance pay

I don't exactly agree with everything said here.

I do agree that you need to get necessary tests.. but don't make the dr do something just to make the insurance pay for it. This is the exact reason for the high insurance rates we all pay. :)
OH My Goodness!

lickerish said:

We exchanged info and drove off. My sisters back got fucked up (she was in a bad car accident this summer that messed up her back).. my daughters head hit the car door, so now she has a headache.. and my left collar bone, shoulder, arm and my back are burning :(

My heart is racing, and I can't stop shaking from the adrenaline rush..

Fuckers.. :(

Keep Hurting And See The Doctor, Then Get On The Horn Ta The Insurance And Gouge The Motherfuckers!

They Won't Be Laughing When Their Insurance Goes WAY Up.

Hope You All Are Not Hurt Fer Long:rose:

I Woulda Pulled The Bitch Outta Her Window Then Pressed Her Laughing Face Into The Hood Of The Car, Laughing And Pointing At Her Dick Of A Man!
freakygurl said:
I don't exactly agree with everything said here.

I do agree that you need to get necessary tests.. but don't make the dr do something just to make the insurance pay for it. This is the exact reason for the high insurance rates we all pay. :)

not unnecessary tests..just the needed ones. I agree with that. So many people just don't go to the dr and settle for repairs and run into a lot of stuff later on.
You want a new car, dontcha? Trust me. I know a thing or two about those little plastic dealies. Mines pretty sturdy too. But I like mine.
Oh, I know freak.. I'm not all sue CrAzY or nothing.. a couple of doctor check-ups and a check-up for the car and that shall do 'er.

I will JMJ. :)

RNAB.. I'm not so worried about his insurance going up, as mine when the accident is accounted for, and is on my record.. then my insurance goes up :(
If Mr Freaky would have installed that stereo... Your car would have been totaled.

lickerish said:

RNAB.. I'm not so worried about his insurance going up, as mine when the accident is accounted for, and is on my record.. then my insurance goes up :(

It shouldn't go up. The accident wasn't your fault. It could go up if your insurance has to pay anything out. But that shouldn't be the case.
It IS important that you get the necessary medical treatment. My sister and mother didn't, and they're still messed up years after the accidents. Be assertive in getting the care you need.
April said:
You want a new car, dontcha? Trust me. I know a thing or two about those little plastic dealies. Mines pretty sturdy too. But I like mine.

Yeah, I want a new car (actually, an '87 Landcruiser would be very nice).. it effin' figures that this would happen after I pay the stupid thing off. :\