war on drugs - we lost


Literotica Guru
Feb 17, 2003
war on drugs why is it so easy to get drugs in a maximum federal prison?

more proof that obama is a failure
crap, I thought you were not paying any attention to me.


but hey, its a sad like you lead
The Wall Street Journal now includes color photos.

More proof that Obama is a failure.
Orange is the new black.

More proof that Obama is a failure.
The new prince is named George.

More proof that Obama is a failure.
Jeninflorida has the grasp on spelling and punctuation of seventh grader.

More proof Obama is a failure.
war on drugs why is it so easy to get drugs in a maximum federal prison?

more proof that obama is a failure

You got the wrong potus.
I'd go back to Nixon and Nelson Rockefeller.

I guess you could say he started instigating it. But RR was the one who poured the big bux on and mandatory minimum sentences and REALLY shaped the war on drugs we know today.
I guess you could say he started instigating it. But RR was the one who poured the big bux on and mandatory minimum sentences and REALLY shaped the war on drugs we know today.

Who would have ever guessed that the federal courts would become preoccupied with drug crimes?
just say no!...lmao

LOL....DARE....I won't bash dare, my interest in drugs would have never happened if that cop hadn't showed up and told me all about the magical times possible on mind expanding substances.

He did warn about the really nasty shit though....meth, heroine....not even once. ;)