We are prepared to accept surrender in the "culture war"


Literotica Guru
Jun 4, 2021
Quit wasting time on this, RWs. It is not a war worth fighting. You can't win. Economic conservatism remains a strong force, but in social and cultural matters, society inches ever leftward by an irreversible rachet effect. You might win a battle now and then, but such is never more than a rear-guard action covering a disorderly retreat. There will never, ever again be an America in which the majority share your views on feminism, abortion, gun rights, religion, race relations, homosexuality, transgenderism, or anything else of a cultural nature. Never.
And this applies in the deep-red states. They lag behind the rest of the country, but constantly if slowly move in the same direction. Don't go thinking you can have any success by invoking "states' rights" and preserving socially conservative enclaves; they won't last.
Quit wasting time on this, RWs. It is not a war worth fighting. You can't win.

Of course it is, because we don't like commie fuckwits.

We already are winning.

Economic conservatism remains a strong force, but in social and cultural matters, society inches ever leftward by an irreversible rachet effect.

Economic and social are intertwined... culture, you guys are falling apart, your culture was built on garbage.

\ There will never, ever again be an America in which the majority share your views on feminism, abortion, gun rights, religion, race relations, homosexuality, transgenderism, or anything else of a cultural nature. Never.

Feeling that pressed about this November hua?? :D

And this applies in the deep-red states. They lag behind the rest of the country, but constantly if slowly move in the same direction. Don't go thinking you can have any success by invoking "states' rights" and preserving socially conservative enclaves; they won't last.

They're doing better than blue shit holes which are falling apart.

Turns out "Men can have babies and real women have penises!! BELIEVE ALL WAHMENZ OR YOU'RE A NAZI!!!! " isn't actually a solid cultural foundation.

I think western civilization will be here long after the fad of woke nonsense dies off.
Surrender isn't in the American lexicon. What is common in the Democrat Party and in the Biden administration is not a component in the blood of real Americans. So do your projecting somewhere else. Like where panties are the uniform of the day.:rolleyes:
Surrender isn't in the American lexicon. What is common in the Democrat Party and in the Biden administration is not a component in the blood of real Americans. So do your projecting somewhere else. Like where panties are the uniform of the day.:rolleyes:
"Real Americans"? Quite incredibly stupid even for you.
How do you figure??

Wokeness is crashing and burning......because it's absolute trash.

The early civil rights movement was inspired the belief that blacks and whites are intrinsically equal, and that evidence to the contrary is caused by white racism. If intrinsic racial equality is true we would expect black rates of crime and illegitimacy to have declined since 1964, when the civil rights legislation was passed into law, and the War on Poverty was declared. What happened instead were increases in black crime and illegitimacy. Because advocates of racial equality cannot point to evidence for the founding assumptions of the civil rights movement, they have taken to suppressing the ability of those who believe in intrinsic racial inequality to express their opinions. This is unfortunate. Political policies based on assumptions about human beings that are not true fail, and have bad effects.
The early civil rights movement was inspired the belief that blacks and whites are intrinsically equal, and that evidence to the contrary is caused by white racism. If intrinsic racial equality is true we would expect black rates of crime and illegitimacy to have declined since 1964, when the civil rights legislation was passed into law, and the War on Poverty was declared. What happened instead were increases in black crime and illegitimacy. Because advocates of racial equality cannot point to evidence for the founding assumptions of the civil rights movement, they have taken to suppressing the ability of those who believe in intrinsic racial inequality to express their opinions. This is unfortunate. Political policies based on assumptions about human beings that are not true fail, and have bad effects.
Stay out of this, you.
The difference between economic conservatives and social conservatives is that economic conservatives are not always wrong, and social conservatives are not always evil.
"Wokeness" will survive Christianity in this culture.

Nope... wokeness is an irrational fad for people who need religion but have rejected tradition.

pecksniff, you are an example of civil rights advocates attempting to suppress arguments they cannot refute.

Except I can't think of a single civil right he doesn't want restricted if not ended in total.
It seems like the guys who most object to using other people’s preferred pronouns are the same guys who make their kids call them Sir.
The early civil rights movement was inspired the belief that blacks and whites are intrinsically equal, and that evidence to the contrary is caused by white racism. If intrinsic racial equality is true we would expect black rates of crime and illegitimacy to have declined since 1964, when the civil rights legislation was passed into law, and the War on Poverty was declared. What happened instead were increases in black crime and illegitimacy. Because advocates of racial equality cannot point to evidence for the founding assumptions of the civil rights movement, they have taken to suppressing the ability of those who believe in intrinsic racial inequality to express their opinions. This is unfortunate. Political policies based on assumptions about human beings that are not true fail, and have bad effects.
No we would not expect any of that with the systemic destruction of the black community on multiple fronts and with the racism that's still play. Blacks would have to be SUPERIOR to whites to succeed in the enviroment over the last sixty years not equal to.

Anybody who thinks wokeness is crashing and burning is insane. Red States are NOT doing better than blue ones. If you want to get murdered go live in a red state like Kansas. Or remind me how racist you are by bringing up Chicago. Those are all I need.

Yes men can get pregnant and real women can have penises and the fact that we are even discussing it shows exactly how insane your morals on the Right are.
No we would not expect any of that with the systemic destruction of the black community on multiple fronts and with the racism that's still play. Blacks would have to be SUPERIOR to whites to succeed in the enviroment over the last sixty years not equal to.

Thanks for highlighting your being a racial supremacist.

What racism still in play?? You're fucking delusional.

Anybody who thinks wokeness is crashing and burning is insane. Red States are NOT doing better than blue ones.

Then why are woke leftist ratings in the shitter, woke companies profits and stocks continuing to crash and people fleeing blue states for red ones??

If you want to get murdered go live in a red state like Kansas. Or remind me how racist you are by bringing up Chicago. Those are all I need.

Less likely... nothing racist about pointing out how violent poorly governed blue shit holes like Chicago are.

Yes men can get pregnant and real women can have penises

Oh look... full on science and objective biological fact denial for woke ideology.

A true religious zelot on full display..... and wokeies call the right wing cultist LOL.

and the fact that we are even discussing it shows exactly how insane your morals on the Right are.

Recognizing objective reality and scientific facts isn't a lack of or insane morals.

Quite the opposite.
America lost the culture war when they stopped us from smoking Marlboros but they let people vape strawberry cheesecake.
I love how upset scientific facts get you and the other science deniers in the Woke Cult when reality is pointed out to you.

The total delusion and rejection of reality as a mater of political ideals is ya'llz undoing.

Please scream about how men can have periods and teachers aren't grooming kids at the 3rd grade striptease show and have an absolute right to transition small kids some more.... it's doing absolute wonders for the GOP's voter turnout. :D
Race is an issue where the more one ignores science the more enlightened one is said to be. When one is accused of racism truth is no defense. It is evidence for the prosecution.