Visual women

Grey Shadow

Really Experienced
Apr 27, 2002
A thing that I have noticed changing over the years is that women today are much more likely to enjoy visual stimulation and to admit that they do so. I'm talking about enjoying and getting aroused from nude pictures including those of men, and watching porn. Women rarely admitted this in the past. Playgirl magazine flopped. The excuse was, oh women are sexual but they aren't as visual. I call bullshit. There are differences because the female arousal cycle tends to be longer but its pretty similar. I get that women don't care for unsolicited pictures of disembodied genitals. I don't either. People are a package, and so is their nudity and sexuality. On the whole women have been given permission to be visual and more and more of them are owning that. Its wonderful.
I’m assuming this is a well intentioned opinion meant to increase engagement, but the giggles…”female arousal cycle” “given permission” “owning that”. Men don’t understand women at all. It’s hilarious if you think women don’t get instantly turned on by men, nude or not. How long is this arousal cycle? I’ve never heard of it. Would I take the Neiman Marcus or Ikea catalog over a Playgirl? Every day of the week, but if a guy I found attractive wanted to send me a picture, thoughts of shopping would go out the window.

The difference you’re missing is for most men pretty much any nudity will do. The woman attached to it doesn’t matter beyond is she pretty? Most women do care about the man attached to the nudity, which is why strangers sending random pictures or flipping through a Playgirl isn’t what most women want. It’s not rocket science. If you think women don’t enjoy visual stimulation, you’re mistaken. We don’t need to discuss it or think about it 24 hours a day, we don’t need it from every guy who walks by on the street and if we don’t ask you for a cock picture…well you can chalk it up to the arousal cycle or maybe we’re not stimulated by you.

I did have a good laugh reading this. Is this what men really think? Interesting.
When I say "given permission" I meant by women themselves and each other, not by men. Same with the phrase "owning that." As for the cycle of arousal its generally a thing that women are aroused more slowly but stay aroused longer. An "arousal cycle" is what that's called medically for both men and women. I think that "most men" you are talking about are pretty young. Also I've never believed that women don't enjoy visual stimulation, but they used to deny that they liked visual stimulation in the past. That has changed. Its a cultural shift I've seen over the last forty years. Still doesn't mean unsolicited cock pics are enjoyable. If men thought it through they would probably not like unsolicited pussy pics either.
I’m assuming this is a well intentioned opinion meant to increase engagement, but the giggles…”female arousal cycle” “given permission” “owning that”. Men don’t understand women at all. It’s hilarious if you think women don’t get instantly turned on by men, nude or not. How long is this arousal cycle? I’ve never heard of it. Would I take the Neiman Marcus or Ikea catalog over a Playgirl? Every day of the week, but if a guy I found attractive wanted to send me a picture, thoughts of shopping would go out the window.

The difference you’re missing is for most men pretty much any nudity will do. The woman attached to it doesn’t matter beyond is she pretty? Most women do care about the man attached to the nudity, which is why strangers sending random pictures or flipping through a Playgirl isn’t what most women want. It’s not rocket science. If you think women don’t enjoy visual stimulation, you’re mistaken. We don’t need to discuss it or think about it 24 hours a day, we don’t need it from every guy who walks by on the street and if we don’t ask you for a cock picture…well you can chalk it up to the arousal cycle or maybe we’re not stimulated by you.

I did have a good laugh reading this. Is this what men really think? Interesting.
Couldn't agree more (y)
Differences between men and women are obvious. Playboy, and the like, published for men by men. Cosmopolitan, etc., by women for women. Men are bent to the visual as the first attention-getter. Women, emotional. One play in the ongoing need for conflict in the human condition is whose needs and wants are most important. Men continually put their logic based on their desires without looking at the framework of how people's feelings are founded on the purpose of sex, and procreation. The fact that a woman can get pregnant and a man can't mold the temperaments. "I am not getting what I want and it's your fault.", ugh men.
For me, I tend to be more visual with respect to other women (love pics of sexy, gorgeous women because they inspire so many naughty thoughts) but still pretty visual with males. Although, I tend to like visuals of males with females most of all.

The visuals tend to be what get me going, especially still images, but then my imagination or remembrances take over and the stimulation shifts from visual to mental... but sometimes I get off from watching videos. It depends on my mood.

As for emotional being more important, not for this woman. Unless I'm thinking about Hubby or someone with whom I have/had an existing connection, emotions have nothing to do with me getting/being aroused.
For me, I tend to be more visual with respect to other women (love pics of sexy, gorgeous women because they inspire so many naughty thoughts) but still pretty visual with males. Although, I tend to like visuals of males with females most of all.

The visuals tend to be what get me going, especially still images, but then my imagination or remembrances take over and the stimulation shifts from visual to mental... but sometimes I get off from watching videos. It depends on my mood.

As for emotional being more important, not for this woman. Unless I'm thinking about Hubby or someone with whom I have/had an existing connection, emotions have nothing to do with me getting/being aroused.
@lil_jenni do you think what you are saying is true because women are just more pleasant to look at than men - in general?
If you want to do a science experiment, on what women watch or notice, try this.
If your SO watches porn or even a tv show or magazine, I will use porn as an example.
Do not let them know you are doing this. Watch a couple minutes and then turn it off. Ask them what the woman was wearing or her hair style or shoes... something visual.
Then ask the same about the man in the show...don't watch too long.

For the most part we always look at the women first and notice the outfit and shoes or breasts...etc

Hence the catalog with pretty clothes and shoes vs looking at a playgirl while one waits to see the dentist.
I'm pretty sure some of this "women aren't visual" nonsense derives from men wanting women to be mindful of their physical appearance while having an excuse for ignoring their own.

"Honey, you need to watch your waistline more than I need to watch mine because, well, I'm very visual when it comes to sexual attraction and women are not." Utter BS.
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The difference you’re missing is for most men pretty much any nudity will do. The woman attached to it doesn’t matter beyond is she pretty?

Not necessarily true. I don't get why people say "men don't understand women" and then post something ignorant about men.