Was flashed the other day


Literotica Guru
Nov 28, 2009
A story ive been menaing to share. A while ago, I was on the train when a conservatively dressed couple got on the train.

She was wearing a blouse with long sleeves, high neckline and a skirt that was just below her knees. He doesn't matter :).

She kept on looking at me and every time our eyes met, and her partner was not looking, she'd lock eyes and very bluntly open her legs. There were times when she was talking to him, but every few secondsb looking at me and opening her legs!

She pulled her skirt up to just over her knees and alhtough I couldn't see all the way to her oussy/panties, it was an incredible turn on. I parlayed her game and shamelessly stared at her breasts and did not hide that i was changing my position and gaze to see as high up her skirt as I could.

That night I fantasised about fucking her when masturbated.

I've had women coming (and cumming) onto me, I've had some breast, or thigh flashed at me, but the flashes always left a question mark as if it was intentional or not. This was clearly a kick for her. I'm also certain he was not aware of what was going on as he really wasn't "connected" to it. The train ride was half an hour and of that she was playing her game the entire way. And for curious minds, she was attractive and very fuckable. I was hard when I got off the train.

It was hot!
