War crimes & war lies


Urban Jungle Dweller
Aug 26, 2001
The mass murder of Iraqi civilians by our glorious Luftwaffe continues. Fifteen civilians were slaughtered by an air attack on an impoverished Baghdad residential district, called the Shaab district. After all, it's only appropriate: capitalism destroys the lives of literally billions of poor people worldwide. Why not go ahead and kill them, and put them out of their misery?

It also turns out that the British military's story about an uprising in Basra was exactly what I said it was-- war propaganda. A Reuters wire story today reports: "Arab television journalists in the southern city on Wednesday said there was no sign of an uprising." The shameless lie by British military officers was uncritically repeated by the corporate media, which is openly functioning as a conduit for war propaganda, and has abandoned any pretense at objectivity or journalistic integrity. Down with the lying corporate media! Read the foreign press and alternative media to get the real story!

Bodies in Baghdad
You should write Hussein a letter and tell him to bring his army out into the desert to fight, in the name of sparing civilians.
Red, when the enemy uses its own people as shields in active combat, what is to be done? Don't dare say to call in a negotiating team.

And while you accuse the UK of using propaganda to make a claim (they have live-TV embedded journalists), you say that Reuters quotes Arab Television journalists (secondary reports) to refute the claims. Propaganda from both sides makes the waters muddy. Don't claim to see a clear picture.
Down with the lying corporate media! Read the foreign press and alternative media to get the real story!

link is from "http://www.nytimes.com/reuters/international/international-iraq.html"


Much like the "embeded journalist" we see in the front lines, few know about our embedded CEO's that are flying along on bomber missions. While the crew is bombing Baghdad, the CEO's of America's greatest corporations are riding along and surveying the land they are going to take. Life's tough when you rich and white.
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Well, I guess if we want the truth, we will e mail Sadaam.


So what, redwave?

These are just further examples of why I am not a proponent for 24/7 war coverage.

They need to sort out what happened before telling me.

BTW, have you pulled any wings off flies, lately?
The mass murder of Iraqi civilians by our glorious Luftwaffe continues. Fifteen civilians were slaughtered by an air attack on an impoverished Baghdad residential district, called the Shaab district. After all, it's only appropriate: capitalism destroys the lives of literally billions of poor people worldwide. Why not go ahead and kill them, and put them out of their misery?

It also turns out that the British military's story about an uprising in Basra was exactly what I said it was-- war propaganda. A Reuters wire story today reports: "Arab television journalists in the southern city on Wednesday said there was no sign of an uprising." The shameless lie by British military officers was uncritically repeated by the corporate media, which is openly functioning as a conduit for war propaganda, and has abandoned any pretense at objectivity or journalistic integrity. Down with the lying corporate media! Read the foreign press and alternative media to get the real story!

Bodies in Baghdad
correct for once, this was a bunch of lies.

Good job on exposing the article as the farce it is.
Blaming the victims

Bob_Bytchin said:
Red, when the enemy uses its own people as shields in active combat, what is to be done? Don't dare say to call in a negotiating team.

And while you accuse the UK of using propaganda to make a claim (they have live-TV embedded journalists), you say that Reuters quotes Arab Television journalists (secondary reports) to refute the claims. Propaganda from both sides makes the waters muddy. Don't claim to see a clear picture.

In order to victimize others, it is also necessary to demonize them, and blame them for what you are doing to them. How dare those Iraqis defend their homeland against our brutal and unprovoked aggression?

I definitely take Arab journalists as being more objective than British military officers. The latter clearly have a vested interest in promoting the story of the Basra uprising, in order to try to justify their horrendous war crime and crime against humanity (for which they should be prosecuted in the International Criminal Court) of shelling a city with artillery.

Since Bush has exempted himself from the jurisdiction of the ICC, he will have to be tried by the International People's Tribunal.
Re: Blaming the victims

In order to victimize others, it is also necessary to demonize them, and blame them for what you are doing to them. How dare those Iraqis defend their homeland against our brutal and unprovoked aggression? Wait a minute. So you're saying that taking Iraqi civilians and forcing them to stand in front of armored columns is an ok thing to do? Forcing groups of civilians to march in front of infantry is ok? Please say this isn't so. I know you don't mean to say that the regime of Saddam should stoop this low because it's needed.

I definitely take Arab journalists as being more objective than British military officers. The latter clearly have a vested interest in promoting the story of the Basra uprising, in order to try to justify their horrendous war crime and crime against humanity (for which they should be prosecuted in the International Criminal Court) of shelling a city with artillery. Read what I said. The waters of truth are muddied. No clear picture can be discerned. For either of us to say we know the truth is a jump to conclusion.

Since Bush has exempted himself from the jurisdiction of the ICC, he will have to be tried by the International People's Tribunal. As someone that doesn't support Bush, I agree that this does smell. Our not signing on to the ICC really disturbed me. ALL nations should be held accountable and be liable to war crimes tribunals.
Re: Blaming the victims

In order to victimize others, it is also necessary to demonize them, and blame them for what you are doing to them.

This coming from someone who is on the eternal search for victims so you can cry out against the government, the military, or whoever else you've created as an "opressor".

