Water Logged


Rear Window
Sep 24, 2000
It's that time of year again where we get rain for days and days on end. Now, it's going on 4 days straight of pretty steady rain with periods of blinding downpours in-between. I've got cabin fever, so what do I do? I decide to venture out to the store for a few minutes to get a paper & some coffee and such. Five minutes after leaving I find myself on the interstate with my wipers on high with rain pummeling my car from every angle, drivers virtually coming to a complete stop from 75 mph 2 mins. before and wondering why the hell I needed that paper so badly to begin with?

So, I decide to pull off & turn around. Problem is that the exit I choose is completely flooded with several cars stalled in the turn lane because water has risen so high in the middle of the intersection, they've stalled. whoo hoo!

A 10 min. trip to the store took 55 mins. I think we've gotten at least 15" of our yearly 55 in three days. I need a trip to the tan bed with one of those drinks with the li'l umbrellas in 'em. ;-)
Come down South, missy.

I'm obviously missing the torrents around your place...
Hey you! How far South are you? I thought the majority of rain we were getting was from the gulf storms. I would think you'd be sopping wet.
TN_Vixen said:
I need a trip to the tan bed with one of those drinks with the li'l umbrellas in 'em. ;-)
It's gorgeous down here. Sunny, not too hot (for a Southerner). And I even have Coco Lopez and fresh pineapple juice ready for a batch of pina coladas. Complete with little umbrellas.
Re: Re: Water Logged

Mischka said:
It's gorgeous down here. Sunny, not too hot (for a Southerner). And I even have Coco Lopez and fresh pineapple juice ready for a batch of pina coladas. Complete with little umbrellas.

So it's official. You *are* perfect and live a charmed life. :p
Re: Re: Re: Water Logged

TN_Vixen said:
So it's official. You *are* perfect and live a charmed life. :p
Actually, I'm really far from perfect, with my last post being a prime example. I was trying to flirt (no, really!) by tempting you with my sun and tropical drinks.