Wake up people!


Oct 9, 2001
I want your full attention. We have several minor emergencies. Nothing to get excited about, mind you. (Although, if you are already excited, please report to the front of the class immediately.)

These are the issues as I see them:

Never is having problems with her first vibrator. It's a hard deal to work out. The stimulation can be too much at times, resulting in an orgasm of a 3.4, instead of a 9 or 10.

Emm and Nora are drinking themselves into a flurry of sapphoric love. The only issue I have with this is that I wasn't invited.

Also of note is the fact that I haven't seen nearly enough male chest avs around here lately. What's up with that?

Always curiously,

i'm sorry to hear of everones dillemas and i dont think you want to see my chest.
Elemosino mille perdoni, FruttaVermiglia

I think never needs practice, and you need to become the sapphoric scheduling secretary.

I think I need to go to bed.

Unfortunately, that means alone. Sweet dreams.
i'm not sure what's going on with the chest AVs...i'm also not sure why our invitations to the "sapphoric love"-fest seem to have been lost.
Rubyfruit said:

Never is having problems with her first vibrator. It's a hard deal to work out. The stimulation can be too much at times,
Ahh I know the feeling... the first session with my Blue Dolphin left me numb for a couple of days.... got to take it easy and slow..... ;)
You've got my attention.

I think you should be in charge of all Literotica memos, from here on out.
I know I'm fuckin' hot but it's my chest, I own it. Nobody can use my pic to get off unless I give them permission first. So far, I'd only let laurel and amelia take a look. Everyone else needs to go visit Miss Manners, after that find a way not be so damn ugly. Since I'm in charge, those be the rules.
Never needs new batteries...My chest is to scrawny to post...Emm and Nora never invite me either.
Rubyfruit said:
Emm and Nora are drinking themselves into a flurry of sapphoric love. The only issue I have with this is that I wasn't invited.

Mine's a sugar and advil high, but I'm still luvvin' on Miz Eumenides with allll muh heart =)
Morgy and Summery are hereby appointed my teacher pets for the semester.

Lukky, thank you very much for complying with the new Male Chest Av requirement. We here at the School for Wayward Girls thank you from the bottom of our objectifying hearts.

ub, thank you for coming forward as an excitable student. Don't forget, this Friday is Show and Tell. Please be prepared with a slide show and hands-on demonstration.

Meltzer, you could learn a lot from ub's enthusiasm.

Amelia, you're the new social secretary. We don't want to lose anymore invitations of this nature. I know you are the girl for the job.

T.H. is on vibrator-over-stimulation research. Do we have any volunteers for her project?
Rubyfruit said:
I want your full attention. We have several minor emergencies. Nothing to get excited about, mind you. (Although, if you are already excited, please report to the front of the class immediately.)

These are the issues as I see them:

Never is having problems with her first vibrator. It's a hard deal to work out. The stimulation can be too much at times, resulting in an orgasm of a 3.4, instead of a 9 or 10.

Emm and Nora are drinking themselves into a flurry of sapphoric love. The only issue I have with this is that I wasn't invited.

Also of note is the fact that I haven't seen nearly enough male chest avs around here lately. What's up with that?

Always curiously,


I always invite you.

You never accept.

Worm said:
Never needs new batteries...My chest is to scrawny to post...Emm and Nora never invite me either.

c'mon, kiddo. You can hold our coats.
I just want to watch.

i'll be over here in the corner...don't mind me.
70/30 said:
I know I'm fuckin' hot but it's my chest, I own it. Nobody can use my pic to get off unless I give them permission first. So far, I'd only let laurel and amelia take a look. Everyone else needs to go visit Miss Manners, after that find a way not be so damn ugly. Since I'm in charge, those be the rules.

well then... i might need to stay after class so you can help me make the slideshow an the hands on experince...

an what can i do to you for extra credit?
*muah* Good night, Lukky.



Hi Rhys. Didn't see you there at first. How are you sweetie?