We’re a banana republic.


Loves Spam
Apr 22, 2024
BYRON YORK: Trump verdict a triumph for election denial.

And election interference. If any other country were pursuing trumped up and obscure criminal charges against the leading opposition figure less than 6 months before an election, we’d be mocking them as a banana republic. Guess what? We’re a banana republic.
Wrong analogy.
Banana republics do not hold the privileged accountable at all.
Try again.
Quoted for emphasis, and for the unassailable veracity of the comment.

(And also because it burned BB’s ass).





If you're a Trump supporter, you should be praying that they put Trump in jail/prison. Because then either one of two things happen:

A) Trump is incarcerated and Americans protest, but nothing much happens. Maybe you get another Jan 6 incident of guided tours around the capital, but for the most part American colours are shown. The government realizes it can do absolutely anything it wants, and Americans won't do a thing about it except whine a bit.

B) Americans actually get a fire lit under their ass and they finally decide to actually do something about their broken country.

Personally, I suspect it'll be A. That it has gotten this far is beyond belief, but hey, all empires die sooner or later and perhaps it's America's time.
Wrong analogy.
Banana republics do not hold the privileged accountable at all.
Try again.

So... just looking at your posts in general.... and your sig line.... you can't make a statement without holding a gun to someone's head. It really makes me want to respect what you say, ya' know, but just to let you know, I shoot before I could let a pussy like you hold a gun to my head... Just saying...
Wrong analogy.
Banana republics do not hold the privileged accountable at all.
Try again.
Correct. Had Trump been acquitted, the U.S. truely would be a banana republic.

Which is probably what Snailspensurat, or whatever he calls himself these days, wants this country to be. (how can he not?)
So... just looking at your posts in general.... and your sig line.... you can't make a statement without holding a gun to someone's head. It really makes me want to respect what you say, ya' know, but just to let you know, I shoot before I could let a pussy like you hold a gun to my head... Just saying...
Have a seat, old man. You might break your hip.
If you're a Trump supporter, you should be praying that they put Trump in jail/prison. Because then either one of two things happen:

A) Trump is incarcerated and Americans protest, but nothing much happens. Maybe you get another Jan 6 incident of guided tours around the capital, but for the most part American colours are shown. The government realizes it can do absolutely anything it wants, and Americans won't do a thing about it except whine a bit.

B) Americans actually get a fire lit under their ass and they finally decide to actually do something about their broken country.

Personally, I suspect it'll be A. That it has gotten this far is beyond belief, but hey, all empires die sooner or later and perhaps it's America's time.
butbutbut...don't you want a government where Trump basically gets to do anything he wants, with no consequences or checks and balances? (Because most Americans certainly dont.) I mean, let's be honest here. You clearly don't care if civil rights get trampled into the dust, as long as it's Trump and his minions who are wearing the boots.

Americans "got a fire under their ass and decided to do something about their broken country" 4 years ago, when they voted overwhelmingly to throw Trump out of office. The fact that he isn't in prison after Jan 6, however, is still a symptom of a broken country, but the guilty verdict gives me hope that the forces who still respect the Constitution and American Values may yet triumph once again.
Have a seat, old man. You might break your hip.
Hahahahahahaha, boy, you are on the kinda stupid side aren't ya'... let me give a little advice...

"Never pick a fight with an old man."

Why? Well I'm not sure about the rules on the forum, so just don't fuck around and find out...
butbutbut...don't you want a government where Trump basically gets to do anything he wants, with no consequences or checks and balances? (Because most Americans certainly dont.) I mean, let's be honest here. You clearly don't care if civil rights get trampled into the dust, as long as it's Trump and his minions who are wearing the boots.

If Trump did "what ever he wanted" then Hillary would be in prison. As for civil rights? He was on the side of rule of law. Rule of law goes both ways when it is dealt with fairly. As for "his minions" wearing boots to stamp people into the dust, sigh, you are just on the kinda stupid side aren't ya'.
Americans "got a fire under their ass and decided to do something about their broken country" 4 years ago, when they voted overwhelmingly to throw Trump out of office. The fact that he isn't in prison after Jan 6, however, is still a symptom of a broken country, but the guilty verdict gives me hope that the forces who still respect the Constitution and American Values may yet triumph once again.

Actually, Dominion and the Democrap party got a fire under their asses and decided to cheat their way back into power. And you reference J6. Sigh, if we had wanted to hold an insurrection we would have shown up with rifles, not cell phones... I feel sorry for the people who went to DC that day. Anyone should have known that was a political trap and stayed away from DC. But it is what it is now...
IT was the Republicans, not the Democrats, who cheated their way into power in 2016, by collaborating with an enemy of the U.S. (Russia.) You do indeed have a short memory, Hisarpy screen name #31023. Notice that no investigation was ever conducted of the suspicious outcome of that election.

