Water Births


Super Jewess
Mar 12, 2002
Ok, so I turn on the TV and I see a woman on all fours, in what looks to me like a rubber kiddy pool, set up in her bedroom.

She's obviously pregnant, wearing only a bra and her husband (I'm guessing) is in the pool with her in some swim trunks. Outside the pool is a midwife, Grandma holding the cam, I'm pretty sure I heard a dog bark and oh yeah, lol her kids, a boy and a girl between 5 and 7 on the bed, watching the whole schpeil.

So then she flips over and starts to give birth, but the midwife tells her she has to get out of the pool now and change positions. So now she's on the floor, but her thighs are closing, so hubby (who is behind her) leans over and prys her legs open, pushing her knees to the floor and out pops junior.

It was unbelievably disturbing to me. Just the whole deal seemed weird as fuck. Not the water thing, but when combined with all the other elements...

So has anyone here done the water birth thing? I'm just curious. Does it have to be done at home? Did you put your dog outside first?
well damn, that was disturbing just to read about. i've heard of water births and as long as the baby is safe and the mom is ok with it i think it's cool but i'm not sure the other kiddies need to see that. if you want to teach them about birthing let them watch the cats do it like i did when i was a kid.

oh hell, i changed my mind while i was typing. it's her kid, let her do what she wants...just don't make me watch it on tv.:D
that's the lamas method, right?
I haven't done it, but I would like to try it once.

And, yes, I would put my dog outside. Ewwwww........
They discussed the water births in my natural birth class...but they did it at the hospital in this big warm tub that was sanitary. I couldn't do it though. The video they showed had the woman giving birth with the baby being born underwater....but the yuckies that came out with the baby were floating in the water with her...nope, I couldn't do it.
I remember a video about the LeBoyer (sp?) method from one of my undergrad classes (no clue which one, now). It would be interesting to hear from someone who has actually experienced it.

Personally, it wouldn't be for me. The water is warmed so the baby is born into an environment close to that of the womb. No way am i going to be sitting in warm water to give birth.
I haven't done a water birth but I would love to. not at home and certainly not with an audience. :rolleyes: I don't think those people are completely right in the head. I was unable to do it with my first two and more than likely won't be able to with this one either since my blood pressure is already high and the hospital I have to go to doesn't have a tub.
That is extremely disturbing.

What the hell is grandma doing holding the camera??!!!
Sorry I needed the drugs to have my babies boy was I mad when they did not work on the last one. (epidural)
SaucyWench said:
They discussed the water births in my natural birth class...but they did it at the hospital in this big warm tub that was sanitary. I couldn't do it though. The video they showed had the woman giving birth with the baby being born underwater....but the yuckies that came out with the baby were floating in the water with her...nope, I couldn't do it.

Yep. I'm with her on this one.
Pseudomoniker said:
That is extremely disturbing.

What the hell is grandma doing holding the camera??!!!

What is disturbing about the grandmother being there for the delivery?

Most hospitals allow two family members to be with a woman when she's delivering. To me the obvious choices are my husband and mother.
Sounds Nifty!

I'm Gonna Try With No Drugs This Time, LOL, And That Water Thing Has Always Appealed Ta Me....I Don't Know:D

My Mother AND The Man Were There In The Delivery Room!
watch TLC some time they have all kinds of people in the room now its gross friends kids family cousins brothers. you name it. No way I wanted just the staff and my husband.
Sounds kinda cool to me.

I wouldn't care about the dog in the house. She'd probably sooth me.

When I had the twins naturally, I started to have the first one in the hallway at the hospital, and I didn't care who was looking. The pain and the process had my complete attention.
My mom and hubby was there for the first, just hubby for the second cause mom had to watch my daughter, and it will probably be the same again. I don't think kids should be in there. Especially ones that are too young to be seeing that stuff.
I saw that too sunstruck, and all I could think was ewwwwwwwww.....I mean really, she got outta the tub before the gross stuff would have been floating in the pool but ughhhhhh....Hubby there swimming around in placenta charming, while the kiddes watched in horror.....I had to turn the channel before the end lol.......:p

9 months in fluid.
to be BORN into fluid.
seems natuarlly to me..
less trauma verdad?
If I get the chance to do a water birth there is no way my husband is getting in tehre with me, and I will have a shower as soon as possible afterwards.

I think I have seen the same show you are talking about. it all sounds familiar.
My daughters father and his girlfriend had their son at home. Not a water birth.. but Kimbers brother who was 4 at the time was allowed to be in the room. They didn't push him to watch.. but he was on the bed while mom gave birth to little brother.

I don't see a problem with it myself.
Why are people so squemish about a natural thing like child birth?

There is nothing "icky" or "gross" about it.
I would think a water birth would be a hell of a lot cleaner than a laying on the table type of birth. More comfortable to. Water births are relaxing... for mom and baby.
I guess I am in the minority here. I don't think I would ever really do it, but I see nothing wrong with it at all. The after-birth floating around would bother me a little bit but I still think giving birth is a beautiful thing. I think we treat it too much like a medical problem.
I don't see any problem with it either. If you wanted to do natural birth it seems like the best way to go: the water would be warm and relaxing. I however, would not like to do natural birth...when it starts to really hurt, I want drugs, dammit!

I also see no problem with other children watching if they wanted to. It would clear up alot of the mystery and taboo that surrounds where babies come from for them. However, I do think it might be disturbing for them to hear their mother scream in pain.
Water births for mom and baby cooooooool.....But please don't swim in my afterbirth.....Or scubadive with my babies placenta........;)
I don't really see a problem with it either, as long as it's done responsibly and not just for the sake of doing it...I read some pages the other night about it and it seems to go hand in hand with extended breastfeeding and such, so I'm not sure about that aspect of it...
[maybe kinda ot]

Women actually go to classes about how to go about a natural birth??

[/sorta-ish on the ot side]