Well, at least we agree on one thing. As for your allegation that the Iraqi military is using civilians as human shields, can you cite one credible source that documents that? I haven't seen any. Also, it's true there's propaganda by both sides, but I think it's clear now that the story of the Basra uprising was war propaganda invented by the British military.
REDWAVE,Being a commie

Should understand the death and destruction of innocents

Communists have killed their own for years to achieve their goals

Saddam is no different, He will sacrifice his own people to achieve his goal

REDWAVE, Supporter of mass murderers

A class act :D
Re: BB

Well, at least we agree on one thing. As for your allegation that the Iraqi military is using civilians as human shields, can you cite one credible source that documents that? I haven't seen any. Point to a credible source that says otherwise :) But I can honestly tell you, I WILL be getting the word straight from some friends once they have some time to communicate with us at home. I have numerous people I know personally over there right now, and I know they aren't the types to kill indiscriminately.

Also, it's true there's propaganda by both sides, but I think it's clear now that the story of the Basra uprising was war propaganda invented by the British military. Possibly so...but look at it this way, announcing an uprising could have the effect of actually causing one.

BTW, I've been watching video of people rushing to get food packs at the ports and in the towns/cities. While the cities/towns seems to be a good mix of men, women, and children, those supplies are very limited. The ports seem to be all men, and there seem to be larger supplies. I hope that EVERYONE who needs the food and medicine gets it, and not just the men.

You see, that's the difference between the US and the Iraqi armies. The US tries its hardest to discriminate between targets, and tries to minimize collateral damage and innocent civilian deaths. The Iraqi's don't discriminate. Just don't try to paint the opposite picture.
The mass murder of Iraqi civilians by our glorious Luftwaffe continues. Fifteen civilians were slaughtered by an air attack on an impoverished Baghdad residential district, called the Shaab district. After all, it's only appropriate: capitalism destroys the lives of literally billions of poor people worldwide. Why not go ahead and kill them, and put them out of their misery?

It also turns out that the British military's story about an uprising in Basra was exactly what I said it was-- war propaganda. A Reuters wire story today reports: "Arab television journalists in the southern city on Wednesday said there was no sign of an uprising." The shameless lie by British military officers was uncritically repeated by the corporate media, which is openly functioning as a conduit for war propaganda, and has abandoned any pretense at objectivity or journalistic integrity. Down with the lying corporate media! Read the foreign press and alternative media to get the real story!

It would be interesting to hear what you would say if we actually let the military fight they way they are trained to instead of limiting them by political considerations regarding civilian casualties.
Re: Re: Blaming the victims

Emerald_eyed said:
Are you blaming the US for Iraqia FORCING women and children to be humna sheilds??

But of course :D
Re: Re: Blaming the victims

Gunner Dailey said:
This coming from someone who is on the eternal search for victims so you can cry out against the government, the military, or whoever else you've created as an "opressor".

IF he can't blame the governement or someone else, then his existance and current situation is all of his own making.

And shit, who wants that kind of responsibility?

It is easier to shout oppression or even racism than it is to accept that you fucked up somewhere a long the line.
Maybe the 'shields' have decided to run them bad guys outta town. Check it out.
Iraq column heading out of Basra.

Here ya go
Gunner Dailey said:
You should write Hussein a letter and tell him to bring his army out into the desert to fight, in the name of sparing civilians.

I think they just tried that.

Didn't get very far...

President's speach right on today. There WILL be a day of Justice!
Let's hear from them!

I would love to hear from some Iraqui citizens regarding this war.

oooops sorry, Sadam does not allow his people to voice thier opinions. and certianly would never allow them access to the internet.

But then that could be a little harsh..he will allow them to say one thing, but they had best make it brief and to the point, as the bullet is already enroute to thier head
A group of Christian human shields who went in with a Japanese Human Shield Group came out with video tape of Iraqis wanting to commit suicide if the Americans did not come. [As heard on Hannity]

Completely reversed their stance on the war!

The mass murder of Iraqi civilians by our glorious Luftwaffe continues. Fifteen civilians were slaughtered by an air attack on an impoverished Baghdad residential district, called the Shaab district. After all, it's only appropriate: capitalism destroys the lives of literally billions of poor people worldwide. Why not go ahead and kill them, and put them out of their misery?

It also turns out that the British military's story about an uprising in Basra was exactly what I said it was-- war propaganda. A Reuters wire story today reports: "Arab television journalists in the southern city on Wednesday said there was no sign of an uprising." The shameless lie by British military officers was uncritically repeated by the corporate media, which is openly functioning as a conduit for war propaganda, and has abandoned any pretense at objectivity or journalistic integrity. Down with the lying corporate media! Read the foreign press and alternative media to get the real story!

Bodies in Baghdad


Thanks for the good laugh RED.....

Now 15 casualties is Mass murder!!

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah *breath*

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah *breathing in a bag to keep from hyperventilating*

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha *breath*


*sides hurting like hell*


STOP IT!!! You're KILLING me!

]ooooo(chained) said:
A group of Christian human shields who went in with a Japanese Human Shield Group came out with video tape of Iraqis wanting to commit suicide if the Americans did not come. [As heard on Hannity]

Completely reversed their stance on the war!


REDWAVE's not gonna believe this!