In 2020, claims of a "Rigged" election were routinely debunked- in four swing states. However, there is AMPLE and CONCRETE evidence of tampering in several states that Trump won- that were not investigated. For instance, Russian satellite interference in Texas and electronic hacking in Florida resulted in tens of thousands of votes in those states being switched from Biden to Trump. In Utah, where Biden was actually outpolling Trump, there is documented evidence of Russian electronic hacking that resulted in perhaps as many as 100,000 votes being flipped from Biden to Trump. Why was none of this investigated? Because it was not necessary; even with all the Russian attempts to sway the election in Trump's favor, Biden still prevailed.

Why would Russia do this? Simple; because Putin knows that Trump would give him carte blanche in Ukraine, or perhaps even support the Russian military operation. And because Putin knows that Trump will basically do his bidding. Basically, all those claims that the "Democrats" cheated in 2020 were not only false, but in fact the opposite is true- Trump and Putin conspired to overturn the democratic process, and had this been properly detected, Biden's margin of victory in 2020 would, officially, have been even greater.
Hahahahahahaha, boy, you are on the kinda stupid side aren't ya'... let me give a little advice...

"Never pick a fight with an old man."

Why? Well I'm not sure about the rules on the forum, so just don't fuck around and find out...
I ain't your wife, threatening violence on me won't scare me.

Your geriatric ass ain't scaring nobody. lol
So... just looking at your posts in general.... and your sig line.... you can't make a statement without holding a gun to someone's head. It really makes me want to respect what you say, ya' know, but just to let you know, I shoot before I could let a pussy like you hold a gun to my head... Just saying...
Sir. I was not rude to you despite all your asinine posts. But, if you would prefer, I certainly can be.
If you're a Trump supporter, you should be praying that they put Trump in jail/prison. Because then either one of two things happen:

A) Trump is incarcerated and Americans protest, but nothing much happens. Maybe you get another Jan 6 incident of guided tours around the capital, but for the most part American colours are shown. The government realizes it can do absolutely anything it wants, and Americans won't do a thing about it except whine a bit.

B) Americans actually get a fire lit under their ass and they finally decide to actually do something about their broken country.

Personally, I suspect it'll be A. That it has gotten this far is beyond belief, but hey, all empires die sooner or later and perhaps it's America's time.
Don't say "Americans" when you really mean "MAGAts".
The status of the US as a republic, banana or otherwise will be decided when the Crow-funded SCOTUS decides on the case.

Did Diaper-man choose wisely? Has Crow paid them enough to sell out the Constitution? Will they care enough about their place in the history books?
IT was the Republicans, not the Democrats, who cheated their way into power in 2016, by collaborating with an enemy of the U.S. (Russia.) You do indeed have a short memory, Hisarpy screen name #31023. Notice that no investigation was ever conducted of the suspicious outcome of that election.

In 2020, claims of a "Rigged" election were routinely debunked- in four swing states. However, there is AMPLE and CONCRETE evidence of tampering in several states that Trump won- that were not investigated. For instance, Russian satellite interference in Texas and electronic hacking in Florida resulted in tens of thousands of votes in those states being switched from Biden to Trump. In Utah, where Biden was actually outpolling Trump, there is documented evidence of Russian electronic hacking that resulted in perhaps as many as 100,000 votes being flipped from Biden to Trump. Why was none of this investigated? Because it was not necessary; even with all the Russian attempts to sway the election in Trump's favor, Biden still prevailed.

Why would Russia do this? Simple; because Putin knows that Trump would give him carte blanche in Ukraine, or perhaps even support the Russian military operation. And because Putin knows that Trump will basically do his bidding. Basically, all those claims that the "Democrats" cheated in 2020 were not only false, but in fact the opposite is true- Trump and Putin conspired to overturn the democratic process, and had this been properly detected, Biden's margin of victory in 2020 would, officially, have been even greater.
If Putin and Trump are "friends" and he (Trump) finally figures out he's headed to prison, then decides to seek Putin's assistance in returning to the White house. This situation would be fabulous optics for Russia. The unbelievable advantage Putin would gain over his nemesis o'l two scoops is staggering.... always keep in mind Trump knows all about Washington's secrets.... stop and think for a moment about a nation without electricity for three-four days (hint) the Floyd riots with first world weapons...... this thought just turns my stomach......f.m.t.t....
Not yet, but it will be if trump somehow gets back into the White House
Not yet, but it will be if trump somehow gets back into the White House
What are you going to do? Burn the country down, rape, pillage and plunder? Start a civil war? Inquiring minds want to know...... I want no part of this shit storm f.m.t.t....